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13 Transmission control units

13 Transmission control units Transmission control units 13

Innovative Technologies for

Transmission Control Units 13
Key to Product success
Rudolf Stark
Bernhard Schuch
Continental AG

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2010 191
13 Transmission control units Transmission control units 13

Introduction a rule, stand-alone control units (external solu-

tions) do not contain any sensors. They are not
installed on or in the transmission. An external so-
The market for automatic transmissions continues lution of this kind, suitably installed in the vehicle
to grow. In addition to what originally attracted in- as a separate electronic box under relatively mod-
terest in the product – enhanced driver conve- erate ambient conditions (temperature, vibra-
nience – the prospect of greater fuel efficiency is tion), usually takes the form of a printed circuit
now a further factor in their favor. Continental has board (PCB) assembly. The components are sol-
been offering transmission control units (TCU) since dered, in their own packaging, to a circuit board
1982 (Figure 1), starting with those for simple for application temperatures not exceeding
three-gear conventional automatic transmissions +125 °C. The attached-to control units are built
(for Renault), followed by all-wheel applications into the transmission and are thus designed to
(for Ford) in 1985, CVT applications (Audi Multitron- withstand vibration loads comparable to those the
ic) in 1999, truck applications (Eaton) in 2000, and transmission itself must stand up to. They can also
arriving at the double clutch transmissions in wide- tolerate higher temperatures than a stand-alone
spread use today. At present Continental Business control unit. In the case of attached-to control
Unit Transmission is technology leader worldwide units, sensors and actuators are generally con-
in the market for transmission controls for the full nected to the control unit via a cable harness. The
spectrum of automatic drives. highest level of integration is achieved by mecha-
tronic transmission control solutions. In this case,
Continental offers the full the mechanical components, hydraulics and elec-
product portfolio tronics, with sensors and actuators, are integrated
into one unit. This has the advantage of reducing 13
The products offered by Continental BU Transmis- system and installation costs and of making it pos-
Figrue 2 DQ200 transmission control unit for Volkswagen
sion are exclusively customer-specific solutions. sible to already test the complete transmission
Depending on the installation situation, a basic unit (transmission and control unit) at the trans-
fewer cables and contacts and plug junctions. Inte- hardware but also of offering its customers the
distinction is made between stand-alone solu- mission works prior to installation. There is also a
grated control units have even higher demands in complete low-level and functional software for
tions, attached-to and integrated control units. As higher degree of system reliability as there are
terms of vibration resistance and, above all, us- all the application fields cited. This is a further
ability at high temperatures. The temperature on unique selling proposition compared to the com-
the substrate may get as high as +180 °C, therefore petition and one that is crucial. The acquisition
special substrates – made, as a rule, of a ceramic- of former competitors Motorola Automotive
based material – are used. The semiconductor and Siemens VDO has given the BU Transmission
components themselves are bonded directly onto a preeminent market position and made Conti-
such substrates as chip, without any own package, nental far and away the unchallenged market
by electrical conductive adhesives. As a rule pack- leader. Continental covers a large share of
aged components cannot be used under such en- the worldwide market for double clutch trans-
vironmental conditions due to problems in heat missions! The product DQ200 serves as an ex-
dissipation and vibration resistance. Installation ample of an integrated transmission control
directly into the transmission additionally forces unit, i.e. a control unit built right into the trans-
to higher requirements in terms of the sealing and mission. It was designed for the seven-gear dry
resistance to media. All told the solution ap- double clutch transmission used by the custom-
proaches listed cover applications like: er VW (Figure 2). It is managed by means of a
32-bit microcontroller. All transmission sensors
 Conventional stepped automatic transmissions
(e.g. for temperature, rotational speed and path
 CVT (continuous variable transmission) detection) are integrated into the control unit. It
operates within an application temperature
 DCT (double clutch transmission)
range between -40 °C and +140 °C. The actuators
 AMT (automatic manual transmission) managed by it include eight valves as well as a
brushless excited electric motor for an oil pump.
 Shift-by-wire functions
All connections outwards are grouped together
Continental can credit itself with the singular ad- in an 11-pole plug.
Figure 1 History of Continental transmission control units vantage of realizing the control units not only as

