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● Prayer may be simply called a “personal time” with God, our Father.
● Christian Prayer - loving, conscious, personal relationship with God.


➔ Adoration - prayer we make when we give praise to the Lord who created us and
sustains our life by providing for our needs.
◆ The term comes from the Latin word “adoratio”, meaning “to give homage or
➔ Contrition – prayer that expresses our sorrow for our sins because they have
offended God who is all good. We ask God for mercy and forgiveness for the
transgressions committed to Him and other people. By saying sorry to the Lord, we
are willing to offer ourselves to Him through service and change of heart
➔ Thanksgiving - we express our deep gratitude to God and appreciation for all the
blessings, He gives us.
➔ Supplication/Petition – to make a humble request to the Lord for all our needs


■ Sign of the Cross

■ The Apostles’ Creed
■ Lord’s Prayer
■ Hail Mary
■ Glory Be/Doxology
■ Grace Before Meals
■ Thanksgiving After Meals
■ The Angelus


- Opening Prayer
- Prayer to the Holy Spirit
- St. Augustine’s Prayer

● Christ is present in the community that gathers in prayer, in worshiping and
glorifying God.
● Our prayer is effective when we pray together because Christ is present when we
pray together.
● Through prayer, we become strong in our faith and we receive the grace to
establish a life of communion and fellowship with the Father, His son Jesus and with
our brothers and sisters.
� Saints are the standard operating model for human beings.
� In the biblical sense of the word “saint”, all believers are saints.
� "Sanctity" means holiness.
� A saint knows that he is a sinner.
� holy - set apart
� A saint knows the truth.
� A saint is a servant of Christ.
� The catholic church believes that the saints are ordinary and typical human beings
who made it into heaven
� Everyone who are now in heaven are saints
� Saints are human beings who lived holy lives in god's will who are now in heaven for
� When we call someone a saint "we are recognizing" that they are in heaven with God

� A saint is a little Christ

� A saint is our role model in being a good follower of Christ
� Saints live out a holy life according to God's will
� Saint's aren't born saints, in contrary they are born sinners
o Some of them are even sinners throughout their lives

★ All Saints' Day (Nov. 1)

★ First Centuries - acclamation of the community

■ At least 5 years after death

○ Once the five years are up, or a waiver is granted, the bishop of the diocese
where the person died can open an investigation into the life of the
individual. Once the five years are up, or a waiver is granted, the bishop of
the diocese where the person died can open an investigation into the life of
the individual.
■ Servant of God
○ Someone who knew them asked for their local bishop for The Cause of
Canonization, once the bishop agrees, the potential saint will receive the title
“Servant of God”
■ Venerable
○ Formal reviews by Historians and Theologians then the bishop may decide to
send the Cause to Rome. The Congregation for the Causes of Saint
determines HEROIC SANCTITY in their lifetime:
■ ☑ Did they live a life marked by virtuous action?
■ ☑ Doing good works out of love of God and neighbor
○ If the pope agrees, then they were declared “Venerable”
■ Blessed
○ Miracle (That happened AFTER they died.)
○ Exhaustive – The process of confirming miracles.
○ Once there are proof that a miracle resulted from an aspiring saint’s
intercession, the person may now officially be called “Blessed”
○ Beatification – Declared as Blessed
○ Miraculous cures must be:
■ Instantaneous - very sick to healthy in a short period of time
■ Lasting - at least a year or more
■ Unexplainable
■ Saint
○ 2nd Miracle (Happened AFTER Beatification), if it is verified and approved by
Rome, then the person may be Canonized.
Canonization - Being named a Saint by the Catholic Church. The pope declares them as a
● Martyr - requires only 1 miracle
● The pope can also dispense with the 2nd Miracle with non-martyrs
● Equivalent canonization - unofficial saint is officially declared one through papal
● It doesn't mean that the people who are proclaimed blessed are not as effective as
Augustinian Identity

Saint Augustine
❏ Augustine was not only a student as he grew up, he was a student throughout his
entire life.
❏ He began his education on the lap of his mother, Monica.

