Lecture - 6 - E18 Statics of Simple Plate Structure

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11320 Structural Analysis of Buildings

Lecture 6

Statics of simple panel structures

Egil Borchersen, part-time lecturer, DTU Byg
september 2018
Typical panel building

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Structural components


Panel or
wall panel


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Simple transfer of vertical load

The slab transfer the vertical

load to the supporting beams,
frames or wall panels, which
finally transfer the load to the

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Simple transfer of vertical and horizontal loads
Vertical and
Beam do transfer vertical horizontal load
distributed load as axial force are transfered by
in the column and the force diaphragm action
ends in the foundation. to the foundation

Horizontal load are transfered by

frame action or truss action to the

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Diaphragm action

If the resultant of the section forces is

located in the plane of symmetry for
the plate-part (wall or slab) it is said
that the forces are transferred by
diaphragm action og in-plane action.

It is assumed in this context that all

load is transfered by diaphragm action.
External loads must therefore apply to
the structures as in-plane force on a
plate-part or along a joint between two

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Resulting section forces along an edge.

A wall (a plate-part)
supported along the lower
edge (either continous or in
two points) will for same
external action have the
same resulting section
forces e.g. in the midpoint of
the lower edge.

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Section forces between in-plane plate-parts

In the joint between two plate-parts located in the same plane

and with more than one point in common there will be 3 section
forces in the section between the parts. A shear force Q, a normal
force N and a moment M.



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Section forces between plate-part and foundation

In the joint between a plate-part and a foundation with more than

one point in common there will be 3 section forces in the section.
A shear force, a normal force and a moment.

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Section forces between plate-parts not in-plane.
In the joint between two plate-parts not located in the same plane and
having one or more points in common only one section force may
occur in the section between the parts. Shear force or normal force.

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Possible section forces between plate-parts

A plate-structure may be
subdivided in plate-parts
and the section forces
between the parts can
be indicated


1. Subdivision.
MA MC 4 plate-parts
QC 12 unknown section forces

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Example 1: one-storey plate-structure loaded with a force

How is the known force P

transferred to the foundation?

The external load must act in-

plane a plate-part. (ok)

The plate-structures is then

subdivided into 4 plate-parts and
possible section forces in the
joints are indicated in the figure.

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Example 1 (part 2)

Course of action:
The plate-structure is divided
into N=4 plate-parts named A,
B, C and D.
The R=12 section forces QAB
etc. are indexed according to
the plate-parts they join.
Likewise the foundation
section forces included in R .
The R unknown section forces
may be calculated by use of
the equilibrium equations, if

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Example 1 (part 3)

Set the equations of equilibrium and

solve them.

∑ Fx=0 means that the net force is zero

in the x-axis direction, and ∑ Mz=0 that
the net moment is zero about z-axis.
Plate-part A:
∑ Fy = 0 => QAB = P
∑ Mz= 0 => QAC = -½P·a/b
∑ Fx = 0 => QAD = - QAC = ½P·a/b
Plate-part B:
∑ Fy= 0 => QB = QAB = P
∑ Fz= 0 => NB = 0
∑ My= 0 => MB= - QAB h = - P·h
QC = - ½P·a/b QD = ½P·a/b
NC = 0 ND = 0
MC = ½P·h a/b MD = -½P·h·a/b

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Statically determinate plate-structure?

Equations of equilibrium
The necessary and sufficient condition for
calculating the section forces based solely on
the equations of equlibrium is that the number
(N) of plate-parts multiplied with 3 is equal to
the numbers (R) of possible section forces
(i.e. 3N=R), and that the determinant of the
coefficient matrix is nonzero.
Determinant= -2b ≠ 0
2018-10-11 11320 Statics of simple plate structures 15
3N=R, is not always sufficient.

Upper case: The three walls intersect in same vertical line and the structure
will not be able to transfer a force in plane D not intersecting this line.

Lower case : The three walls are parallel and the structure wil not be able to
transfer a force in plane D perpendicular to the walls.

In both cases the determinant of the coefficient matrix is equal to zero.

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Example 2

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The basic one-storey statically determinate plate-structure

Conclusion until now:

A one-storey plate-structure
consisting of a slab
supported by 3 walls has
statically determinate section
forces in the joints between
the plate-parts, if the walls
are not all parallel or does not
all intersect in the same line.

