Business IA Introduction

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Business IA introduction

The challenge of geographical expansion for a mid size company (60 consultants) when clients are
moving more and more towards digital and cloud for HR solution

• To what extent do we need to follow our clients physically when the HR needs are covered
by digital/ cloud solutions?

Adessa is an enterprise that specialises in the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) modules linked
to HR solutions (SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) & success factors).

“Adessa Group was founded in 2005. Today, Adessa Group provides services all over Europe with
offices in Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, France and Germany.”

Research Proposal

Research Question : To what extent do we need to follow our clients physically when the HR needs
are covered by digital/ cloud solutions?

Rational : The key strategical issue of Adessa is that if their company is based on digital Human
Resources. Why would they meet their employees physically when everything (all the information
on their employees) is locked up on a digital cloud.

Analyse Data (business tools) :

- Swot Analysis : Helps me analyse the different strengths, weaknesses, opportunities

and threats that the company is facing. It will then help me when comparing and analysing
the business.
- Balance Sheet : Helps me compare how the business is doing financially this year
compared to other years.
- Profit and Loss : Helps me to look at the profitability of the business and if there are to be
some improvements

Methodology :
- Primary : I will be talking (skype call) to the founder of the business and I will be asking
him multiple questions on a survey about the business. I will also be demanding to my dad,
co-founder of the business, multiple files about (balance sheet etc…) the business. Finally, I
will hand out a survey to some of the employees in the business to know about what the
working environment is like.
- Secondary : I will be looking at how the business is doing in different countries
(Switzerland, Spain and France), and if it is actually necessary to have physical offices in
different countries. Would a website be enough to continue the success of the company.

Anticipated difficulties :

- Finding a relevant Research Question was and is still hard to find. My actual Research
Question is close to an Extended Essay Research Question rather than an Internal
Assessment RQ. Therefore, I need to find a question that is easy to respond to but also to see
if there is enough information to respond to that RQ.
- Creating surveys for the employees took a long time to make as it needs to be relevant to
my IA and also needs to be easy for the employees to understand. I also translated the survey
myself from English to French to Spanish in order to have a vast group of information. The
process of making the surveys took a long time and needed a lot of thinking.

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