❏ ‘schools’ and ‘universities’ were run by individual teachers in the late Roman Empire.
❏ His formal education began in his hometown, Thagaste.
❏ It is where he studied the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. (math)
❏ He doesn’t like Greek Language because he was forced into it.
❏ “that we learn better in a free spirit of curiosity than under fear and
❏ He feared beating, because back then it was normalized and even parents condone
❏ His prayers to God back then was to not let him be beaten at school.
❏ To continue his education, he studied in Madaura under the ‘Grammaticus’
❏ Grammaticus - educator of language and Latin culture
❏ Patricius wanted the best education for his son, which is available only in Carthage,
but he can’t afford it, so Augustine’s studies were interrupted.
❏ 1 year of forced idleness resulted in the famous theft of a nearby pear orchard.
❏ During this situation, he learned the power of peer pressure, which helped
him have a different approach to his peers when he came back to Carthage,
with the help of Romanianus.
❏ His father didn’t witness him to study enimor :< 🙁 awtsuu ;((
❏ His life in Carthage, both at the university and apart from it, was to make a deep
impression on him
❏ Within a year’s time, he took a young girl to his home as his mistress or
common-law wife and they had a son
❏ He joined the Manichees for about ten years; He studied law and became a top
student in the school of rhetoric
❏ He completed his studies of rhetoric (public speaking) under the ‘rhetor’
❏ Rhetor - teacher of humanities, with special emphasis on law and
❏ He was tempted once again by peer pressure, but did not give in completely.
❏ The greatest thing that happened to him was his discovery of a book by Cicero, the
Hortensius, which enticed him to love WISDOM itself. But there was one thing about
this book that did not please him: it made no mention of the name of Jesus.
❏ What he found in these sacred books was a style totally unaware of
comparison with Ciceronian Latin. His conclusion: how could these books,
written in such poor style, possibly contain anything worthwhile
❏ he could not get beyond their appearance to find their substance.
❏ He judged the book by it’s cover, in its case, the scriptural language, that’s
why he found it (bOrInG? idek i aint him dude :<)
❏ While at the University of Carthage, Augustine made some good friends with a group
of very unsavory characters, the wReCkeRs (rawrr), but he would not take part in
their evil deeds. :>
❏ During his university years, he fell in with the Manichees who enticed him to their
way of thinking because of their insistence that they could solve all his youthful
intellectual problems by reason alone.

❏ Nov. 13, 354 - Born in Thagaste (Souk-Aras, Algeria) North Africa

❏ 365 - 369 - Studied Grammar at Madura (11-15 yrs. old)
❏ 369 - 370 - Spent a year in idleness at Thagaste (pear theft) (15 yrs. old)
❏ 371 - Studied in Carthage, Patricius died (17 yrs. old)
❏ 371 - 372 - Takes concubine; Birth of Adeodatus (18 yrs. old)
❏ 386 - Conversion to Christianity in the garden of Milan. “Tolle Lege, Tolle Lege”
(Take up and Read) (32 yrs. old)
❏ Apr. 24-25, 387 - Baptized by Bishop Ambrose together with Alypius and
Adeodatus (33 yrs. old)
❏ Mar. 387 - Death of Monica at Ostia (33 yrs. old)
❏ 388 - Death of Adeodatus (35 yrs. old)
❏ 391 - Ordained as Priest at Hippo (37 yrs. old)

❏ 397 - 401 - The Confessions

❏ Aug. 28, 430 - Death of St. Augustine in Hippo(Annaba) (76 yrs. old)

Saint Nicholas of Tolentine

“Patron Saint of the Souls in the Purgatory”
St. Nicholas: A Wanted Child
❏ St. Nicholas was one of the most genuine glories of the order of St. Augustine.
❏ They put their hope in the Lord through the intercession of the famous Saint
Nicholas of Bari, Bishop of Myra, whom legend has associated with the benevolent
Santa Claus.
❏ Sept. 1245, a child was born to the couple Companion and Amada, Nicholas.
❏ After the example of pious women of the Old Testament, his mother offered him to

Saint Nicholas: A Child With Earnest Thoughts

❏ Nicholas soon started to find attractions towards a life of self-denial, bodily
mortification, piety, almsgiving, and compassion for the poor and the needy.
❏ The serious thoughts of eternity governed his spirit
❏ Young Nicholas already showed a desire to consecrate his eternal life in a religious
order. And as soon as his age allowed him to be admitted, Nicholas took the Habit of
Augustinians (OSA).
❏ He became the example of consecrated life. :>

Spreading the Good Odor of Christ

❏ Nicholas’ superiors were fond of transferring him even for a short season from
convent to the convent so that this saintly example could spread among the
religious the good odor of Christ and be an example to them.

