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SLF1708600120 JOHN WILLIE Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology

SLF1719810119 KIAP AMANDA Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1709601146 KOIPI GEDION Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1708601155 KUORO ALLAN Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1707810136 KURI JOHN Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1713604176 LALO WILLIE Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1715606068 LIRIPI PAUL Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1709620117 MAI ISSAC Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1709601214 MEK CEDRICK Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1719810176 MINIO BLAISE Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1719810186 MURRAY JOASH Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1719801084 NEN HOUSTON Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1707810187 PAHUN ELIJAH Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1719601209 PETER JESSE Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1719810240 RIVA LAUOU Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1710635090 ROBERT SAIRUS Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1713601239 ROBERT BOBBY Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1711810153 SANI ZEBEDEE Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1719810249 SASUARA WOCHINWAE Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1720620291 TAME HITCHY Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1719637168 TONGI LYANIE Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1713601282 USU EZEKIEL Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1769202051 WEMIN ABRAHAM Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1713601297 WILBERT SOLOMON Foundation Year in Architecture & Building UOT 6/10 PNG University of Technology
SLF1711637004 AMBIWA DONOVAN Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1721600006 ANDIBU ANGELINE Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1703600022 BAGORO AARON Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1701600028 DASU NELSON Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1708603107 KALE LUTHER Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1710602039 KIMBLANG ENSON Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1717600035 KOBON KIMBERLY Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1711606031 KUAHEN ISSAC Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1713601140 KUIVA ELLEN Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1709620126 MARK ISMAEL Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1708601188 MICHAEL BEVEN Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1707620238 MOGIA AMBATI Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1710602055 NAMIA LANZER Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1703600090 ODI CLETUS Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1710637091 PANG ISIDORE Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1709620185 PENGUNDI AKI Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1713601232 PUAYLI ANGELIQUE Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1709609076 PULU SAMSON Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1707620292 ROBERT HOSEA Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1704636134 ROY NIZEL Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1713605094 SILAS JONAH Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1707810220 SIURI DAVID Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1721690116 TABUA EDGAR Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1713604333 TIMINA RACHAELYN Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1706600204 TIPU LEROY Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1721690121 TIRON ROTRICK Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1709603101 TONGAU DAMIEN Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1704610146 WAMATABE BRUCE Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1711608245 WORIWORI SIMON Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1710637143 YEKU JASON Diploma in Forestry UOT 4/24 PNG University of Technology - Bulolo Campus
SLF1713600001 ABEL RYAN Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602005 AIPUT GRACE Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1703601039 GARO LENTY Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1714601050 GORI NOBERT Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713605028 GRAHAM MICHAEL Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1701615033 JACK DUBA Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600147 JAMES SAMUEL Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600154 JIMBIKUN FERDINAN Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602123 JUNIAS RAPHAEL Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1701615039 KAWANI WADOBA Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713605048 KEN KEITH Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713601127 KEWA JOB Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600194 KOMNDI GERHARD Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713605052 KOPA SIMON Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602146 KOSIENG TICKY Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600205 KWILA RACHAEL Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600207 LAMIN MURPHY Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1711602043 LEGIMANI CHAID JUNIOR Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602164 MANGTANING RHODA Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602165 MANGTANING SAMSON Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602167 MARENFOP NANCY Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602174 MATHEW ELIZAH Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1718635041 NOMBAY ANTHONIA Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600280 PANAO JAMAICAH Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602224 RAULI STEPHANIE Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1715636123 RINO ISIDOR Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713605090 ROBERTH DELLA Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1701615070 SAWA HAROLD Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600310 SEMI ASARI RALP Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713605095 SIMBI DESMOND Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1716601165 TAMEKARE JOSIAH Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600333 TAMU SAKING Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600349 TITUS SPATRE Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602279 TONNY SILAS Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1714601180 VAILI GODFREY Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1714603184 WAKUI ABRAHAM Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1701615079 WALIGI SOBA Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713603177 WILLIE JAMES Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713600377 YAM ISAIAH Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus
