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LESSON 57 如何描述个性人物:对付势利小人

Part 1. 词汇脱口秀

1. hesitate

为啥 hesitate 表示“犹豫”?
词根:her, hes = stick, 表示“粘着,附着”
再比如:coherent 这个词表示“连贯的”
co 表示共同,her 表示“粘糊”后缀-ent 表示形容词;

hesitate 如何使用?

用法 1:做...很犹豫 hesitate to do sth. / be hesitant about doing sth.

If you hesitate to do something, you delay doing it or are worried about doing it,
usually because you are not sure that it is right.

Bill 收到了一个工作邀约。
He received a job offer.

Bill hesitated to accept the job offer, as the company was far from his home.
He was hesitant about signing the contract.
Bill didn't hesitate for a moment to take the job.

用法 2: never hesitate to do / do sth. without hesitation

Vincent never hesitates to help his friends in need.

=Vincent always helps his friends in need without hesitation.

He never hesitates to make important decisions.

He who hesitates is lost. = It is important to make decisions and do things in a
quick and definite(确切) way.

If you have clear and solid decision-making principles, you will not hesitate to make

用法 4:Please do not hesitate to do ...

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any help.
配套学习课程《不一样的新概念 2【练习册】
2. scorn v./n. 鄙视,蔑视

Scorn is open disrespect for someone or something.

If you scorn something or someone , you look down upon them.

The lady looked at the man with scorn.
= The lady looked at the man scornfully.
The lady scorned the man by giving him a dirty look.

George Bernard Shaw:

“Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.”
Scorn for your rivals sometimes leads to failure.

Guan Yu felt scorn for Lu Xun, which led to the loss of Jing Province.
= Guan Yu was scornful of Lu Xun, which led to the loss of Jing Pronvince.

Scornful adj. 轻视的,蔑视的

be scornful of sb./sth.
Many Americans were scornful of the politicians.
Some people scorned the views of the politicians as old-fashioned.

1) scorn sb./sth.
2) feel / have scorn for sb./ sth.
3)be scornful of sb. / sth.

3. punish v. 惩罚

用法 1: punish sb for sth

Finally, the killer was punished for his crime.

用法 2:be punished by ... 受到....的惩罚

The killer was punished by death.
Careless drivers will be punished by heavy fines.

The killer deserved his punishment.

Capital punishment = death penalty

配套学习课程《不一样的新概念 2【练习册】
punishment < > reward
People are motivated by both punishments and rewards.
If you want people to do their best, you have to use both the carrot and the stick.

什么是 a carrot and stick approach ?

If both the carrot and the stick are used in a proper way, people will be effectively

4. fur
* fur 可以指动物的毛
Fur is the thick and usually soft hair that grows on the bodies of many animals.

Furry adj.
A furry animal is covered with thick, soft hair.
furry kittens
furry puppies
furry friends
Our furry friends are adorable. [adorable 非常可爱的]

注意:fur 这个词也可以指动物的“毛皮”(毛+皮)
裘皮大衣 a fur coat

* skin 人的皮肤

Michael has dark skin.
Susan has fair skin.
Her skin is clear and smooth.

skincare products
注意:Skin 也可以表示动物的皮/毛皮
crocodile skin/ leopard skin

Fur 和 skin 有什么区别?

_______________________________【听记 1】

此外:Skin 还可以表示________________________【听记 2】
如,banana skins

* 当然:瓜果蔬菜的皮更常用的是:peel
banana peels / apple peels

配套学习课程《不一样的新概念 2【练习册】
Peel v. 去皮
If you peel fruit or vegetables, you remove their skins.
peel an apple / peel an orange

* 皮鞋怎么说?
leather shoes
Leather is treated animal skin, which is used for making shoes, clothes, and bags.
leather bags

5. eager adj. 渴望的,热切的

When you are eager to do something, you want to do it very much.

用法 1:be eager to do
Albert is a bright kid and eager to learn.
He is eager to know everything about the world.

The young athletes are eager to succeed. = The young athletes are eager for success.

用法 2:be eager for sth 渴望获得...

If you are eager for something, you want to have it very much.
The fans are waiting outside the hotel, eager for a glimpse of their idol.
【idol 偶像 区别:idiot 白痴】

I am eager / anxious / impatient to see you .
I can’t wait to see you.
I am dying to see you.
I badly want to see you.

1. 都可以表示动物的毛皮,表示人的皮肤时只能用 skin
2. 瓜果蔬菜的皮

配套学习课程《不一样的新概念 2【练习册】

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