❏ Everywhere he went, he would leave behind a wake of virtue, particularly

abstemiousness, humility, piety, and charity.
❏ St. Nicholas was so pure of heart that, truly, he was a lily of chastity. He
always kept in his heart the injunction of the Apostle: Glorify and carry God
in your body.

Apostolic Zeal and Spirit

❏ At the age of 30, he was transferred to Tolentino, a town that is diverse.
❏ Here, the young priest began the best well-known activities of his life –
constant hearing of confessions, preaching, and attending to the needy, both
materially and spiritually.
❏ When he arrived at the convent, he preferred the most secluded room to be
able to dedicate himself to prayer and penance secretly.
❏ This place later became his tomb and a site of endless pilgrimages.

The Star of Tolentino

❏ St. Nicholas had a miraculous apparition of a star that would start moving
from Castel Sant'angelo, his birthplace, and come to the rest of his oratory,
as it filled Tolentino with its brightness, which became the symbol of his

❏ He consulted a confrere, who interpreted: The star is a token of your

sanctity, and your body will rest someday on the very spot the star settles,
and people from all over will flock there to honor your name and implore
your protection.
❏ Pope Eugene the IV - ordered that all images of St. Nicholas must have a star
on his breast.

The Blessed loaves of St. Nicholas

❏ One day, when St. Nicholas got ill, the confreres, who thought that his end
was fast approaching, intensified their prayers to Mama Mary
❏ Mama Mary instructed to send a messenger to the nearest house and
let him bring a portion of the fresh bread she has given, in Jesus’s
name, to the house lady. Take it and soak it in water and he will
recover, he followed and instantly recovered.
❏ Afterward, on Mary’s instruction, Nicholas himself made use of small blessed
loaves to help in the name of the Blessed trinity the sick, the afflicted and
needy, and to obtain for everybody the protection of the Mother of God.
❏ After he died, this practice was kept zealously among his confreres and
eventually it became popular, eventually, the practice adopted a concrete
form of devotion.

Nicholas: The Patron of the Poor Souls in Purgatory

❏ The most distinguishing facet of St. Nicholas is his devotion to the souls in
❏ Imma make kwento bcoz its too long im tired bruh its 2:10 AM :< Oke so:
His cousin Gentile, decided to take his own life. St. Nicholas was worried
about Gentile’s salvation, so he intensified his penance and prayers on
behalf of Gentile, He also offered the sacrifice of the mass and asked God
for his cousin’s deliverance. After 2 continuous weeks of mass offering, He
heard his cousin's voice Thanking Nicholas for saving him with his prayers
and that God grants whatever Nicholas asks him and be blessed in paradise.
oke i can't do diz enimor im antok na huhuhu but what happened after is his
deceased friend, Fr. Peregrino is suffering in Purgatory and he needs St.
Nicholas to offer today’s mass, to be freed from their pains. St. Nicholas did it
for a whole week and on the 7th day, he saw Fr. Peregrino, together w/
other peepz’s soul is now radiant and thanked him for his masses.
RIGHT INFOS PADEN :> im so cute

Augustinian Values
Unitas Caritas Veritas

- Communitarian Spirit - Love - Interiority

- Care for the Common - Humility - Devotion to study
Good - Exercise of Freedom - Prayerfulness
- Friendship - Service


● Unitas - Unity
● Caritas - Charity
● Veritas - Truth


● Cooperates well in wholesome activities.

● Establishes harmonious relationship with others


● Shows care and concern in using school properties.

● Respect the properties and things of others.
● Treasures the beauty of nature and all God’s creation.


● Genuinely builds good relationships with others.

● Accommodating and open to all kinds of people.


● Shows patience and understanding towards others.

● Projects a lovable attitude and character at all times.


● Shows obedience and patience towards elders and those in authority.

● Open to correction and humbly seeks the advice of parents and elders.


● Manifests and attitude to choose what is good and just.

● Considers the feelings and situations of others in making choices

● Shows readiness to share oneself with others

● Shows initiative in reaching out helping others


● Always composed in speech and action.

● Always modest in speech and action.
● Shows sensitivity to the feeling of others


● Studious and Diligent.

● Manifest an ideal attitude in their performance.
● Displays a behavior of desiring to learn more.


● Shows respect towards spiritual activities.


● Displays a genuine desire to participate and join in religious activities.

● Strives to be pious in ways at all times
○ pious (adj.) - devoutly religious.