SLF1713602293 YAOM SYBILL Certificate in Solid Wood Processing UOT 5/25 PNG University of Technology - Bumbo Capus

1.3 University of Goroka

SLF Code Surname First Name Program Name Institution Name
SLF1707810050 DOUGLAS BONAGA Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1711601042 GENGENDU DOMETILA Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1719637056 GURIA DANIEL Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1707640080 LAYMAN FINOLA Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1707810146 MAISO KARLSSON Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1711601112 MALISA HERISON Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1719604151 PERSH CARLTON Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1713604287 RUAMBIL SHELLINA Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1719637150 SAM JOHN Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1715601198 SAMUEL EMMANUEL Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1709605223 TAIM SAMMY Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1713600335 TANDA SHERIANDIAN Bachelor of Agriculture Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/17 University of Goroka
SLF1714600015 BAUNKE VIRGINIA Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1715606022 DAMAIA JOSEPHINE Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1720642020 JOEL SEN Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1707620151 JOHN DOROBE Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1739601033 KUIAN NICK Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1720607188 KUNI RONALD Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1719810163 MAPAI TERENCE Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1712635119 NAVA SERENA Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1707600386 SUVILLE PHOEBE Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1719636137 ZAZENG MARISTELLA Bachelor of Agriculture Extension (Pre-service) UOG 1/12 University of Goroka
SLF1706600001 AGEMBO SHARON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810011 AISA MARY JOSEPH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1720607005 AKIA REBECCA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1720620003 AKIPAT ANDERSON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810013 ALFRED VERONICA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703603009 AMOS NOAH MAUL Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703810026 BATIA JUNITA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1711635006 BEJO BIANCA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703810030 BOBBY TAUTAU Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707602038 BONASO EMMANUEL Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1710635018 BOSKI JOEL Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1716601025 BROWN RUTH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709600055 DAVID VANDREW KELLY Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601048 DENNIS RUTH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1717602018 DOMANSI DENNISA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601056 EKI JORDAN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1704600036 ELIMO ANDREW Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715810031 FONGAPA ERNEST Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810064 GAITA JOSEPH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1716602022 GALISH NEHEMAIAH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1714601041 GAMBA BOBBY Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713620082 GELONG MELINAH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1710635027 GENA RAPHAEL Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713601078 GIBSON TIMOTHY Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713810054 GIMA JOACHIM Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1714600046 GOIDA BORE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810072 HAGU AMALO Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810076 HAONO ANDREW Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1716625032 HOSSMAN REGINA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1711601057 IKIAKDU LILLIAN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1708603087 ISMAIL KUZZIE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1704636056 IVEKOLIA NOELA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715810053 JOEL STALLON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1708600119 JOHN SUSAN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1712635063 KANAGUI RACHAEL Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703810114 KEI MIRIAM Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715810068 KELAMANU RAYLINE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1719810113 KEROWA ANITA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1719636049 KIMAT YOSHIDA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715635048 KOMANG AGNES Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601154 KONTS LEAH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1712635076 KOYAN FELISHA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1712635082 KWARIMA MARTHA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1719600180 LARA PHILEMON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715602073 LARIVITA PAULINE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810143 LINSON REGU Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1717602064 LOAHIN ANDREA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601195 MAKINTA NEWMAN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601196 MAMANDO NAOMI Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1716603045 MATOR JOE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601215 MEK FREDA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707600278 MOIHAE GEORGINA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810166 MOTEFA KAMANI Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703810171 MOTOKA PAMILA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709636062 NAKI AMENDA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1712635116 NAMBON JOSEPH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1711635078 NANGUSI KESLYN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1720600237 NGANG .K LEOBAH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601246 NOP LORRAINE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707602193 OLUE MURPHY Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1723635186 ONGUGLO ALEXANDRA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703810183 ONO FRANCISCA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703810185 OPU EILEEN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1711810129 PAKUNDU CLYDE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601274 PAULUS JOSHUA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1718615065 PONDRUN EUNICE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601313 PURI SOLOMON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715636124 