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“By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises
offered up his only begotten son.”
Hebrews 11:17
Faith is a basic ingredient of cheerful giving. No amount of giving will ever be acceptable before
God if such is not done in and by faith. God will not bless our giving and offerings if these are
given by resorting to human’s best instead of exercising faith in obedience to God’s mandate.
Such is the case between Abel and Cain (Genesis 4). Abel offered a blood sacrifice in obedience
to God’s design, while Cain offered the best of his labor and harvests. Abraham’s life is replete
with manifestations of God’s blessings because of his faith. Abraham was blessed of God
because of his faith. The Bible says that “And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him
for righteousness” (Gen. 15:6; Gal. 3:6). Apostle Paul referred to him as “faithful Abraham.” Since
the beginning of Abraham’s calling (Gen. 12), he exhibited unwavering faith as evidenced by his
obedience to God even when God tested him to sacrifice Isaac at Mount Moriah. Abraham’s faith
is an active faith, a faith that is constant obedience to God’s mandate.

Abraham, the Biblical Giver:
1. At God’s command, Abraham willingly gave up all that he had (the comfort of his home, his
friends and relatives) and went to a place never known to him, just holding on to God’s promise
of even greater things in the future. He obeyed without question. What he did was a giant step
of faith (Gen. 12; Heb. 11:8)! Do not be surprised if God sometimes asks you to give up secure,
familiar surroundings to carry out His will.
2. Abraham trusted God wholeheartedly and counted on God’s covenant with him—that many
nations will be blessed through his obedience. God wanted to set apart a nation for Himself, a
nation that would be His witness to this world. God began with a man of faith, who, though old
and childless, believed God’s promise of innumerable descendants. We can trust God to do the
impossible when we have faith (Hebrews 6:13,14).
3. Abraham was willing to give up his most prized possession, his son Isaac, when God
commanded him to do so (Gen. 22:1-19; Heb. 11:17-19). God did not let Abraham take Isaac’s
life because God gave the command to test Abraham’s faith—for him to know the extent of his
faith and commitment to God. Instead of taking Abraham’s son, God gave him a whole nation of
descendants through Isaac.
If you are afraid to trust God with your most prized possession, dream or person, pay attention
to Abraham’s example. Because Abraham was willing to give up everything for God, he received
back more than he could have imagined. What we receive however, is not always immediate
(Heb. 11:13-16), or in the form of material possessions. After all, material possessions should be
among the least satisfying of rewards. The best and greatest rewards await us in eternity!

Through the example of Abraham, God has shown us that what He desires from each of us is
dependence, trust and faith in Him—not faith in our ability (and resources) to please Him.
Observe that Abraham’s blessings didn’t end up with him. Through Abraham’s obedience, nations
have been are blessed. When we exercise faith and obey God’s command (even in the area of
cheerful giving), God blesses us and such blessings are intended to bless others as well. After all,
believers are channels of God’s blessings and we should only do so by faith!

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