The Self Revelation of God

God's self-revelation, in the same way, made the human person know and love
Our loving and merciful God revealed Himself through:
➔ Natural Signs (Creation)
➔ Biblical Signs (Salvation History)
➔ Jesus Christ
➔ Ecclesial Signs (Church)

Natural Signs (Creation)

❏ The created universe constitutes a first presence and the first manifestation
of God. The universe that God created bears a permanent testimony of God
to humankind. The wonders of creation, the bounty of nature, the vibrant
being on earth, the human person, all point to God.

Biblical Signs (Salvation History)

❏ God reveals Himself in the Old Testament through biblical signs made up of
both deeds and words. He made a covenant with Noah, Abraham, and with
HIs people through Moses.

Jesus Christ
❏ The ultimate sign of God's revelation is Jesus Christ. Jesus personifies God's
selfless love for us. His becoming man, by HIs passion, death, and
Resurrection, Jesus shows us how loving the Father is.

Ecclesial Signs (Church)

❏ Jesus continues His revelation of the Father through the Holy Spirit who
continues to dwell in the Church. The Church, by her very nature and
through ecclesial (Church) and liturgical (Prayer) signs bring us to a deeper
knowledge of and intimacy with Christ. The Church continues to manifest
God to us and make His presence felt among us.

� God's presence in our midst is discerned through our day-to-day

experiences and struggles. For despite all hardships and trials, God
continues to strengthen us by His grace and sustain us by His generosity.

� We come to know God through nature, through the Bible, through the Church,
through our everyday experiences, and through Jesus Christ, His ultimate

Attributes of God: God is Almighty (Divine Transcendent)


God’s Almighty Power

● God the Father is described as “Almighty”, the only divine attribute cited in
the Creed.

God’s Power is:

1. Universal
2. Loving
3. Mystery

➔ God is the PANTOKRATOR, the Creator and ruler of all things.
➔ God’s almighty power is manifested as universal in that He is both utterly
beyond us (transcendent), and yet more intimately within us (immanent) than
we are to ourselves,

➔ The biblical ‘almighty’ is not some impersonal, arbitrary, self-seeking force,
imposing terror on all creatures. The Father’s almighty power is the re-
creating personal energy of non-violent Love.
➔ This “Loving power” of the Father, His “kagandahang-loob” , is revealed
especially in Christ our Lord, present among us in the Spirit.

➔ God’s power is beyond our rationality. It is more than what we can expect.
➔ But why did God not create a world so perfect that no evil could exist in it?
● With infinite power God could always create something better. But with
infinite wisdom and goodness God freely will to create a world “in a
state of journeying” towards its ultimate perfection.

❏ When we proclaim in the Creed the truth that God is Father and almighty’
we commit ourselves to a certain vision and style of life.
❏ The conviction that God is our Almighty Father provides the basis for our
moral action and behaviour, and our prayer life.
❏ Believing in God our almighty Father demands a real conversion of heart
toward authentic Christian Life.

Salvation History: Paschal Mystery of Jesus

The Paschal Mystery of Jesus, which compromises his passion, death, resurrection,
and glorification, stands at the center of the Christian faith because God’s saving
plan was accomplished once for all by the redemptive death of His son Jesus

➔ Jesus the Son of God came down from heaven’ not to do His own will but the
will of the One who sent Him. The Sacrifice of Jesus for the sins of the whole
world expressed His loving communion with the Father.
➔ By accepting His Passion and Death, Jesus freely embraces the Father’s love
for all.
➔ Jesus gave the supreme expression of his free offering of himself at the
meal shared with the twelve Apostles "on the night he was betrayed". On the
eve of his Passion,while still free, Jesus transformed this Last Supper with
the apostles into the memorial of his voluntary offering to the Father for the
salvation of men: "This is my body which is given for you." "This is my blood of
the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.“
● We are saved by Jesus' perfect self-giving love for his Father and for us.
● The Cross, then, does not exalt passive suffering or weakness, as some have
exploited it in order to dominate others. It is, rather, the transformation of
suffering and weakness through active, total self-giving love.
● Jesus' death is universal, eschatological, and empowering
● Universal because He died for everyone.
● Eschatological because it prepares us to the end of our earthly life our entry
to the kingdom of God.
● Empowering because we are moved to love the same way He loved.
● The death of Jesus is a saving act of God.
● Christ's Resurrection is far from being merely the personal miraculous
return from the dead which one might expect of the crucified God-man.
The actual event of Christ rising from the dead was the real starting
point and foundation for the beginnings of the Christian Faith.
● Simply put, without Christ risen from the dead, there would be no
Christian Faith.

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