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13 Transmission control units Transmission control units 13

Platforms and Key The main housing can remain unchanged. The two
platforms differ in the number of FPCs: in the first
Ceramic substrates Integrated transmission
controls with Continental
Technologies case several flex circuits are used, while in the 2nd
case only one common flex circuit is used. Con-
In the case of integrated transmission control units,
temperatures well over +150 °C can occur locally
thickfilm substrate technology
crete customer projects are realized by means of on the component or the substrate, combined with
one of these solutions or a combination of them vibration loads of up to 50 g. These loads are much Substrates in LTCC and DCB technology are pur-
Mechanical platforms best suited to satisfying the specific requirements. too high for most packaged semiconductor compo- chased from external suppliers. Continental has
nents. For this reason assembly solutions involving been developing and producing thickfilm sub-
Continental makes use of basically three mechani-
cal platforms for its transmission control units (Fig-
Substrate platforms ceramic substrates and nonpackaged semiconduc- strates in-house since 1972 and is thus a leader in
tor components are used. In contrast to its com- the field of complex thickfilm circuits. Thanks to
ure 3): one platform based on leadframes and two The choice of the right substrate has a major im-
petitors, Continental has the complete know-how, the consequent advanced development of in-
with flexible printed circuits (FPC) for connecting the pact on the success of the product. The functional-
series production experience and access to all house technology and the development of inno-
substrate to the sensors and actuators. All basic ity of the transmission control unit is realized in the
three ceramic technologies of interest and eco- vative solutions it has remained possible up to
structures use ceramic substrates. For optimum configuration of components, their wiring and
nomic advantage as concerns the realization of the present day to satisfy the demands in the
heat dissipation, the substrate is glued directly their interconnection technology on one or several
transmission control units (Figure 4). area of transmission controls. Insofar as the prin-
onto a metal base plate. The platforms differ es- substrates. The substrate has a crucial influence on
cipal users of thickfilm technology (e.g. manufac-
sentially in how the sensors and valves are con- the size of the control units as well as on their elec- 1. Thickfilm substrates
turers of sensor modules) employ mainly analog
nected to the main substrate. In the case of the tric properties and their costs. A distinction is made
2. LTCC (low-temperature cofired ceramic) sub- circuit technology in their products, Continental
leadframe solution, the signals and currents are between organic substrates (printed circuit boards,
strates had to realize both analog circuits and digital cir-
conducted via metal leadframes. This offers techni- PCBs) and ceramic substrates.
cuits as well as power stages within their thick-
cal advantages – e.g. in terms of ampacity – but 3. DCB (direct copper bonding) substrates
film substrates for transmission applications. For
also disadvantages in terms of flexibility and ame- Printed circuit board technology
nability to modification. As intermediate poly-
imide-based connections, flexible printed circuits
Every ceramic substrate technology has specific
advantages and disadvantages as regards the
the sake of a better understanding of this in-
house thickfilm substrate solutions, Figure 5 13
implementation of digital and analog circuit shows an example of an integrated transmission
have the advantage of more easily allowing for PCB solutions are used both for stand-alone con-
parts and also circuit parts with high power dis- control unit: the thickfilm circuit of the product
modification. If the positioning of a sensor module trol units and, in part, for attached-to control
sipation. As customer requirements differ from DQ200. The product at outset is an aluminum ox-
will be changed, for example, only the appurtenant units. Here Continental is able to draw on the full
product to product, the selection of the opti- ide ceramic material (with a thickness of approx.
flexible printed circuit board needs to be changed. range of PCB technology possibilities available
mum substrate solution for the specific product 0.6 mm), onto which conductor lines, resistors
on the market: rigid,
is always very important. Having at its fingertips and dielectrics are applied by screen printing and
flexible and flex-rigid.
all relevant technologies, as well as series pro- then fired. Resistors can be very exactly trimmed
Operation tempera-
duction experience with them, Continental is to tolerance by means of laser cutting. Removing
tures are typically in
able to realize every specific customer require- resistor material (incisions in the film) by means
the range from -40 °C
ment with optimized substrate technology. In of a focused laser beam, the cross-section of the
to +125 °C. Standard
this way, the customers obtain the best technical resistor is reduced or its effective length extend-
PCBs (having between
solution in each case. ed. This has the effect of boosting the electric
four and eight layers),
resistance. Once the
of a kind used for oth-
substrate has been
er automotive elec-
completed, glue with a
tronic products as
high silver content is
well, are mainly used.
applied by means of
Furthermore specific
stencil printing and
solutions for operation
the substrate is popu-
temperatures as high
lated with semicon-
as about +140 °C or for
ductor chips – so-
particularly high-den-
called bare dies, or
sity wiring are also
components without
employed. A clear
their own packaging –
characteristic of such
and with passive com-
solutions are packaged
ponents like capaci-
components assem-
tors and coils.
bled by means of suit-
Figure 3 Mechanical platforms for realization of integrated transmission control able soldering tech- Finally the signal con-
units niques. Figure 4 Platform of available ceramic substrate technologies nections on the chips

