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CSE 320

Lab Final
Total Marks: 40
There are four questions. You must answer all of them. Answer in short and precisely, do not make
the answer unnecessarily lengthy.
1. Write the names of the layers of the OSI model? (5)
2. What is the difference between a socket and a server socket? How can we initialize a socket and
a server socket? (10)
3. Why do we need threading in multiple clients with a server? (5)
4. Consider the following network.

Configure the device using following ip address:

Device Ip address
PC0 192.168.(x%6).(x%4+1)
PC1 192.168.(x%6).((x+1)%4+1)
Laptop1 192.168.((x+1)%6).(x%4+1)
Laptop2 192.168.((x+1)%6).((x+1)%4+1)
PC2 192.168.((x+2)%6).(x%4+1)
Laptop0 192.168.((x+2)%6).((x+1)%4+1)

Here, x= last 2 digit of your id. The ip address are /24 address.
a) What should be the ip address of remaining ports of the Router0, Router1, and Router2? (10)
b) White the CLI commands of Router0, Router1, and Router2. (10)

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