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Juvenile’s Violent Crime:

Case Study of Violent Motorcycle Theft in Depok City

Kejahatan Sadis Oleh Remaja:
Studi Kasus Begal Sepeda Motor di Kota Depok

Mela Audya, Anis Mujaedah dan Shifa Shaghira

Faculty of Economics and Business

Universitas Budi Luhur, Jakarta, 12260

Phone : (021) 5853753

Email : , dan


The increasing crime rates of violent motorcycle theft, especially by teenagers, is no longer a juvenile
delinquency, but a juvenile crime. This paper will evaluates cases of violent motorcycle theft by
teenager and identifies the cause by juvenile delinquency theories. By comparing the cases using 10
causes of juvenile delinquency shifting into juvenile crime by United Nation. As the result, the writers
found that adolescent’s transition without self-acceptance; behavior reinforcement and social support
system let them into sadistic criminal. Thus, the development system should be corrected to focus on
adolescent’s psychological welfare.

Keywords: Violent motorcycle theft, juvenile delinquency, sadistic crime and adolescence.


Meningkatnya kasus pembegalan, apalagi yang dilakukan oleh remaja tidak bisa dikatakan sekedar
kenakalan remaja, namun sudah menjadi kejahatan. Tulisan ini akan mengevaluasi kasus begal oleh
remaja di Kota Depok dan mengidentifikasi penyebabnya berdasarkan teori kenakalan remaja. Penulis
membandingkan antara 10 penyebab transisi kenakalan remaja menjadi kejahatan berdasarkan
panduan PBB, dengan kondisi lapangan. Hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa ternyata proses transisi remaja
yang tidak memiliki penerimaan diri, penguatan perilaku dan sistem pendukung sosial memadai
menjadi pendorong terjerumusnya mereka menjadi pelaku kejahatan sadis. Oleh karena itu, perlu
adanya perbaikan sistem pembangunan yang berfokus pada pengembangan kesejahteraan psikologis

Kata kunci: Begal, kenakalan remaja, kejahatan sadis dan remaja.

1. Introduction

Adolescence is a transitional period where a child begins to grow and develop into an adult
starting from physical and personality development. During this developmental process,
adolescents have a negative tendency, if this tendency is given space, then negative deviant
behaviors will be formed so as to make teenagers create a criminal group.

From here comes the problem that will later harm or even disturb the community, therefore
the researchers are interested in the research title:



2. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the above, the authors have some formula of the problem below:

1. What Violent Motorcycle Theft in Depok City ?

2. Why Do Teenagers And Naughty Behavior ?

3. How Factors Affecting Juvenile Delinquency and Crime in Depok City ?

4. Is Legalization a Form of Juvenile Delinquency?

3. Aims of the Study

In accordance with the outline of the issue above, the researcher lays out the goals of this study,

 to find out what happened in the city of Depok.

 to find out teenage and naughty behavior.
 to find out what factors influence juvenile delinquency and crime in Depok City.
 to know what the relationship of legislation in the form of delinquency.

4. Research methods

The method of research is a librarian study. Several articles involved in the cases of violent
motorcycle in Depok were collected by the researcher as a reference.
5. Review of the Literature

Breaking is a crime that goes beyond normal habit space for juvenile delinquency. System
Indonesian social and legal issues are still ambiguous distinguish delinquency and error. Limits
those who have not been clearly agreed to rely on conscience in deciding the punishment for
breaking the norm. This causes the variety of discliplinary efforts that have resulted on the lack of
consistency in the effort to change deviant adolescent behavior.

6. Discussion
6.1 Juvenile Delinquency vs. Youth Crime
Juvenile delinquency has historically originated from the conceptualization and definition of
legal-judicial (Ollendick (Ed), 1989: 197). However, the legal view of delinquency is not
directly related to delinquency as a pathology. The reason is the nature of heterogeneous
behavior and delinquency patterns, as well as the variations in social and psychological
meaning. To put the definition of delinquency as psychopathology in the right perspective,
several descriptions of delinquency are available, starting with "delinquent behavior"
(Ollendick (Ed), 1989: 198).

The term misbehavior includes all actions that are prohibited by law. For juvenile offenders,
mischievous behavior includes two forms:

(1) Status violations, which are prohibited because of the age of the perpetrator, such as
truant, running away from home, alcohol possession and consumption, and more ambiguous
generic violations such as "irreparable" behavior or "under the supervision of parents".

