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TESTING REFERENCE JIS 5335 - 1987 A ki 6.3.2 The pointed end, jatnting ends or head, if fitted to the PC pile, shall te 1m correct position, ant be fitted to make an integral part with the body. 6.4 Curing The curing shall be carried out by such « method that ay uot aflect sdversely the quality of the product. 6.5 Metped of Prestrussing 6.5.1 The PC steels ahall be strained im right positions, and the both eads stall be fixed perfectly 60 a8 not to loosen the steels until they are prestresnet. 6.5.2 The initial straining force stall be enough to cause the required eflective prestress, and be not more thin @.7 time the tensile load or not more thin 0. time the yteld load of the PC steel. <3 The prestress shall be introduced gradually. 6.5.4 The compressive strength of concrete when It tx prestressed shall we not Tene than 3 times the prestress given and not less than 230 kgtfem® (2.45 eX om? ). im this case, the compressive strength testing stall be mace (a avcordence wah JE A 108 for a specimen of 10 em in diameter and 20 om in height cured im the exme manner as for the product. 7. downing bret 7.1 The jetting end of PC pile shall be of « construction taving equivuieat performance to the main body. ‘The ends of PC stects shall be fixed to the metal parte at the yoisting 7.3 The wuinting ene stall te made #9 thet ii end fee is perpendicular to idinai axis of the PC pile. he tor 4 The tcleranoe om outside diameter of the jointing end shall be within 3 mm and =3 mm to the ouiside diameter of FC pile specitied an Table 4. The difference between the outside diameters of joint of the piles when ed together shell be not more then 2 mim. +. Bonding strengh Test 1 The beading strength test of mais body «hall be made ty the application of vertical lowe P te the centre of the span, an the PC pile Isid on two sup porte which has s spar equal to 5. of ste length, as shown in Fig. 2. Any countermeature may be takes to prevent the occerreace of local frac tures at the loading or supporting peiate before the PC pile breaks by bepting. ‘The bending moment hall be calculated from the following equation: AS | Me hente {Dens} tere: At: bending moment (miki. Pe Toad cian : 2: length of PC pile m+ masa of PC pllacr) (ase Reference Table} Gi Acceleration due to gravity (19 Ain't Fine 2 Taming method = 5.2 The breaking bending moment shell be obtained from the equation te #1 - using the largest value of the load P observed until the PC pile breaks. $.t The inspection shell be mide co appearance, shape, dimensions, beating strength of mats body, beading strength of jointing end, arrangement of PC steels sod reinforcement. 9.2 The inepection on appearance, shape and dimensions shill he made tor stole products, and thowe ubich meet the requirements uf 3.1 and 4. shall be dretded 18 acceplable.

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