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The reviewer MUST agree with their reviewee objectives within one to one or team/group meetings and
continue to monitor throughout the year. ESR/OLM is the method of documenting the objectives.

To start an appraisal for a reviewee: Log into ESR

PLEASE NOTE: The reviewee can also start their own review and sent onto you once complete.

Select Supervisor Self Service and then Appraisals:


Please ensure you click on the Appraisals Tab as the system always defaults to the Performance
Management Tab – see below:

Select Standard Appraisal from the drop down menu then select Go.

Select the Action button – next to the appropriate reviewee’s name and a new screen will appear, as
Select Review Type as follows:
 Review if this a standard review
 Foundation if in the first year of employment
 Gateway review if on the second Gateway (see KSF
Period Start Date:
 Is the date of the persons previous PADR and you
should be reviewing the previous year objectives.
Period End Date:
 Is the date the review is being undertaken.
 Click on magnifier glass and type in KSF%. Then
click on the select radio button – and select KSF
Review Template then click on Select.
Appraisal Date:
 Is the date the review is being undertaken.
Next Appraisal Date:
 Date the next review will take place (approx
one year from the date of this review.)

Click on Next:
Add Objective:

These must be pre agreed with your Supervisor/Team Leader/Manager. Click add objectives – enter the
objective on screen.

Add Objective Name:

Enter the start date:
 When objectives start
Enter Target Date:
 When objective needs to be completed.
Next Review Date:
 When the objective will be reviewed.

Next Click on the Description Tab:

 Enter the detail and success criteria under this
Click on Apply and Add another until all
objectives have been entered then click on Apply.

Add Competencies:

A new screen will appear as follows:

Select the KSF from the Competency Type drop down box and enter all of six Core Competencies as
follows. You will also need to include the Specific Dimensions. Select all and Apply.

Communication (Core) Personal and People Development (Core)

Equality and Diversity (Core) Quality (Core)

Safety and Security (Core) Service Improvement (Core)

Use the drop down box to confirm the Proficiency Rating for each dimension – when completed click on
You can also use this page to add Courses you would like the Reviewee to attend – Please note: When
competing this section you are not booking staff onto a course you are just developing a list which can be
shared with the Reviewee.

Click on Add Courses – insert a key word e.g. Fire, you will then need to select the appropriate course from
this list. When completed click on Apply.
Click on the Next Button then save and proceed then share with the Appraisee:

Tick all boxes. Please note to tick Update Appraisal to allow the reviewee to update information.

Enter a message and click Submit. This will now be sent to the reviewee to input their evidence:
To complete the Appraisal:

When you are ready to complete the Appraisal – select the Appraisal Tab
Select the Appraisee button (yellow pencil) – next to the appropriate reviewee’s name

Click on the Complete Appraisal button.

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