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13 Transmission control units Transmission control units 13

sealing or housings. Transmission oils differ from

customer to customer and from product to product.
Furthermore, the transmission oil also undergoes
changes over the service life of the respective trans-
mission control, meaning that the material proper-
ties have to be retested for all changes. The reliabil-
ity limits have to be redetermined and ensured.
Insofar as very specific combined electronic loads
generally apply during service (temperature + vibra-
Figure 6 Thermal image of the circuit with peak tion + influence of oils + …), it is essential that all
temperatures of up to +180 °C relevant fault mechanisms have to be known.
Alternative solutions have to be developed in the
Temperature profile of a passenger car transmission case that the right material and packaging solutions
application (typical data) are not available for a new product. Examples of in-
Ambient Time in % Duration in h novations of this kind in the area of materials and
temperature processes will be presented in the next section.
in °C
135 ... 150 1% 70 New components pose
120 ... 135 15 % 1050 challenges and provide
Figure 5 Substrates on the basis of thickfilm technology populated with components and interconnections by 20 ... 120 64 % 4480 driving force
means of wirebonding (product DQ200)
-20 ... 20 10 % 700
A key driving force for new solutions in electronic
are bonded onto the pads of the substrate using for the heat dissipation. Complex electromag- -40 ... -20 10 % 700 packaging results from the diversity of new compo-
gold wirebond interconnections (with a diame- netic compatibility (EMC) solutions are needed nent configurations. The functional demands that
Table 1 shows typical values for a transmission con-
ter 25 - 50 μm) and the power components are to cope with the rise in operating frequencies up transmission controls must fulfill are often realized
trol developed by Continental for passenger car ap-
bonded on with Al wirebond interconnections to 200 MHz and more. To give an idea of custom- in the form of more highly integrated silicon chips.
plications with ambient temperatures of up to
(with a diameter 125 - 400 μm, depending on er specifications in the case of transmission con- Contingent on advances in semiconductor technol-
+150 °C. Because of the additional heat loss of the
amperage). trols, temperature profile requirements will be ogy, this involves miniaturized structures on the
components, the peak component temperature is
discussed below. semiconductors. The semiconductor manufactur-
much higher, as the corresponding thermal image
ers themselves push ahead with chip shrinking
Driving forces for An increasing critical issue is the demand for lon-
ger service life combined with simultaneously
shows (Figure 6).
The high temperatures are a major challenge for the
steps of this kind to increase the number of chips
per wafer and, in this way, to lower per-chip costs.
transmission rising service temperatures. Nowadays a service
life of 6000 to 8000 hours is targeted for passen-
BU Transmission. Solutions previously applied in
electronic packaging of transmission controls are
A consequence of this development is that the in-
troduction of a new semiconductor generation
control technologies ger car products in series production and of up
to and of up to 42 000 hours for commercial ve-
now up against the
physical and/or chemi-
hicle products. These requirements are defined cal limits of the materi-
Customer-dominated in performance specifications in the form of load als used. Material prop-
requirements profiles/temperature profiles (also called mis- erties at higher
sion profiles), with data on the ambient temper- application tempera-
Motivated by continually rising requirements of ature and the respective time fraction in per- tures are often not ex-
the performance of transmission controls, Conti- centage (see table). Due to component power actly known and have
nental is pushing ahead with new technologies. dissipation, especially in the power output stag- to be tested and quali-
The goal is the integration of more functions es, the temperatures at some points on the TCU fied for suitability in ex-
with a concomitant reduction in volume and substrate are actually much higher and may panded temperature
weight, and a further increase in quality and reli- even get up to 180 °C. Within product develop- ranges. Without doubt
ability. Pump and motor control and similar ment Continental has to select suitable materi- there is not sufficient
functions push the current values to be transmit- als and implement new concepts that are capa- data on the impact of
ted up to 60 A, as well as increasing the corre- ble of withstanding these peak temperatures. material exposure to
sponding power dissipation. This has conse- The same applies to the much higher reliability transmission oils – e.g. Figure 7 Detail of a photo of a transmission control unit with a 32-bit microcontroller
quences for the substrate technology but also requirements deduced from these other factors. for materials used for chip

