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LESSON 69 如何讲述生活趣事:考驾照

Part 2. 句型精讲

1.I was being tested for a driving license for the third time.


难点: 被动语态+进行时的“双簧”:


I am being tested for a driving license.

I was being tested for a driving license


I will be being tested for a driving license.

基本上只会说:I will be tested for a driving licence.


I am being troubled by the test.

I was being troubled by the test.

Two years ago ,a new spacecraft was being designed .

Now, the new spacecraft is being built.


The new spacecraft has been built.

A new spacecraft had been built before last Christmas.

配套学习课程《不一样的新概念 2【练习册】》

1)被动语态+一般时态:am/is/are/was/were/will be + done

2)被动语态+完成时态: has/have/had been done

3)被动语态+进行时态: am/is/are /was/were being done 【最易错】

2.形容词作状语 --- 让句子更美

Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.

注意:was beginning 进行时,强调了________________,【听记 1】

此外:sure 前面省略了 Being,相当于一个分词状语结构的简化。

Sure that I had passed,... = Because I was sure that I had passed,...

Because I was sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.

复习:我们在 49 课句型精讲中说过,

“句子瘦身”有一个重要基本原则:”_________________________”:【听记 2】

所以,形容词作状语,可以看做是省略了 being 的分词状语结构。


Sure that he had won the championship, Liu Xiang cried tears of joy

at the 2004 Summer Olympics.

Unable to continue the competition due to injury, Liu Xiang exited the Beijing Olympics

110-meter hurdles.

Even though he failed to defend his championship(卫冕) , his legend will never fade.

Steve was lying in bed, awake and bored. 【= being awake and bored】

= Steve was lying in bed, and he was awake and bored.

Our car was trapped in the mud, unable to move.

=Our car was trapped in the mud, and it was unable to move.

Linda, young, smart and beautiful , is very popular on campus.

= Linda is young, smart and beautiful ,and she is very popular on campus.

配套学习课程《不一样的新概念 2【练习册】》

All men are created equal.

【相当于说:All men are created by God, and they are equal.】

When knowing her son was missing, the lady stood helpless.

Her husband sat there silent and sad.

3. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you.

As soon as I tap on the window , you must stop within five feet.

表示假设:Let us suppose ....


The expression is used for telling someone to imagine that something is true, so that you can

discuss a possible situation or its results


Let us suppose that you are admitted to both Harvard and Stanford. Which one will you choose?

Let us suppose that you were in a sinking ship. What would you do ?

Suppose flights are fully booked on Friday, which other day could you go?

Suppose you had one billion dollars in your bank account, what would you do for the rest of your





配套学习课程《不一样的新概念 2【练习册】》

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