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Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering

VOL. xx No. xx, 1e5, 2017

Detection of antibodies against hepatitis B virus surface antigen and hepatitis C

virus core antigen in plasma with a waveguide-mode sensor

Takenori Shimizu,1 Torahiko Tanaka,1 Shigeyuki Uno,1 Hiroki Ashiba,2 Makoto Fujimaki,2 Mutsuo Tanaka,3
Koichi Awazu,2 and Makoto Makishima1, *

Division of Biochemistry, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Nihon University School of Medicine, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8610, Japan,1 Electronics and Photonics Research Institute,
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8565, Japan,2 and Health Research Institute, National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8566, Japan3

Received 31 October 2016; accepted 10 January 2017

Available online xxx
In large-scale disasters, such as huge significant earthquakes, on-site examination for blood typing and infectious
disease screening will be very helpful to save lives of victims who need surgical treatment and/or blood transfusion.
However, physical damage, such as building collapse, electric power failure and traffic blockage, disrupts the capacity of
the medical system. Portable diagnostic devices are useful in such cases of emergency. In this study, we evaluated a
waveguide-mode sensor for detection of anti-hepatitis virus antibodies. First, we examined whether we can detect
antigeneantibody interaction on a sensor chip immobilized hepatitis B virus surface (HBs) antigen and hepatitis C virus
(HCV) core antigen using monoclonal mouse antibodies for HBs antigen and HCV core antigen. We obtained significant
changes in the reflectance spectra, which indicate specific antigeneantibody interaction for anti-HBs antibody and anti-
HCV antibody. Next, we examined the effect of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody using aminoethyl
carbazole as the peroxidase substrate and found that the colorimetric reaction increases detection sensitivity for anti-
HBs antibody more than 300 times. Finally, we successfully detected anti-HBs antibody in human blood samples with an
enhancing method using a peroxidase reaction. Thus, a portable device utilizing a waveguide-mode sensor may be
applied to on-site blood testing in emergency settings.
Ó 2017, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.

[Key words: Waveguide-mode sensor; Hepatitis B virus; Hepatitis C virus; Antibody; Horseradish peroxidase; Aminoethyl carbazole]

During large-scale disasters, such as significant earthquakes, altered reflectance spectra (6). Biological interactions, including
many victims need surgical treatment and/or blood transfusion. In antigeneantibody reactions for the detection of Influenza virus, can
this setting, clinical laboratories cannot work effectively for blood be observed on a sensing chip as a change in reflectance spectra (4).
typing and screening of infectious diseases due to physical damage, Utilization of conjugates with gold particles or dyes efficiently in-
disrupted electric supply and transport system, and damage or creases detection sensitivity of biological interactions, because the
injury to laboratory workers (1). Although volunteer blood donors presences of such molecules on a chip surface influence reflectance
can contribute greatly to saving the lives of victims, blood typing in property, wavelength and depth of the change in reflectance (6,9).
the ABO and Rh(D) systems for donors and recipients is necessary A SPR sensor has been successfully used for detection of specific
before transfusion, and viral examinations of donor blood are antibodies in human serum samples (10e12). Although a WM
required to decrease the risk of transfusion-transmissible viral in- sensor is based on a principle similar to that of a SPR sensor, there
fections, such as hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are several differences between WM and SPR sensing systems. A
(2,3). WM sensor uses waveguide modes, instead of SPR (6,8). While the
We have developed waveguide-mode (WM) sensors for Influ- material used to induce the SPR restricts the wavelength of incident
enza virus detection and blood typing (4,5). A WM sensor utilizes light for a SPR sensor, there is no such restriction for a WM sensor.
electric field enhancement in a sensor chip, similar to a surface In addition, a stable sensing surface made of glass is available for a
plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor, and is more sensitive than a WM sensor. Thus, the wavelength of a WM sensor is widely
reflectance absorption spectrometer (6,7). A WM sensor detects controllable over the visible light region by adjusting the thick-
target proteins on a monolithic sensing chip with a layer of silicon nesses of the top silicon oxide and embedded silicon layers. A WM
sandwiched with SiO2 layers (8). Excitation of the waveguide mode sensor has sensitivity similar to enzyme-liked immunosorbent
in a sensing chip decreases light reflectance at a specific wave- assay (ELISA) and consumes shorter experimental time than ELISA
length, and a change in surface conditions, such as a change in the (13). Although a WM sensor can detect leptin diluted in human
refractive index caused by binding of large molecules, results in serum by immunoassay using anti-leptin antibody (14), it has been
unclear whether a WM sensor can be applied for detection of
endogenous antibodies in blood samples.
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ81 3 3972 8199.
E-mail address: (M. Makishima).