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13 Transmission control units Transmission control units 13

generally means that Continental receives silicon chip is adequately cooled nonetheless, con- test methods to the requirements for transmis-
chips with far more I/Os and more tightly dimen- crete improvements in the thermal adhesive sion controls.
sioned pads. This has dramatic effects for the as- were necessary (material with a higher degree
As an example for innovations in the area of sub-
sembly of such chips on the substrates. Figure 7 of thermal conductivity or application of a thin-
strate and interconnection technology, new devel-
illustrates the impact of new components using ner film of thermal conductive adhesive).
opment results on the miniaturization of thickfilm
the example of the 32-bit microcontroller, a central
This list of fields where advanced developments in ceramic circuits will be presented below.
element in transmission controls.
electronic packaging were needed in the case of
As already discussed, new semiconductor com-
The 32-bit microcontroller chips used in the trans- the microcontroller chip on a thickfilm substrate
ponents with high pin counts require adapted
mission controls produced nowadays have approx. underscores how necessary it is to pursue new ap-
conductor line widths and spaces on the sub-
200 to 250 pads on the chip with a pitch of 80 μm proaches to solutions in the domain of substrate
strate. Due to the fluxion of the thickfilm pastes
and with pad dimensions of 65 x 65 μm². The cor- and interconnection technologies.
during the firing process, there are process limi-
responding microcontrollers for products in devel-
Figure 8 Test substrate for conductive adhesive tations for conductor lines and spacings that can
opment already have 300 to 400 pins with a now
reduced pitch of 60 μm and current pad sizes of
just 52 x 52 μm². Comparable miniaturizations in
Continental interconnections of new component shapes
for use in transmission controls (detail)
be obtained. Under high-volume conditions,
minimum line widths of 150 μm and spacings of
component dimensions are also to be found, of
course, in the passive parts.
innovations ensure  Qualification of new materials generally for
service temperatures of up to +175 °C
100 μm can be realized with gold paste. These
structures are too coarse for the higher pin

