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1. A student measures the mass of a piece of metal. Its mass is 146 grams. The
volume of the piece of metal is 20 cm3

Calculate the density of the metal. State the unit.

Density = Mass ÷ Volume

Density = 146 ÷20

Density = 7.3 g/cm3 Density = 7.3 g/cm3

[Total: 4]

2. The diagram shows a plastic water barrel. The barrel is full of water.

a. The water barrel contains 0.050 m3 of pure water. The density of pure water is

Calculate the mass of pure water in the barrel.

Mass = Density X Volume

Mass = 1000 X 0.050

Mass = 50 kilograms Mass of water = 50 kg


b.The density of sea water is 1030kg/m3. The density of the plastic is 1000kg/m3. Use
this information and the information in part a to:

State and explain whether the full barrel will float in seawater

Statement: The full barrel will not float in seawater.

Explanation: It will not float because the seawater is not denser than the
full barrel.

[Total: 5]

3. A student has an irregularly shaped piece of metal, a beaker of water and a

measuring cylinder, as shown in the diagram below :

Describe how the student can accurately determine the volume of the piece of
metal using the equipment provided.

Step: 1 – Fill half of the measuring cylinder with water and record it as V1.

2 – Now drop the piece of metal in it and wait until it is fully submerged.

3 – Record this reading as V2.

4 – Now use this formula to work out the volume:

Volume of the metal = V2 – V1

[Total: 4]

4 A metal block is made of brass. Its mass is 200g.

The density of brass is 8.4g/cm 3.

Calculate the volume of the brass block.

Volume = Mass ÷ Density

Volume = 200 ÷ 8.4

Volume = 23.809 cm3 Volume = 23.809 cm3

[Total: 3]

5 The diagram shows a piece of metal, a measuring cylinder and a beaker containing

The metal has an irregular shape and weight of 3.0N.

(a)Describe how to determine the volume of the metal, using the equipment in the

Step: 1 – Fill half of the measuring cylinder with water and record it as V1.

2 – Now drop the piece of metal in it and wait until it is fully submerged.

3 – Record this reading as V2.

4 – Now use this formula to work out the volume:

Volume of the metal = V2 – V1


(b)Explain why the procedure in a is not suitable for finding the volume of a
piece of low-density wood that is of similar shape and size to the piece of
metal in (a).

It is unsuitable because wood floats on water and does not sink.


[Total: 5]

6 The diagram shows a set of masses made from the same material.

Identify the quantity that is the same for all the masses. Tick one box.




[Total: 1]

7 The diagram shows three metal blocks. Each block has the same mass.

The volumes of the blocks are different.

Each block is made of a different metal. The table gives the density of each metal.

Name of metal Density( g/ cm3)

Aluminium 2.83

Iron 6.95

Lead 11.3

Use the data from the table to identify the metal used to make each block.

A – Lead

B – Iron

C – Aluminium

[Total: 1]

8 The mass of a piece of metal is 405g and its volume is 150cm 3. Calculate the
density of the metal. State the unit.

Density = Mass x Volume

Density = 405 x 150

Density = 60750g/cm3

Density= 60750g/cm3 [3]

[Total: 3]

9 The diagram shows liquid in a cylinder.

The table gives some data about the cylinder and the liquid.

Radius of cylinder 3.5cm

Weight of empty 2.5N

Depth of liquid 12.0cm

Density of liquid 900kg/m3

The cylinder containing liquid is placed on a digital balance that displays the mass in

Calculate the reading shown on the balance.

π r2 h

3.14 x 0.035 x 0.035 x 0.12

0.00046158cm3 = Volume of liquid

So then:

Mass = Density x Volume

Mass = 900 x 0.000461 = 0.4149 kg (This is mass of liquid)

Weight of cylinder = 2.5N

So then I changed Newton to kg

1N = 1/9.8kg

2.5N = 1/9.8 x 2.5kg

So 2.5N =0.25kg

Now I added the mass of the liquid and the mass of the cylinder :

Mass of Liquid + Mass of Cylinder = Mass on the weighing balance

0.41 + 0.25 = 0.66 kg Reading = 0.66kg [4]

[Total: 4]

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