1389-1723/$ e see front matter Ó 2017, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Shimizu, T., et al., Detection of antibodies against hepatitis B virus surface antigen and hepatitis C virus core
antigen in plasma with a waveguide-mode sensor, J. Biosci. Bioeng., (2017),

In this study, we evaluated the potential of a WM sensor as a triethoxysilane derivatives, C12Es (silane bearing succinimide ester moiety) and
method for detection of antibodies against HBV and HCV in blood M3EG (silane bearing methoxytriethylene glycol moiety), as described previously
(14). Chips were immersed in a mixture of C12Es and M3EG toluene solutions for
samples. Since a WM sensor-based method can utilize a portable, 72 h at 50 C, where the molar ratio of C12Es and M3EG was 1:10. M3EG and
small-sized instrument and work with battery power source, it C12Es were used for blocking and immobilization of proteins, respectively. The
should be useful during large-scale disasters. We increased the modified chip was rinsed with acetone and dried. The succinimide ester group of
detection sensitivity for anti-HBs antibody more than 300-fold by C12Es was reacted to form a covalent bond with amine residues of antigens.
introducing a peroxidase reaction in the detection process and Detection of mouse monoclonal anti-HBs antibody and anti HCV core
antibody diluted in plasma with a WM sensor Before antigeneantibody re-
succeeded in detecting endogenous anti-hepatitis B surface (HBs)
action, phosphate buffered saline (PBS) was placed on a chip immobilized with HBs
antibody in human plasma. antigen or HCV core antigen at room temperature and a baseline spectrum was
measured. Each chip has a material-dependent characteristic baseline spectrum. To
develop a detection system for anti-HBs antibody on a WM sensor, human plasma
containing the mouse anti-HBs antibody Hs33 was utilized. Antibody was diluted
in plasma from HBs antibody-negative volunteers at final concentrations from
WM sensors Optical arrangement of a WM sensor device was based on the 0.03 to 100 nM. Antibody containing plasma was added for antigeneantibody
Kretschmann configuration as reported previously (6). When light enters through a reaction on a chip for 30 min. The chip surface was washed with PBS five times
prism at a particular angle of incidence, light of a specific wavelength is propagated and a spectrum was measured. To develop a detection system for anti-HCV core
in a slab waveguide of a sensing chip, a phenomenon known as excitation of the antibody, anti-HCV core antibody H6-29 was diluted in plasma from HCV
WM, which causes decrease in the reflectance of light (Fig. 1A). Sensing chips antibody-negative persons, and was incubated on a chip immobilized with HCV
were composed of a glass substrate, an embedded Si layer, and a top SiO2 layer. core domain 1 antigen for 30 min. The chip surface was washed with PBS five
The Si and SiO2 layers function as the slab waveguide. We used sensing chips for times and a spectrum was measured.
colorless and colored targets as reported previously (8,9). When a spectrum of Measurement of anti-HBs antibody with a WM sensor and signal
reflected light from a white LED is measured by the spectrometer, a specific enhancement method For enhancement of detection sensitivity, a method
wavelength appears as a dip in reflectance spectra. When target molecules utilizing a peroxidase reaction was evaluated. For this reaction, after incubation of a