To be capable of offering product solutions, Conti-

technical solutions In Continental’s BU Transmission new material
count chips of the future. In the case of more ex-
tensive requirements, additional dielectric lay-
nental must constantly respond to the effects of
new component solutions and push ahead with ap-
and competitiveness solutions of this kind are routinely tested and
qualified on test assemblies suitable for this pur-
ers and a second metallization layer will have to
be included.
propriate advanced developments in the area of
electronic packaging. In the case of the aforemen- The technical innovations cited and optimum test-
pose. By way of example, Figure 8 illustrates test
setups used in qualifying new conductive adhe- Continental’s new laser structuring solution avoids 13
tioned microcontroller chip, the following adapta- ing and technical qualifications are crucial to Conti- sive materials together with new component these process-related limits. Instead of direct
tions were required for the introduction of the new nental’s success. To further bolster this edge, work packaging shapes. The goal is to ensure that screen printing of the tracks, these areas are first
microcontroller into new TCU products: on new solutions is constantly under way. There is the new components
a demand for technical solutions that can find their themselves as well
1. At the beginning of control development, it
way into concrete products in a foreseeable time as their conductive
was no longer possible to wirebond the smaller
range, that can be realized in high-volume manu- adhesive interconnec-
pads on the chips with the 25 μm thick wire
facturing and that are also certain to be accepted tions are up to with-
employed at the time. A reduced wire thick-
by the customers. Continental’s preeminent mar- standing product-rele-
ness was required; new materials and process
ket position in certain product segments (e.g. DCT) vant temperature
qualifications had to be carried out.
must also be maintained in the face of rising prod- requirements (up to
2. All the requisite interconnections had to be uct demands – advanced technologies are a solu- +200 °C) and very high
bonded down from the chip to the substrate. tion here. vibration require-
To ensure stability, the permissible wire length ments.
The following Continental solutions can be cited as
for the thinner wire had to be considerably
examples of current innovations in the area of new All material develop-
shortened. As a consequence of this, the bond
materials: ments must be ac-
pad pitch for the bonding wires on the sub-
companied by a char-
strate and the conductor widths also had to be  New high-temperature-resistant housing materials
acterization of these
reduced (in the case at hand 150 μm). Ad-
 Special types of metallization on silicon chips for new materials deter-
vanced development of the substrate technol-
highly reliable wirebonding (capable of with- mined by means of
ogy was also necessary as this new require-
standing high temperature loads of up to +175 °C appropriate analytic
ment went beyond what was possible with
for at least 10 000 h) methods and facili-
screen printing process used up till then for
ties. The Continental
fine conductor lines.  Improved thermal heat-transfer materials to
BU Transmission has
enable an effective heat flow from the component
3. In integrated transmission controls from Conti- purposefully expand-
to the housing base plate
nental, thermal conductive adhesive is gener- ed its own analytic
ally used to mount the ceramic substrates on  Improved materials for the electrical connections and test competence,
the housing plate. As a rule, higher integration of components to the substrate, e.g. electrical focusing on thermal
Figure 9 Comparison of conventional thickfilm technology with gold conductors
at the silicon chip level also results in greater conductive adhesive materials and high- and chemical analysis realized with screen printing technology (left) and with the new process of
power dissipation density. To ensure that the temperature-resistant wirebonding materials and adapting specific laser structuring of gold conductors (right)

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13 Transmission control units Transmission control units 13

