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Man was in the very pinnacle of the creative work of God in the lead up towards completion of his
creation on the final hour of six day and went straight into Sabbath rest on the seven day with
Adonai as ADONAI, GOD, rested from His Creative work. Man came finished as evident when formed
on the final hours of the six days meaning to say our birth is the evident that you are born to start
what is already completed. Adam was not even fully complete until eve came into the scene as his
help meet. It was on the Sabbath Table in the newly established home call the beautiful Garden of
Eden was the adobe of man as he experienced the first Sabbath rest with the creator giving him the
instructions to life as to how he should go about in his journey in maintaining the Eden life. Adam
rested with Adonai and was given the condensed summary of the knowledge of the Kingdom of God
starting with the very foundation of the weekly Sabbath rest.

Before going any further let us briefly see the composition of the first man (Adam). In Genesis 1:28;
then Adonai formed man out of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostril the breath of life
and then the man begin to live. Thus, the equation of man; dust + breath of life (spirit being) = living
being. The physical being (dust) only house the spirit being (breath of life) that came out of Adonai.
So to speak, Adam was fully grown formed adult from dust and was only existing UNTILL the breath
of life (spirit being) entered and then the physical being begin to live. Thus, man is ONLY living when
he begin to discover his very reason for living, his purpose. There was vacuum/empty in his mind-
the spirit man was in its infant state and the first Original information to enter into his vacuum mind
was from his Creator on the Sabbath table before being allowed by the evil one to tempt him.

The first thing Adonai gave man was His image and likeness that is to say you can think and talk and
live like God. Our identity is with God, the (spirit man) came out of God and so you a in God class.
The body has to manifest when you are living purpose. The first environment man was place was in
Eden- little heaven on earth. The only institution that was made holy in the Garden of Eden was
Sabbath and marriage and these two are inseparable and are the foundational layers of the house.

The first instruction that was given to man as to why he was put in Eden was:

 Cultivate – is the term used in agriculture to mean till the soil for the seed planting and in
are sense is applicable to both the physical and spiritual as the means of growth and
 Guard – the term used to protect the property that is worth value from any danger/attach.
Guarding is the evidence that the presence of enemy is real. Adam was told to guard the
Eden because of the real danger of the enemy (Satan) symbolise by the tree of the
knowledge of good and bad that was in the chambers of the heart of man. Adam was
instructed not to eat from it or he will die. Guard/watchman are simply the eye and ears
over his own life as well as the environment he is assigned to in his care.

The above two explains exactly just the condensed summary of his purpose in maintaining the
garden of Eden (Kingdom of Heaven on earth). The man was given free will to decide and to cultivate
the heart of the spirit man by eating from the fruits of two Trees that was in the very centre of the
garden. The tree of Life symbolises the Holy Spirit and the Tree of knowledge of good and bad
symbolises the Evil one. Adam was simply given the free choice to simply listen to the VOICE of the
HOLY SPIRIT to maintain the Kingdom of Heaven on earth or listen to the voice of the Adversely and
will surely die, simply cut off from the SOURCE and the kingdom of darkness will rule his life as they
were thrown out of the Garden as a result of the consequence. The two TREES were in the very
CENTRE of the chambers of the SOUL of man (spirit man).
If Adam had maintained listening to the VOICE of the HOLY SPIRIT as the bridge to understanding the
revelation knowledge of the Kingdom of God with its governing authority should have fully enjoyed
and influenced the entire earth as the generation progress. And so the mystery of life lies in these
two symbolic trees that was placed in the very centre of the hearts of man as the means of spiritual
food for the sustenance of the spirit man. It is very important to understand these two Tress and
their functions as these two are the source of all the THOUGHTS that drives our lives.

The spirit man is the very being that helps us to:

1. Conceive ideas and or receive information through the five sense system which is process
into thought/knowledge and also helps us to connect to the Holy Spirit (Tree of Life) of GOD
as the bridge into understanding the Kingdom of God.
2. Understand the thought conceived through exploring, research, teaching, learning as you
begin to see clearly the pattern and that can be drawn out.
3. Apply the knowledge conceived that is understood. It is actually becoming wisdom. It is
actually being materialised. The final state of the process of the ideas conceived in the
mental realm that is becoming materialised.

It is very interesting to see that there were three types of trees that was in the Garden of Eden as
the source of food for sustenance. The first is the physical trees that was created out of the dust for
the physical body sustenance and of course the second two Trees were as the symbolic of Holy Spirit
(Tree of Life) and Satan (the Tree of the Knowledge of good and bad) as the spiritual food
sustenance for the spirit man.

Should Adam had maintained by eating/listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit (Tree of Life), it
would have revealed the full knowledge of the Kingdom of God and the its laws which was revealed
at Mount Sinai- the Ten Commandments as the Foundational Pillars for LAWS of the Government of
Heaven. And so since the day Adam felt from dominion Authority mankind was ruled by the Evil one
by eating/listening to his voice. Adam and his offspring’s since than has been mentally damaged.
However, thank Adonai for His great mercy has RESTORED us back to the Eden ONLY through the
sacrificial blood of YESHUA as we come before him with humble and Repentance. It is the only
entrance back into Eden. Only at His Cross is the fountain of the Living waters that cleanses us and
also as the bridge to go back into the original abode of man - (the EDEN).

As we begin our journey by going back to the garden of Eden the original dwelling place of man, it is
what happens in our mind we are to completely become empty in our mind of all customs and
traditions of our fore father and the western influence that has conditioned and shaped us to think
and live in slave mentality. We are to be ruling the creation as the very Reason of our existence. That
is what the Adonai, God, the Creator of All things said, “let us make man in our image and likeness
and let them rule over the birds of the air and the beast of the land and over fish of the sea. We are
to be dominating over them by having our mind-set transformed to ruler ship thinking, talking and
living mentality.

Now in this very generation as Adonai, God, is very serious in restoring back to its Original state the
life that He, Adonai Originally intended will come to pass and we are to once again readjust our
mind-sets to see His purpose and plan and we are to run with it. We are coming out of the world
system that is controlled and manipulated the evil one since when Adam fall from his dominion

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