(particles) are captured on a sensing chip, the interaction influences the reflective chip immobilized with HBs antigen with a test sample as described above for a
property of the waveguide surface and the complex refractive index near the method without enhancement, HRP-conjugated anti-mouse or anti-human IgG
waveguide surface can be evaluated as a change in the depth and/or wavelength antibodies (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, West Grove, PA) diluted in Can
of the dip in reflectance spectra (Fig. 1B). The interaction of colorless target Get Signal Solution 2 (Toyobo Co., Osaka, Japan) was incubated on a chip for
molecules on a chip preferentially induces a shift of the dip peak position (Dl) (6). 30 min. The chip surface was washed with PBS-0.1% Tween 20 (PBST) instead of
Dl levels are dependent on both the amount and size of bound molecules. For PBS, and then washed with PBS. Finally, aminoethyl carbazole (AEC) solution
detection of colored target molecules, a change in the depth (DR) on a chip is also (Enzo Life Sciences, Farmingdale, NY, USA) was incubated as substrate of
useful to obtain high sensitivity (6,15). The detection limit was defined as the peroxidase reaction on a chip for 5 min. HRP catalyzes the conversion of AEC to
lowest concentration of antibody that showed a statistically significant difference red water-insoluble precipitates. The chip surface was washed with PBST and
from control. All measurements were performed at room temperature with a WM with PBS to remove unreacted AEC, and a spectrum was measured. Human
sensor device EVA-001 (Optex, Otsu, Japan). plasma from healthy vaccinated and non-vaccinated volunteers were also
Antigens and antibodies HBs adr antigen was purchased from ProsPec (East examined with the peroxidase method for anti-HBs antibody detection. Anti-HBs
Brunswick, NJ, USA), and HCV core domain 1 protein was generated using an antibody-positive blood was taken from a medical worker, who was inoculated
expression plasmid of core domain 1, which was made from the pON/C-5B/KE with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine three times and was confirmed to be
plasmid harboring HCV strain O genome (kindly provided by Prof. Nobuyuki Kato immunized by a hospital laboratory. We also utilized a polymerized secondary
of Okayama University, Japan) (16). Mouse monoclonal antibodies, anti-HBs Hs33 antibody, MAHG-SZ (Anti-human IgG [H, g-chain specific]-Strongzyme HRP
and anti-HCV core protein H6-29, were purchased from HyTest Ltd. (Turku, Conjugate, Mouse-Mono; Stereospecific Detection Technologies, Baesweiler,
Finland) and BioAcademia Inc. (Osaka, Japan), respectively. Germany), which harbors multiple molecules of an anti-human IgG antibody and
Immobilization of antigens on sensing chips surfaces To capture anti- HRP on dextran polymers instead of the conventional HRP-conjugated anti-
bodies, HBs antigen and HCV core antigen were immobilized on chips. For antigen human IgG. This study was approved by Research Ethics Committee of Nihon
immobilization, a silica surface of a sensing chip was chemically modified with University School of Medicine (reference number 25-6-0).

FIG. 1. A schematic diagram of a WM sensor for detection of antigeneantibody complexes. (A) A frame format of a WM sensor. A sensing chip is composed of 3 layers of glass (SiO2
and Si). (B) Illustration of dips detected in reflectance spectra. Interaction of target molecules on a chip changes a dip shape as DR in depth and/or Dl in wavelength.