By way of summary ones determining the key development trends: in

the introduction of in- semiconductor technology, for example, in com-
novative laser struc- ponent packaging technology, substrate technol-
turing of conductor ogies etc.
lines now guarantees
To ensure the success of the next transmission con-
that in-house thick-
trol generation, Continental has to survey new
film substrates are
trends in the overall electronics world and analyze
suitable for the in-
their applicability in meeting the specific needs of
creasing circuit com-
transmission controls. Sometimes already existing
Figure 10 Quality improvement in the gold wirebond process by laser structuring plexity and density
Figure 11 Higher integrated systems and products solutions (merely) have to be qualified for the high-
Left: Flatness of conventionally printed bond pads on a ceramic substrate expected in the next
er requirements in the automotive sector. Most
Right: Flatness of bond pads after laser structuring few years.
often, though, comprehensive adaptations are
tions, and thus reduces costs and increases reli-
necessary (e.g. wider isolation pitches, larger con-
ability at the same time. Figure 11 shows which
printed as contiguous areas. After this the line ductor lines for higher current values, specific basic
spacings are laser cut and then the paste fired in.
Competitive edge thanks to product levels Continental has covered so far and
materials ...) or wholly new solutions (laser struc-
which new products will result from further inte-
The result has really “incisive” advantages: effective technology net- gration:
turing on thickfilm circuits is, as seen, a case in
• The process allows for very small line spacings of working The dark blue area shows the scope of transmis-
35 – 40 μm – in other words, spacings that screen Important development focal points for future
Innovations in the electronic packaging of control sion electronics per se, i.e. without sensors, as
printing technology alone cannot obtain on a transmission controls are:
units result not solely from in-house ideas during found in stand-alone control units as well as in at-
ceramic substrate. In high-volume production
product development. The Continental BU Trans- tach-to product solutions offered to Continental´s  More functionality (with more modest demands
laser structuring is today capable of realizing line
pitches (= conductor line plus space) of 100 μm (in
mission profits also from active technology net-
working with research institutes, universities,
customers. The inclusion of sensor modules (areas
in light blue) broadens the functional scope in the
on space) 13
comparison to 250 – 300 μm with the conventional  Systems integration (control electronics, actuator
suppliers and other external and internal units. direction of integrated transmission control – a
screen printing of gold conductor lines). technology, sensors, mechanical parts)
Joint research and development projects – often product form now standard equipment in modern
 Overall the decrease in conductor lines and with the active participation of customers and automatic transmissions (conventional (stepped)  Miniaturization at all levels (components,
spacings reduce the total area on the thickfilm even competitors – make possible insights into automatic transmission, double clutch transmis- substrates, interconnections, overall device)
substrate required for wiring. On the whole, the other industrial applications and provide innova- sion and CVT).
 Cost reduction
ceramic substrates may end up smaller. tion stimulus from outside the company. Current
Current product developments as well as new
topics that exemplify this are improved packaging  Robustness (higher operating temperatures,
 Decreased spacings allow for denser wiring, product inquiries go a step further and incorporate
concepts for microprocessors or also new solder- longer service life, lower failure rates …)
whereby, in most cases, additional metallization pump and engine control, too. The nominal capac-
ing materials aimed at ensuring longer service
levels and corresponding dielectrics are ity typical for these lies in the 150 - 500 W range. In the case of many customer inquiries, a crucial
eliminated. This saves material, production steps Incorporating these additional functions into a issue is how much space the electronics will need;
and, all in all, costs as well. Innovative technologies are a top priority at Conti- control unit poses a technical challenge already to- this is especially pertinent with integrated trans-
nental. In-house basic/advanced development of day, above all because of the high currents and the mission controls. As representative of the focal
 The decrease in conductor spacing is
technologies is necessary in establishing a techni- extra expense for suppression shielding. If, ulti- topics cited, therefore, a brief presentation is pro-
accompanied by an equivalent reduction in
cal edge in the next generation of transmission mately, even the valves themselves and the hy- vided here on future solution possibilities as re-
the distances of the bond pads for gold
controls, thereby guaranteeing the competitive- draulic units (gray area) are included, still more gards the miniaturization of unpackaged semicon-
wirebonding. Smaller bond pad distances than
ness of tomorrow’s products. Intra-corporate tech- highly integrated units and products will result for ductor chips (Figure 12):
previously possible can be realized, allowing
nology networking – e.g. on design guidelines, new Continental and Schaeffler. This, in turn, opens the
for the use of semiconductor chips with a Previous semiconductor chips were assembled by
materials or manufacturing processes – furthers door to new technical issues, requiring new solu-
higher number of I/Os. means of electrical conductive adhesives, followed
this goal. tions for their products in the domain of materials
by wirebonding. While the process has, in fact, es-
and electronic packaging.
The bonding areas can now be arranged not only tablished itself, it does require additional wire
much more uniformly and shorter than it was New products by system bonding area outside the chip, depending on the
possible previously with thickfilm technology. As integration New approaches for elec- number of wire bonds and the bond rows needed
laser structuring cuts the bond pads out of a larg- tronic packaging solutions for these connections. Continental is working on
er conductor plane, the bond pads on the sub- Continental and Schaeffler’s automotive custom- processes for realizing up to four rows of wires
strate are very much more even than those real- ers are striving for more far-reaching integration Automotive electronics accounts for a 5 to 7 % with a wire diameter of 23 μm. This method makes
ized with screen printing technology. This further of transmission electronics, sensor modules and share of the entire electronics market. Other ap- microcontroller chips with up to 600 interconnec-
increases the reliability of such wirebond inter- hydraulic units. This cuts space requirements and plication fields – telecommunications, for in- tions to the substrate possible (Figure 12 on the
connections. eliminates the need for additional interconnec- stance, industry and military technology – are the left).