RIVAN SYLVESTER Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1718600083 ROY ALLAN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715810142 RUMINTS HELLENA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1723635209 SENO NAOMI Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1704600146 SIDA INDIRA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713600315 SIKOKO SHARON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601343 SIMON AIEK Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713810179 SINE SURE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810218 SIONA BENDICK Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709600409 SMITH SONIA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1701600100 SOMA TARI Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1711637130 SUAI GRAHAM Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810226 SUMIAH ANTHON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1716601164 TAMALIU RACHAEL Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715810156 TARAMA LINUS Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713607114 TITUS SEBASTINE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707601264 TOM SAMSON Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715810163 TORIA DESSIE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810245 TUMAI LILLIAN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1715810170 VALAUN NERRIE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713601289 WAFFI TALITHA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709601397 WEMBRI TITO Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707600425 WEMIN SAINA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1709600490 WILLIAM LUDWINA Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1710635122 WOMKI SEDCHIE Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1704636169 YAGO EDWIN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1720607471 YAKANI DICKY Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1711608248 YALIMALE ESSAU Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1703810268 YANO SLENTOS Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1711810217 YARIMBAU VENESSAH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707601294 YAWI MICAH Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707810272 YERIM NICOLLIN Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1707602284 YOMBU BONZY Bachelor of Arts Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/11 University of Goroka
SLF1713764001 AIL LALITHA Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1713810021 BASE CATHY Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1709600070 GAU MALACHI Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1713604096 GUMASI ROBYN Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1703810086 JEFFERY EDWIN Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1715810059 KAKO SERAH Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1709605067 KALE ALPHONSE Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1703810122 KIAKARI SELENE Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1713604177 LANGTRY MICHAELYNE Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1711810117 MARI SHIRLEY Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1711635082 NIANGUMA JASMINE Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1713810158 POPA HIMALANGAN Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1713604276 PWARAVESA MEROLYN Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1711810150 RUMOU MICHAEL Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1707620307 SAM ESTHER Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Pre-service) UOG 1/9 University of Goroka
SLF1708601015 APUTI DAVID Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1713604032 BADE MARINA Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1703810051 GABALE GILBERT Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1703810081 ILA ALFRED Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1709600166 KISAM ANDERSON Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1719603207 KOI HEVERNY Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1723602137 MANGI ANNMARIE Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1719603293 MORABANG SCHOLASTICA Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1712635118 NANUNA MARCELLINA Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1707600335 PORE EZRAEL Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1710637099 ROHATS MARYANGELLA Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1704610126 TENAKANAI MARIANNAH Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1709600444 TINA NAPOLEON Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1719603462 WARIKE KEPISONIA Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1703810263 WILOM ALICE Bachelor of Arts in Rel. Educ. & PD (Pre-service) UOG 1/10 University of Goroka
SLF1702600001 A'ARON ADAM Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706605007 ALBERT MILLA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707602009 ALEX JEFFREY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703603010 ANAMAH MURPHY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1704636009 ANDREW LANFORD Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707600020 ANOSA SAPU Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719636009 ARA ASHLEA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703810019 BAFI EMMANUEL Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719810035 BELEM ANITA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1705600018 BENGU SPENCER Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1713604044 BILLY ESTHER Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707601049 BUNNINKO CECELIA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1704600021 BUSIA JOHN Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1704635028 CHAUKA MILDRED Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719604031 CHOLLAI-PAGAL MATILDA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1715601039 DARIUS DOROTHY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707601059 DAURE SONIA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706600023 DAVID LUTHER Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1702600013 ELAPO ELIJAH Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706600037 EPI ELIS Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1718600011 FRED HANDY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1704635047 GALMOA MICHELLE Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703600045 HETAHU GRACELYN Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1710635032 HIYAN SHARON Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706607037 HOLIN FREDA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1705600045 IKOSI KELLY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707810087 JACK GUTUMA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719637073 KALA RAHO Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707810108 KALE