Please cite this article in press as: Shimizu, T., et al., Detection of antibodies against hepatitis B virus surface antigen and hepatitis C virus core
antigen in plasma with a waveguide-mode sensor, J. Biosci. Bioeng., (2017),

RESULTS could decrease background signals by washing a tip surface with

PBST instead of PBS. Furthermore, in order to increase detection
Measurement of anti-HBs antibody with a WM sensor To sensitivity, we examined a method using peroxidase-conjugated
evaluate a detection system for anti-HBs antibody on a WM sensor, secondary antibody with a peroxidase reaction on AEC. This
we chose anti-HBs monoclonal antibody Hs33 after comparing signal enhancement method successfully detected anti-HBs
several commercial anti HBs antibodies for the sensitivity of antibody at 0.03 and 0.1 nM (Fig. 4A). The color change was not
antigeneantibody interaction. First, we examined whether we recognized with naked eye. We observed a concentration-
can detect interaction of anti-HBs antibody suspended in human dependent change from 0.01 nM to 10 nM, and the detection
plasma with HBs antigen immobilized on a chip using a WM limit was 0.03 nM (Fig. S1). Compared to the detection sensitivity
sensor without a enhancing method. Although plasma used for without enhancement (Fig. 2), the method using peroxidase-
dilution of antibody contain immunoglobulin, we used control conjugated secondary antibody and AEC staining increases
mouse monoclonal antibody at the same concentrations to verify detection sensitivity of anti-HBs antibody in a WM sensor more
specificity of anti-HBs antibody. While addition of control than 300-fold.
antibody did not, incubation with anti-HBs antibody resulted in a Finally, we applied a WM sensor with peroxidase enhancement
dip shape spectra (Fig. 2A). An anti-HBs antibody-dependent Dl to detect anti-HBs antibody in human blood samples. Using a chip
change was observed at 100 nM, although it was not significant immobilized with HBs antigen and HRP-conjugated anti-human
at 10 nM (Fig. 2B). A Dl value obtained from anti-HBs antibody at IgG antibody with peroxidase reaction, we observed a significant
100 nM was larger than that at 10 nM (Fig. 2B). The difference difference in DR between plasma from non-vaccinated and vacci-
between Dl values from control antibody at 10 nM and 100 nM nated persons (Fig. 4B). Interestingly, when we used the polymer-
was not significant. ized secondary antibody MAHG-SZ and the peroxidase reaction, the
difference in DR became larger (Fig. 4C). Therefore, a WM with
Measurement of anti-HCV antibody with a WM enhanced by conjugated secondary antibody and dye reaction can
sensor Similarly to detection of anti-HBs antibody, anti-HCV be applied to detection of anti-HBs antibody in human blood
core antibody H6-29 was dissolved in human plasma and was samples.
detected with a WM sensor. We observed a dip for 10 nM anti-
HCV antibody, which was not statistically significant (Fig. 3A).
This method significantly detected anti-HCV antibody at 100 nM
in a WM sensor (Fig. 3B).
We report here a novel method to detect anti-viral antibodies in
Enhanced sensitivity in detection of anti-HBs antibody We human blood samples using a WM sensor. This is the first report
used chips modified with M3EG-C12Es, which were reported to describing the use of a WM sensor for detection of endogenous
show the highest nonspecific adsorption-resistant effect in antibody in human blood. First, we evaluated a detection system by
human serum (14). Although we detected antigeneantibody using mouse monoclonal antibody (anti-HBs antibody or anti-HCV
interactions for anti-HBs antibody and anti-HCV antibody with a core antibody) diluted in human plasma, and found that anti-HBs
WM sensor (Figs. 2 and 3), we investigated how to enhance antibody (100 nM) and anti-HCV core antibody (100 nM) can be
detection sensitivity and/or to reduce nonspecific signals. We detected in a WM sensor. Next, we developed a signal enhancement

FIG. 2. Detection of anti-HBs antibody with a WM sensor. (A) Spectral changes by antigeneantibody reaction on a sensor chip. Left, control antibody. Right, anti-HBs antibody (Hs33).
(B) Anti-HBs antibody is detected with a WM sensor. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; n.s., not significant (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons). Data are presented as
means  S.D. (n ¼ 3).

