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Bank Management System Project

The bank management system is an application for maintain a person’s account in a bank. This
project try to cover the basic functionality of this system such as creating or closing an account,
consult or edit the details of an account, deposit and withdraw operations, balance inquiry.


1. Create a bank account

The user can create an account by:
- Providing the name of the account holder. Each account is identify by an account
- Selecting account type (Saving account or Current account)
- Providing an initial amount more than or equal to 200TND for current account and
more than or equal 500TND for saving accounts.
2. Support for deposit and withdraw operations and maintaining a minimum balance.
The user can also deposit and withdraw money just by providing his account and
entering the amount. A pre-determined minimum balance (ex : -1000TND for all the
accounts) should be maintained.
3. Search and display the information account
For certain purpose, the user can also display the account information by entering the
account number.
4. Update an account
The user can modify their account detail and type.
5. Close an account
The user will remove the account from the banking system
6. List all the accounts
The user can also view all the account holder’s list

All transactions are updated automatically in a system files. CSV files will be used in this project
to save user’s data permanently.

Project deliverables:

22/04/2020: All the features (1-6) without system files storing. The Banking system will
maintain the data temporary (Ex : Dictionary, list…).

06/05/2020 : Data and new events are maintained in an CSV system files.

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