MILA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1705600057 KATU CONWAY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719603194 KENKAMA SEAH Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1704636073 KETOBWAU LYDIA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719810127 KOMI JOANNE Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706602070 KORE SHIRLEY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1709601408 KORLDOP GREGORY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707603110 KOSO LULU Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703601105 LISTER ARCHIE Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719810152 LOKO JULIUS PETER Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703810148 MAINO TABITHA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707600246 MAKUS JULIE Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707600256 MATAGOGO NATHALIE Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1715810106 MAVI ROBERT Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707600266 MICHAEL DANIELLA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1705600077 MOIA CHRIS Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1723635168 MOROK OTTO Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1704600107 MOTISI DAISY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1710637079 NASA DONATUS Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1701615058 PARON PIOPIO Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1709605181 PERA LINA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1705600091 PEREMBO CHRISTOPHER Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703645083 POKORAIJA RENSON Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1702603044 PORUSA KEN Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707602208 PUIYAH ARMRAY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719603366 RAKI MALO Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1719636097 ROBERT NICKY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1701600090 SAKOR GRACE Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1713602244 SINA JERRY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1702603058 SIWI HANE YVONNE Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707601250 STANLEY OXY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1705600103 TAUKE MESSACH Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703810236 THENTHENAI JORDAN Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706602132 TOM JOEL Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706605100 TOPE TYSON Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707601283 WAGHI LINDA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703600122 WAUGA JUSTIN MELIKEON Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1706605105 WAYA CATHY Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703603178 WEMIN ERKINA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1703600123 WILLIAM THAVALA Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707600430 YAGGA JOSEPH Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1707600432 YAGI MITCHELL Bachelor of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/6 University of Goroka
SLF1713603001 ADAM NATASHA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1704600002 AILA REUBEN JAMES Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713602004 AILABE GIUSU Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713601024 AYANG LINGION Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707603019 BANABAS NEKA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810024 BARORO SARAH Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600052 BAWA GEORGIA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1719801016 BENJAMIN GAVUGENO Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1719810043 CHOLAI STANLEY Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703645020 DOKAH STEVEN Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600090 EMA BAGIRO Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703600037 FRANK JENNY Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600114 GIENU MAIRU Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713601081 GON WILKINSON Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707607061 GORAMETH SYLLISTER Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713601086 HAIA DAROL Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707620115 HOGAVE ENOS Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1711810059 IMALE ESLYNE Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1712637044 JALYAU FELICITY Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600150 JERRY MIAN Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707640049 JESSY JOHNA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810104 KAKAU JOHN Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1716602038 KARIS JOHNSON Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707600193 KAVOE YASIBA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1704600076 KEDODOYAI ELVIE Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810120 KERARI TREWALTER Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600190 KLAGIA CEDRICK Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1708601128 KOBOR KIRRI JUNIOR Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1719810132 KUKARI PETER Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600203 KUPE SALOME Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600201 LAS JUNIOR ANDREW Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1715601116 LAVUTUL ALLISON Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600212 LEVIT ESTHER Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810147 LOHIA MABA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600208 LONE LASSE Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703603099 MABA ROSE Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1706607067 MAISEP ISMAEL Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600224 MANJAMBAN IRAD Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600235 MAYONI JETHRO Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600249 MENDAKI JEREMIAH Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707810163 MOBA HOMOKA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1719810181 MORA CHERUBIM Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713603117 MORAMA CHRISTINA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810173 MUNEVE ROBIN Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1719810190 NAMUN JOSHUA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703635076 NUMERA JACOB Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810188 OTTO TONY Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810198 PHILIP WAPAI Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713600289 POLIPA DEREK Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600357 PRAEM LAZARUS Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600372 RAPURA HENRY KERTH Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810212 ROPA JAMES Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707603163 