Please cite this article in press as: Shimizu, T., et al., Detection of antibodies against hepatitis B virus surface antigen and hepatitis C virus core
antigen in plasma with a waveguide-mode sensor, J. Biosci. Bioeng., (2017),

FIG. 3. Detection of anti-HCV core antibody with a WM sensor. (A) Spectral changes by antigeneantibody reaction on a sensor chip. Left, control plasma. Middle and right, anti-HCV
core antibody (H6-29). (B) Anti-HCV antibody induces a concentration-dependent dip shift. **p < 0.01 (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons). Data are
presented as means  S.D. (n ¼ 3).

method and obtained improved sensitivity for detection of anti- reaction time of about 90 min, because it needs repeated washing
HBs antibody by more than 300-fold (0.03 nM) using a HRP re- to decrease nonspecific effects of plasma proteins. We are further
action on AEC dye. The peroxidase reaction generates red-colored developing an improved detection method using conjugated sec-
water-insoluble precipitates from AEC, which exhibit optical ab- ondary molecules to increase sensitivity and to shorten reaction
sorption and strongly influence light waves in a WM sensor. Thus, time.
the WM spectra reveal a change in the depth of a dip. Comparing Usual methods to detect antibodies, including anti-HBs anti-
between before and after the HRP reaction, the following two fac- body and anti-HCV core antibody, are hemagglutination assay,
tors are considered to contribute to the sensitivity enhancement: (i) chemiluminescent immunoassay and chemiluminescent enzyme
The changes in the extinction coefficient, k, caused by a colored immunoassay. These methods are sensitive and quantitative
substance induce a larger change in the spectra than that in the methods, but usually require a clinical laboratory and become
refractive index, n, caused by a colorless substance (9), and (ii) The impractical during large-scale disasters. Several portable devices
HRP reaction continuously generates the colored product until the for chemiluminescent reactions have been developed and may be
reaction is stopped by washing, and the change in k is enhanced by useful for on-site testing (17). Immunochromatography is a handy
the progress of the reaction. Finally, our enhanced detection method and can be used in cases of emergency. A method using SPR
method could be applied for detection of human anti-HBs antibody is similar to a WM sensor in detection of molecules on a chip and is
in blood samples from a vaccinated individual. These results have useful in biochemical analysis (18e20). A portable SPR sensor has
encouraged us to develop a WM sensor as a portable blood test been developed for immunoassay (21). We have successfully
device. The limitation of the current enhancement method is a developed microfluidic chips on a WM sensor for blood typing

FIG. 4. HRP-conjugated secondary antibody and HRP reaction increase detection sensitivity. (A) Increased sensitivity in detection of anti-HBs antibody (Hs33). HRP-conjugated anti-
mouse IgG was added after antigeneantibody interaction and HRP reacted on AEC dye. (B, C) Anti-HBs antibody in human blood samples is detected with a WM sensor in
combination with enhancing methods. While HRP-conjugated anti-human IgG was used in panels B and C, HRP reactions were performed on AEC in panel B like in panel A and on
the combination of MAHG-SZ and AEC reactions in panel C. Plasma A and B were derived from a non-vaccinated individual and a vaccinated individual, respectively. *p < 0.05;
**p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001 (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons for panel A; unpaired two-group Student’s t test for panels B and C). Data are presented as
means  S.D. [(A, C) n ¼ 3; (B) n ¼ 6].

Please cite this article in press as: Shimizu, T., et al., Detection of antibodies against hepatitis B virus surface antigen and hepatitis C virus core
antigen in plasma with a waveguide-mode sensor, J. Biosci. Bioeng., (2017),

(5,22,23). A method using a multichannel WM will be useful for 7. Fujimaki, M., Rockstuhl, C., Wang, X., Awazu, K., Tominaga, J., Ikeda, T.,
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Please cite this article in press as: Shimizu, T., et al., Detection of antibodies against hepatitis B virus surface antigen and hepatitis C virus core
antigen in plasma with a waveguide-mode sensor, J. Biosci. Bioeng., (2017),

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