One may use it as a basic

plate-structure in the further

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The two-storey plate-structure. Statically determinate ?

If you can split a two-storey plate-structure

into two statically determinate one-storey
plate-structures, then the two-storey is
statically detrminate.

The upper one is in this case a basic plate-

structure and hence statically determinate. The lower is loaded by
The lower one is also a basic statically the reaction section
determinate plate-structure forces of the upper one.

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Another two-storey plate-structure

Is this statically determinate ?

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Systematic counting .

N=10 => 3N=30

R=28 <> 3N

Mark the number of section force in each joint. Name the plate-parts. Fill in the
shown scheme by the number of section forces between each plate-part and the
others and the total number R of section forces are count together. Then the
numbers of plate-parts N and of section forces R can be checked for 3N=R
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Removing plate-parts

One method to decide whether a plate-

structure is statically determinate or not
is to remove (temporary) plate-parts
one by one.

One condition is R=3N.

Then (R-3) = 3(N-1) must also hold.
I.e. if we remove a plate-part with 3
section forces, then the statically
determinancy do not change.

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Removing plate-parts

Plate-part E with 3
section forces is
E removed

Then plate-part F with

3 section forces is

The floor plate-part C

with 3 section forces is

The remaining plate-

structure is the well
known basic statically
determinate structure.

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Demands to the plate-part with 3 section forces

The 3 section forces must be statically independent

The 3 forces need not act along the edges

of the plate-part

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Example 3. Two storey plate-structure

determinate ??

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Example 3 (part2)
Calculation of section forces

Begin with a plate-

part with 3 section
In this case E or F

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Example 3 (part3)
Section forces for the load 3P1

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Example 3 (part4)

Section forces for the load 3P2

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Example 3 (part5)
Sectional forces for the load P3

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Plate-parts with holes for door or windows.

Assume that a rectangular plate-part is part of a

structure and along the lower edge the 3 section
forces M, N and Q acts.

If the plate-part is exchanged with another

plate-part with same rectangular size but with
a hole for a window, then the section forces
along the lower edge will be the same.

If instead the plate-part is exchanged with a

plate-part with a door-hole, then the resultants
of the two sets of section forces is equal to the
section forces in the first plate-part. But the
individual size can not be calulated by the
equations of equilibrium.

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Plate-parts with holes in plate-structures.
The section forces may still be calculated in a certain extent.

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Statically determinate plate-structure with columns.
Plate-beam-column-building Model for structural analysis

Slabs, beams columns walls Plate-parts and pendulum-columns

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Section forces between plate-parts and columns.

If the column is oblique to the

plate-parts then no force can be
transferred from column to plate.

If the column is in-plane with the

plate-part, then 1 section force can
be transferred.
If two columns are joined on a
plate-part then 1 section force
can be transferred between the
two columns.

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The split-up model for section force calculation
Structural section
parts. forces

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Sectional force calculation

N = Number of plate-parts
M = Number of columns
R = Number of possible sectional forces
Number of equations becomes 3N+M.
Then the necessary condition for the
equlibrium equations to be solved is:
R = 3N+M
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Calculation based on equations of equilibrium.

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Exercise 6.1 Calculate the section forces between the four plate-
parts, and between walls and foundation.

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Extra drawing for exercise 6.1

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Exercise 6.2 Calculate the section forces between the four plate-
parts and between the walls and the foundation.

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Extra drawing for exercise 6.2

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Exercise 6.3 Calculate the section forces between the four plate-
parts and between the walls and the foundation. T.
The load is a line-load in this exercise.

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Extra drawing for exercise 6.3

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Exercise 6.4 The plate-structure may be divided in 8 plate-parts
as shown. : A-H.
Draw all the section forces on the extra drawing on next slide.
Is the condition 3N=R fullfilled?

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Extra drawing to exercise 6.4

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Exercise 6.5. Same plate-structure as in exercise 6.4.
Calculate the section forces between the plate-parts
first for the horizontal external force P1 and
then for the vertical external force P2.
If you prefer using numbers then use
P1 and P2 = 10 kN and a= 4m and h= 3m.

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Extra drawing for exercise

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Exercise 6.6

Calculate the
shear section
force between
wall E and the
foundation for the
shown horizontal
force P in the
joint between A
and B.

And the shear

section force
between wall A
and the

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