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Someone checks Henry’s guitar after every show.

1. Henry had his guitar checked after every show by someone
Someone has delivered Miriam’s newspaper this morning.
2. Mirim was delivered her newspaper this morning by someone
Someone did Alice’s make-up at 13,30 pm.
3. Alice had her makeup done at 13,30 by someone
The photorapher had taken George some photos.
4. George had some photos taken by a photographer
The mechanic is changing Peter’s car battery.
5. Peter is having his car battery changed
The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hir last Saturday.
6. My mother’s hair was dyed last Saturday by a hairdresser
The dentist checks my teeth once a month.
7. I have my teeth checked once a month by a dentist
The dry-cleaner cleans Mr Harper’s suits every week.
8. Mr Harper is having his suits cleaned every week by a dry-cleaner
Kevin ironed her Kathy’s trousers last night.
9. Kathy had her trousers ironed last night by Kevin
Someon is polishing Felipe’s shoes.
10. Felipe is having his shoes polished by someone
Someone has brought Mrs O’Brien food from the market.
11. Mrs O’Brian had her food brought from the market by someone
The decortor was decorating Leticia’s flat yesterday.
12. Leticia had her flat decorated yesterday by a decorator

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