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13 Transmission control units Transmission control units 13

Systems in Automotive case of electronics force Continental to renew duction has been completely globalized, with
Electronics). The goal of their efforts to advance the development of factories in Europe, Asia (China) and America.
the project is to embed known materials and electronic packaging con- The company is thus present locally in the coun-
active components (e.g. cepts and to analyze, qualify and introduce new tries in which vehicle manufacturers also have
microcontroller chips solutions. Continental is excellently placed their plants. This enables Continental to close
for transmission con- thanks to its basic development achievements, any gaps in their development and production
trols) and passive com- its active involvement in research projects and know-how in the area of customer-specific
ponents (e.g. resistors) effective technology networking inside and out- transmission solutions for passenger cars and
into circuit boards and side the corporation. Transmission control pro- commercial vehicles.
then test their service-
ability in transmission
Figure 12 New concepts for solutions in the area of miniaturization of chip structures

The size of the transmission controls is determined

mainly by the required substrate area, by the num-
ber and size of passive components, the number of
chips, the chip areas themselves and the areas ad- For the Continental BU Transmission, innovative
ditionally required for wire bonding and for inter- technologies are a key factor in the technical and
connections on the substrate. The lowest surface commercial success of its products and in main-
area requirement for chips at the substrate level taining and further expanding its competitiveness,
(2D) arises if wirebonding interconnections are innovative capability and market position. The sig-
completely avoided and, instead, the chips are sol-
dered on by means of tiny solder depots (solder
nificance of these topics is quite evident. The right
selection of materials and implementation of new
bumps) on the substrate’s connection pads. For electronic packaging concepts can have a decisive
system-related reasons, this so-called “flip chip” influence on future transmission controls. This
(FC) technology assumes that conductor line touches on customer-relevant properties like size
widths and spaces on the substrate are compara- and weight, reliability, quality, eco-friendliness
ble to those on the chip itself. Furthermore, the and, of course, cost.
production technology for populating and inspec-
Transmission controls are wholly customer-specif-
tion is very complex, all of which explains why FC
ic holistic solutions. Each product differs from
technologies have managed so far only to achieve
others in important aspects like functionality, sen-
a niche status. Continental is at work on this matter
sor systems, design, service life requirements,
too. Technological studies are under way to deter-
temperature, reliability etc. This explains why tai-
mine whether and under which conditions micro-
lor-made solutions are always in demand as
controllers for transmission applications can be
means of offering each customer the optimum
built employing flip chip technology (center Figure:
technical solution and remaining ahead of the
Continental test circuit for flip chip mounting of mi-
competition. To this end, Continental develops
self-contained high-volume-grade concepts, as
The only way to further miniaturize the structure was discussed using the example of in-house
of the tiniest 2D solution is to mount it in the sub- thickfilm technology.
strate (3D) instead of on the substrate.
The whole subject area will continue to expand
In this case, the chips are embedded in the sub- on into the future. It is absolutely inadequate to
strates by means of various processes. These new rely solely on the current stock of material solu-
concepts named as “chip embedding technologies” tions for the development of tomorrow’s prod-
are currently what’s big in PCB development for fu- ucts. Material adaptations and qualifications
ture applications in automotive electronics and else- are repeatedly required even for ongoing high-
where. Like its competitors, Continental is also pur- volume products – whenever, for example, the
suing approaches of this kind, in the form of research customer changes the transmission oil used.
projects, for example. Continental BU Transmission, The customers’ ever more stringent require-
for instance, is presently conducting the VISA BMBF ments as regards operating temperature and
research project (Fully Integrated Power Electronics service life as well as increased reliability in the

202 Schaeffler SYMPOSIUM 2010 SchaefflerSYMPOSIUM 2010 203

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