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( CV )

Personal Details
Full Name                    :   Ali Akbar Irawan
Nickname : Ali
Identity Number : 160403045
Program of Study : Industrial Engineering
University : University of Sumatera Utara
GPA : 3,14
Semester : VI (Sixth)
Place, Date of Birth     :   Labuhan Ruku, April 21th 1998
Religion                      :   Islam
Address                       :   Jl. Prof. T. Zulkarnaen No. 11/6 A
Nationality                  :   Indonesia
Email                           :
Phone Number            :   081375068568

Educational Background
1.    SD N 014688 Kisaran 2004 - 2008
2. SD N010147 Labuhan Ruku 2008 - 2010
3.    SMP Negeri 1 Talawi 2010 - 2013
4.   SMA Negeri 1 Talawi 2013 - 2016  
5. Student at University of Sumatera Utara 2016 - Present
 Good communication in English and Indonesian both written and oral.
 Capability to analyze and solve problems.
 Ability to work effectively unsupervised and as part of a team.
 Time management skills with the ability to meet strict deadlines and work under pressure.

Community Activities
Community Activities
Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik USU (HIMTI-FT USU)
 Administration and Secretary HIMTI-FT USU 2018-2019 as member
 Penyambutan Mahasiswa Baru 2018 as Person in Charge for Consumtion (PJ)
 IE-Camp 2019 as Member of Documentation and Decoration
 Industrial Leadership Training 2018 as Advisor member of Consumtion
 Industrial Engineering Fair 2019 as member of Administration
 PORSENI HIMTI- FT USU 2018 as member of Consumtion
 Industrial Futsal Competition 2018 as member of Financial

Training Experience
1. AutoCAD Training from Technical Drawing Laboratory Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Sumatera Utara (2016)
2. Microsoft Project Traning from Manufacturing Laboratory Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Sumatera Utara (2018)
3. Ocupational Health and Safety from Department of Industrial Engineering University of Sumatera Utara
4. SketchUp Training from Factory Layout and Facilities Laboratory Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Sumatera Utara (2019)

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