(2) Non-status violations, also called index crimes, include a series of standard illegal
behaviors, ranging from minor violations to first-degree murder. General violations
committed by adolescents, for example: minor attacks and robberies. More serious violations,
for example: armed robbery, attacks that cause injury, rape and murder.

The concept of delinquency is often associated with adolescent efforts to find their true
identity. In most teens who behave, their behavior is a reflection of the gap between
biological and social maturity (APA, 2002: 32). Some studies on juvenile delinquency show
internal determinant factors, among others: low self-concept (Yulianto, 2014: 76), social
adjustment, and low ability to solve problems (Setianingsih, Uvun, & Yuwono, 2006: 33).

World Youth Report (United Nations, 2003: 191) warns that although delinquency is a
common characteristic of the period and process toward adulthood, it should be remembered
that sometimes adolescents create stable criminal groups that have subcultural relationships
and begin to engage in adult crime activities. Scott and Steinberg (2008: 19) note the
characteristics that distinguish juvenile crime from adults, which include: lack of decision-
making ability, more vulnerable to external coercion, and relatively undeveloped adolescent
character. The United Nations summarizes 10 causes of the formation of a pathway towards
juvenile crime (2003: 193-198), namely:

1. Economic and Social Factor

Juvenile delinquency is driven by the negative consequences of social and economic
development, especially the economic crisis, political instability, and weakening of important
institutions (the state, the public education system and public services, and families). This is
directly related to the lack of employment and low income, thus increasing the tendency to
commit crime.

2. Cultural Factors

When behavioral norms that should direct morale have been destroyed, people tend to
respond to dramatic and destructive changes with deviant behavior. The culture of violence
becomes a part that is not released from the collapse of moral values.

3. Urbanization

Geography analysts state that countries with more urban populations have higher crime rates
than they have strong lifestyles and rural communities. Demographic studies show that urban
communities have characteristics: (1) cultural heterogeneity along with differences in beliefs
and behaviors; (2) differences between group members, with relationships between people
limited to certain needs; (3) increased mobility, generality and anonymity; and (4) variations
in age, race, ethnicity, norms and values.4 This causes urban areas to have more angles that
allow crime.

4. Family

Research shows that those who have adequate parental supervision will be less likely to
engage in criminal activity. Disfunctioning family settings — characterized by conflict,
inadequate parental control, weak internal relations and integration, and too early autonomy
— associated with juvenile delinquency (United Nations, 2003: 195). Juvenile delinquency
has roots in early childhood. Therefore, parents as caregivers have an important role, not only
providing nutrition to children in order to grow healthy and optimal growth, but also provide
initial values to shape morals. Good communication between parents and children is the key
to guarding children from juvenile delinquency, especially sadistic crimes.

5. Migration

Immigrants are often on the threshold of communalism and economic status, and have little
chance of success. Uncontrolled migration causes changes in social institutions that play a
role in people's welfare. Population growth that exceeds the city's capacity to accommodate
and provide livelihoods will only lead to an increase in slum areas, squatters and invaders on
the sidewalk5.

6. Media

The media convey a culture of violence to adolescents through films with the theme of
violence, news of daily violence, and the display of unrealistic violence. Television is
considered to change human values and direct children indirectly to see violence as a bold and
desirable way to uphold justice (United Nations, 2003: 196).

7. Exclusion
The widening gap between the rich and the poor has created obstacles, damaged social ties,
unemployment and identity crises. The welfare system is quite helpful, although it does not
erase simple socio-economic positions for a particular group.

8. Peer influence
Peers in groups of naughty teenagers have a big influence in the process of adulthood. Many
studies have shown that members of the youth conspiracy consider their group as family.
Being part of a group has provided security to its members. Naughty children are attracted to
each other. Adolescents also more easily change decisions and adjust their behavior in
response to peer pressure (Scott & Steinberg, 2008).

9. Naughty Identity

Teens who join naughty groups are based on the possibility of social and economic
improvement. In the Social Identity theory developed by Henri Tajfel in 1957, it was
explained that social identity is formed based on one's membership in a social group, which
concerns the values and emotional relationships. Therefore, teens who join certain criminal
groups will take part in criminal acts, because they feel part of the group.

10. Actors and Victims

People who are victims of crime have characteristics that provoke or facilitate this, such as
individual or family status, financial well-being, and safety, as well as the time and place that
supports it.

