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A quiet place

  You should say:

  Where it is
  When you like to go there
  What you do there
  Why you like to visit there
Bit sad for me to say there are not much more quiet and calm places in my country. There
are a few meditation centers and public libraries which demand silence for a specific
activity.  As urbanization is rapidly growing, quiet places are becoming rare. But Lotus
Temple in east Delhi stands top and can easily be considered the most quiet place in India. 

As the name suggests it is as beautiful as a lotus flower and it is shaped like

a lotus. Very beautifully made of white marble. Daily thousands of people
visit this temple. It is very calm from inside as there is restriction on making
noise, eating or chatting inside the temple. I was there last summer with my
friends and it was a nice experience.

Delhi's Lotus temple is a wonderful place to enjoy silence- a rare experience

in a cosmopolitan city like Delhi. Styled after a lotus flower, with 27 white-
marble petals, the temple was created to bring faiths together, visitors are
invited to pray or meditate silently according to their own beliefs.

Generally, I pray for only a few minutes but, at Lotus Temple I prayed for
nearly an hour. It is my all time record prayer time. I love doing self-
meditation and walk around the temple over there. I also like to watch
sunset from there as it is located near the bank of river Yamuna. One will
really fall in love with it is pin-drop silence atmosphere over there. It is a
must visit for anyone who is planning to visit Delhi. One win definitely connet
with his/her inner peace.

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