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Menelluin (Lisa Crockett)

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Chapter 3 - Myth Work 1

The Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh

Write an essay (3-5 pages, double spaced) on the Second Battle of Magh Tuireadh. How do the
themes of light vs. dark, order vs. chaos figure into this story? In the story it is Lugh, who is both
a Dé Danann and a Fomorian (ie. consisting of both light and darkness, order and chaos), that
wins the battle and brings peace to both sides. What does this story seem to be saying about the
nature of this apparent conflict?

The Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh is a story that eloquently describes themes of the

duality of darkness and light, order and chaos and, as illustration of those themes, the battle

between the Formorians and the Tuatha Dé Danann. However, while the themes of duality are

pronounced in this tale, it is important not to ascribe religious dogma of right and wrong to these

themes. When reading from a Druid’s perspective, we must remember that life is cyclic, and so

are light and dark, chaos and order. So balance is to be sought in all things, just as in nature.

The Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh begins by telling us that the Tuatha Dé Danann (who

were previously studying in the four cities) have invaded Ireland and evicted the Fir Bolg. We

are also told that before invading Ireland, they formed a relationship with the Formorians. At

this time, the Formorians were based on Tory Island, off the North West of Ireland. From this

island base, the Formorians raided. As was common in ancient political relationships between

tribes or nations, marriage was used to cement ties. We learn that Dian Cecht, Physician of the

Tuatha Dé Danann, is given the hand of Ethne in marriage. Ethne is the daughter of Balor of the

Evil Eye, champion of the Formorians. This marriage is important to the events of the rest of the

story, but it is important to note here that this marriage and the relationship between the Tuatha

Dé Danann and the Formorians was not a recent development. Balor of the Evil Eye is known to
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be the great-grandson of The Dagda, showing that some degree of accord had existed between

the two races for a long time before the events of this text.

The marriage between the Formorian, Ethne, and the Tuatha Dé Danann, Dian Cecht,

produces a son, Lug. This boy is symbol of balance. Both Formorian and Tuatha Dé Danann,

this child is raised in secrecy within his Tuatha Dé Danann household. In contrast, or as a

duality, we are told of Bres, another boy born from both races. Bres is the genetic opposite of

Lug, being born from a Tuatha Dé Danann mother and a Formorian father. Bres is raised in a

Formorian household and appears to have been in the public eye.

During the invasion of Ireland, the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Nuada, loses his hand

in battle. The loss of his hand makes him ineligible for Kingship any longer, as the King of the

Tuatha Dé Danann must have no flaws. This leads to the election of a new king. At this point,

instead of giving the Kingship to Lug, who was eligible but unknown, the rule was given to Bres,

in a break with tradition. The tale tells us that Bres was possibly elected because of the influence

of the wives of the Tuatha Dé Danann (who may have been Formorian).

Whatever the reasons for his appointment as King, his Formorian allegiances led to a

troubled time for the Tuatha Dé Danann. Not only did Bres allow the Formorians impose a

Tribute for the whole of Ireland, he also turned the Tuatha Dé Danann into slaves. He even had

some working in his own household. After many years of being treated very poorly by Bres,

their culture undermined and their skills belittled, the Tuatha Dé Danann finally confronted Bres.

Then ensues a drawn out debate about the guarantees Bres owed the Tuatha Dé Danann

and his request for seven more years of kingship. While the Tuatha Dé Danann are considering

the Bres situation, he turns to his Formorian relations and they agree to help him retake rule of

Ireland by force. They call on their allies and raise a great army to bring against the Tuatha Dé
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As this is going on, the Tuatha Dé Danann have not been docile. Nuada is healed by the

son of Dian Cecht (father to Lug) and is reinstated as King. Lug comes out of hiding and reveals

his many skills. Nuada sees that Lug would make an excellent King, capable of facing the trial

ahead, and abdicates, giving Lug the Rule.

All appears chaos. There is political and military infighting from all sides and the future

of the Tuatha Dé Danann and Ireland seems dire. However, as we know from all things, there is

a natural cycle and order is about to be restored.

When the battle finally begins, the magical skills of the Tuatha Dé Danann put the

Formorians at a disadvantage. The Formorians try to bring balance to the battle by destroying

the healing Well of Slaine and by killing the magical smith, Goibniu. They do succeed in

defeating the Smith, but the Well remains to aid the Tuatha Dé Danann. Once again, the themes

of balance emerge.

The battle is thick with chaos and darkness. There are significant deaths on both sides

and a continuing thread of people being born to one race or another showing unexpected

alliances. Magic is also represented chaotically in many ways, including the Harp of the Dagda,

which is retrieved by Lug, The Dagda and Ogma, leading to Formorian deaths.

By the end of the Battle, order is restored to Ireland and the Tuatha Dé Danann are

victorious and The Morrigan delivers her Great Prophecy. In the end, this Myth is a story of

duality and balance. Two men, both half Tuatha Dé Danann and Formorian. Each chooses

opposite sides and chaos ensues. The Formorians represent chaos and disorder in the Battle and

the events leading up to it, while the Tuatha Dé Danann represent order. There is no judgment of

right and wrong attached to these manifestations of dulity

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