ROY FEMI Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1717602106 RUPEN KEHALI Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600397 SAGOM BREALEY Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600412 SOTO TYSON Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703810231 SUKAIYE MILA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1711810176 TEWI JOHRAIN Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1704625143 TIOTI STEVENSON Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1711601191 TIPATILEN ARTHUR Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600446 TOBBY SANDRA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1707620361 TOM JESSY Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1709600458 UMBA PHILIP MAX Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1703600117 URU LEONORA Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713601290 WAIDE MICHAEL Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1719601278 WAK LEANNE WIANNG Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713601294 WAMES OBADIAH Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1708601286 WEMIN BELDEN Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1713601299 YALMITNA PETER Bachelor of Business Management (Pre-service) UOG 1/7 University of Goroka
SLF1710635101 SILAM BRIAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1723683491 AGERENGA LINDA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1712636006 AGUSI PAUL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707600002 AHUME BARBARA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708601006 ALEX BHUTO Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1716625003 AMBAS WAKUP JNR Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1704625010 AMOLE EMMANUEL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1713604022 ANDUWAN BRENDA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1714600013 BATA DOROTHY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1703810027 BAUAI FRANCIS Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1718615007 BOB SIEGFRED Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1720607054 CLETUS NEWMAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1712637025 DAMON JOE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711637019 DAPUE ANDREA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706607023 DICKSON KEN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1723602035 ESEGE KARL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1710635023 FINEL RENICK Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1710635024 FITHZ ALPHONSE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707810062 FORIO STANLEY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1715602039 GEKESUN JOHNVIANNEY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708601067 GENA MOSES Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708603069 GENE NELSON Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1713604086 GESINGSU JEZRIELL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707810074 HANAMO ANDREW Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1721690036 HARRY GRACE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1719775018 HOKO ANNA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1709603012 HUAMBI EPHRAIM Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1709603013 ISSAC DEMSOND Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707810086 IYAG LINKEN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1709620056 JAMES LIJAPE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1712635053 JENJET ADRIAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707603079 JESSY DEPHNY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706600060 JIK JUSTIN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708602101 JOHNNAH RUTH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711600094 JUWARA LINDON Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1723602078 KAIPEX BANEX Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711637050 KAISMAN MICAH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707621077 KAWAGE ALVIS Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1713601134 KOL JACQUELYNE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707810129 KOURE KOSU Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1719601139 LAKA JOYCE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707603119 LEGESO TOM Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1704636090 LOKA NIBERT Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1715601126 LOLOT HILDA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1709600206 LOMOTO DESLY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1709600209 LUKE EZEKIEL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708635195 LUMBI NORMAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1710635058 MAISIL BASILLY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711601111 MALAU JIMAIMAH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1703601115 MANAU MAINO Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706600113 MARK JUSTIN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706600114 MARKIP JEREMIAH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1713601174 MASOGA STEPHANIE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707600257 MATHAL BELL GIMA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706601068 MAX NATHAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1703810162 MEUT ISAIAH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706607073 MICHAEL MCKION Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1704610087 MUGAGATA SERAH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1710635070 NAIT BRETLY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707810169 NAMAINGI ANDERSON Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1723635174 NEKINTS JOHN PAUL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1710602060 NIHIN EXODIA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1719601195 NORI TERRY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708601210 OBO LAWRENCE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1703810184 OPOTIO SALOME Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711600178 PAIWALI MAYLYN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1719810224 PIUS ANGELINE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1709601298 POKIL ISRAEL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707603159 RIA FRANKY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1720600297 RICKTON ISRAEL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1712636087 RUARRI ANDERSON Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1712620096 SAIRAK STEVEN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707814221 SAPE NORIASO Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1704625131 SAUNI ELVIS Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711810155 SEBADI VENESSAH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707810212 SEBASTIAN SETH Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707640123 