6.2 Sadistic Crime

Sadistic nature is a distinction between criminal acts of motorcycle theft and begal. The word
sadism introduced by Krafft-Ebing at the end of the 19th century, initially originated from sexual
pleasure obtained from causing pain and suffering to others. Over time, this term extends and
includes pleasure originating from sadistic behavior outside the sexual context (Myers, Burket, &
Husted, 2006: 61). Formerly Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD) was given a self classification
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM) to distinguish it from
Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) or Psychopathy. Sadistic is a psychological terminology
associated with psychiatric disorders. The last SPD was recorded on DSM III-TR and omitted
from the next DSM version. Some experts, such as Theodore Millon, regard this deletion as a
mistake and hope that it will be put back in the upcoming DSM.

Forensic psychologist Park Dietz describes the psychology of sadism as an important impulse to
fully control other people, to make it a helpless object on the desires of the perpetrators, to truly
control, to be God for the victims, and to treat victims as they wish (Hickey, 2015: 190).

Roger J. R. Levesque quotes the DSM II-R which describes SPD as the beginning of young
adults and as a pervasive display of patterns of cruelty, degrading and aggressive behavior. The
manual also writes that in order to be diagnosed as a disorder, it must at least fulfill four
recurring events in its list of characteristics (Levesque, 2011).

Although the diagnosis is less acceptable, research on sadistic personality disorder continues to
develop and involves a sample of adolescents. The study found high rates of sadistic personality
disorder or trait in adolescent psychiatric patients (Myers et al. 2006, in Levesque, 2011: 2445)
and adolescents who committed sexual killings (with 4 out of 14 people experiencing SPD)
(Myers and Monaco 2000, in Levesque , 2011: 2445). Another study took a sample of students
and found the SPD rate reached 5.7% (Coolidge et al., 2001). Most importantly, although recent
studies did not report a diagnosis and did not represent the sample, it showed that sadism
tendencies could be considered prevalent (Levesque, 2011).

SPD is clearly closely related to crime. Melitta Schmideberg distinguishes crime into 5 types,
namely (Schmideberg, 1946-1947: 458):

1. An ordinary person who is motivated to do evil because of unbearable external conditions.

2. A normal-looking person who is carried by an impulse.

3. Neurotic crimes that are influenced by external impulses and unconscious drives are balanced.
He regarded his criminal tendency as something foreign and tried to fight it.

4. Genuine criminals who are proud to exploit crime as a way of expressing their anti-social
attitudes. This type is the most dangerous criminal because he is well aware of the crime he
committed and does not experience inner conflict because of it.

5. Criminal groups whose behavior comes from mental deficiencies or organic diseases

Capelli's scholar divides the types of criminals as follows (Kartono, 2009: 150-151)

6.3 Regulations by Urban Youth: Cases in Depok City

In 2015 the city of Depok was not the city with the most acts of crime, but actions in the city
of Depok could be said to be the most sadistic theft of motorized vehicles.

To better understand the social dynamics that encourage the growth of juvenile crime in
Depok City, the author uses 10 aspects summarized by the United Nations as a cause of
juvenile delinquency & crime.

The situation in Depok City is very conducive for the formation of a youth crime drive. The
population in Depok City in 2005 reached 1,374,522 people, consisted of 696,329 men
(50.66%) and 678,193 women (49.34%), while the area was only 200.29 km2, the population
density Depok is 6,863 people / km2. The level of population density is classified as "solid",
especially if it is associated with uneven population distribution (Depok City Government, tt).
In 2013, the population of Depok became 1,962,162 people with 16.7% aged 10-19 years
(Depok City Central Bureau of Statistics, 2014: 38). This number jumped to 2,042,391 in
2014 (City Government of Depok, 2014). In 2012 the urbanization rate in Depok reached
4.2%, up from 3% in 20137. For the following year the Population Office of Depok City
recorded a growth of 6% every year. In that year Depok received the arrival of 25,569 people
and out of 18,889 lives8. Depok is also a magnet for rural residents who want to find work in
the capital.

7. Conclusion
Sadistic crimes that were carried out adolescents as part of the maturation process, shows low
control ability social towards teenagers, so let behavior deviations occur. Spoliation by
teenagers have exceeded the limits of delinquency teenagers, so it must be treated as an adult
criminal problem. If not handled appropriately, teenagers who do This sadistic crime will
learn that evil is the norm that is permissible. Family, school, and peer environment can't get
away from the problem sadistic crimes committed by teenagers. If not straightened out, this
behavior is very likely will continue to repeat in the future. Crime sadists must not be ignored
and considered as normal forms of juvenile delinquency, because of behavior deviating that
can hurt other people can already classified a pathology.

8. Bibliography

[1] https://news.lewat


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