SEN ROSE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1719601241 SEWI MARIA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711601176 SILIWEN NANIK Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708603233 SINE PHILIP Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706600186 SOMO MCANN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1706600187 SOMO STAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1709600413 STEVEN STANLEY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1719810278 TEDDY ALOYSIUS Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707603190 TENCO INANE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1705600105 THOMAS AMOS Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1717638121 TOKAPIP JERMAINE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1708601263 TONY WENA JUNIOR Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1716602121 TOPIDIK DOMINIC Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1749604107 TOTE FRANCIS Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1703810245 TTOPOQOGO JONATHAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1710635111 WAEDA CHARLES LWANGA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711810187 WAFI HILLARIAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1721690127 WAKEA BARAM Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1710635116 WANGU RENSLY Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1711600282 YAMBAN RYAN Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1721690136 YANDEM OCTOVINA Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1713604378 YAPI EMMANUEL Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1713810212 YAPUK SOPHIE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707601295 YEKU DELVIANNE Bachelor of Science Education (Pre-service) UOG 1/18 University of Goroka
SLF1707602002 AGA JACOB Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1716800001 AMANI NATASHA Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1707600023 APAISE RACHAEL Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1719635022 AWI JEROL Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1707600039 BAREKAS MELISHA Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1704625063 ISAIAH RODLYN Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1707602109 JONATHAN VIEN Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1709600138 KANDA NAAMAN Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1709620075 KEN EZEKIEL Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1708602134 KHAY CATHERINE Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1712601189 KUBOD ISAAC Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1709601220 MINIMBI OLIVIA Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1708602191 MONGO MARY Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1709620168 ONOM JONATHAN Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1720600265 PENDAKUN MATHEW Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1710637112 TALIS PAUL ROBIN Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
SLF1711601193 TIYAVI BRIAN Bachelor of Science in Biology (Pre-service) UOG 1/13 University of Goroka
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SLF1708602265 UMBA VALENTINE Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Pre-service) UOG 1/14 University of Goroka
SLF1713604356 VINES LAIFAIL Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Pre-service) UOG 1/14 University of Goroka
SLF1711600238 WABUA KEN Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Pre-service) UOG 1/14 University of Goroka
SLF1711637162 YAPOG JUDE Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Pre-service) UOG 1/14 University of Goroka
SLF1719603489 YOSIA KEVLYN Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Pre-service) UOG 1/14 University of Goroka
SLF1707600009 ALOIS JOHN WESLEY Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1711608022 ARIRO GEDION Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1709620015 BENJAMIN JOSHUA Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1704635026 BUDIARA REBECCA Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1703810063 GUIMBEN SHIMRON Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1703810073 HAUTA JEREMIE Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1712635044 HORRIS PAULA Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1719801045 KAUPA EMERALD MINIME Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1703810133 KUBE WAIMA Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1711601121 MANGE JINALYN Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1709620122 MARA GILBERT Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1709620127 MARK PAIAS Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1709604106 NEMA JEFFERY Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1715601157 NETUI ADRIAN Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1707810205 RUBEN HAMOLO Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1707600349 SAMUEL TALITHA Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1713620290 TANIS SAMSON Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1712635161 TEDDY SHIRLYNA Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1706607147 TOM JACKSON Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1708635311 WITNE ROGER DORUME PHILIP Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (Pre-service) UOG 1/16 University of Goroka
SLF1715605001 AIWARA KENNY Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1707607021 BAIWA DICK Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1707814023 BAYUVE JYRUS Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1712600036 BISAR SIMEON Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1708603035 BOII TINE Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1706607029 EDWIN NORMAN Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1712600068 IDEGEL RODNEY Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1708602095 JOHN BONNY Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1709600117 JONLY JONHLY Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1723635133 KUMIYE ISSAC Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1709601183 LEPA ALEX Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1719810155 MAIP THOMPSON Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1710637086 NOSI CHARLES Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1709601275 PAULUS MAPSON Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1719603362 PUIPUI GARETH Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1712637098 SINAURA ANTHON Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1719638093 TENGEN HOSEA Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1718615087 WAENGO ISAAC Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1719810330 YANDA MATHIAS Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1715810189 YUIGIN WINIFRED Bachelor of Science in Physics (Pre-service) UOG 1/15 University of Goroka
SLF1708603001 ACRIS PHILEMON Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1709609016 BAFINUC ADASHA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1707620043 BILL BONNY Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1715601048 ELIZAH NATHALIE Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719603125 HIOVEA MONICA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1707600141 IVELO SAIKA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1707602097 JAMES WILSON Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1720600151 KOMBEN QUEENSEN Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719635115 KUMIEA JEREMIAH Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719600173 LAHUI GEAU Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1713810116 LAPAKIO ANITHA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1715601125 LOLOT EMELYNE Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1715605078 MALONIE VIRGINIA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1712635094 MANGER RIENNA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1713604204 METTA ZARING Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719636072 MIRIA MARY AGNES Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719603294 MORAP KIMBERLY Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719801081 NATERA YANNA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1717818020 NAVUNG MELISSA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1707600313 ORUDA MOLITABI Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1715810130 PAPU RODNEY Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1707620275 PETER BENJAMIN Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1709600331 PETER SUSAN Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1707602220 SAKI DANIEL Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1715810143 SAKU NORAH Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1711810159 SHONG SHOLYN Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719603394 SILAS PATRICK Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719635199 SUVE JONATHAN Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1707600388 TAIMBARI NATASHA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1703601164 TIDMAN LALITA Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/19 University of Goroka
SLF1719638004 AGUS MICAH Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719604012 ARO JOSHUA Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1713810015 AUGWI CATHLYNA Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719603041 BAREREBA JANET Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719604027 BURI BISIA Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719601052 ELIZAH LEWIS Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719603098 GEVOKILA JEZEBELLE Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719603109 GUALIN TAIMALU Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1707640041 HANE JACK Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719637059 HAU BRADLEY Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719602136 KILISO RODNEY Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1709600214 MAIP PATRICIA Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1716600027 MALUANGA DONNAH Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719775033 MORODU TERENCE Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719602219 ORA LYEAN Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719810230 POKO DEAN Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1709600390 RUIMB EMELYN Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1713604297 SAM HERMAN Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1715810154 TAHITI LARRY Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1719635215 TUPUS JONAH Diploma in Hotel Operations Management (DHOM) UOG 1/21 University of Goroka
SLF1704600017 BEN KINGSFORD Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1703810047 ELTON SELIANNA Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1713601073 FENU ISO Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1719637048 GEORGE MAX Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1712620050 KALAP GEORGE Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1713601114 KALUNA MARCELLA Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1715810066 KATHIMOLEY JUSTINE Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1715603029 KAVAKEKEU JOYCE Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1707600223 KUMAN EMMANUEL Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1715810081 KUMATA YANI Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1712637067 KUTIL MOTOG PIO Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1719637094 LAVELIU VANESSA Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1719636065 LOMOI HUBERTINE Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1710637070 MAYANG DAMALY Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1713604210 MIMINGKY FREEDOLYNE Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1714600129 MONDO BERNARD Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1711810125 MULO MADLYN Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1719637121 NAIG SHERITTA CLYDIAH Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1709600286 NEPO SHONNYFAITH Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1716601117 NINGI BEVERLY Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1719637134 PAEKE JEMMA Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1719637142 RAGINA LAURYN Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1703810208 RANDY PHILEMON Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1707620290 REX JUNIOR Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1721690103 RODDY ROBIN Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1707600344 ROSI'E HAM Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1707603169 SAIFA DERISH Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1719603451 VETALI BERNADETTE Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1712601380 WAPIRU ALVINA Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1703810260 WAYASAMO MAVI Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality Management UOG 1/20 University of Goroka
SLF1707620080 FRED RAIM Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707810068 GIMANA KOPI Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707603054 GINUO AINESS Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707620095 GIREGIRE ROBIN Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707603065 HOGOMU TIMOTHY Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707603107 KOMPRINO KONAE Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707604090 ROY BAGAVE Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1713604292 SABOK BASIL NATASHA Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707620313 SAMUEL LILY Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka
SLF1707604116 UVIRE IYOVE Diploma of Business Accounting (Pre-service) UOG 1/8 University of Goroka


SLF Code Surname First Name Program Name Institution Name

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