How To Accurately Report Transparent Solar Cells

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5. Li, X.M.X., Li, J., Xu, N., Zhu, P., Zhu, B.

, Zhu, Chenchen Yang joined the materials and Physics. He earned his B.S. from
S., and Zhu, J. (2018). Storage and recycling
of interfacial solar steam enthalpy. Joule 2, science program at Michigan State the University of Delaware and his
2477–2484. University in 2015 to work under Prof. PhD from Princeton University. He
6. Li, X., Xu, W., Tang, M., Zhou, L., Zhu, B., Zhu,
Lunt in the Molecular and Organic then worked as a post-doctoral
S., and Zhu, J. (2016). Graphene oxide-based Excitonics Lab. He earned his B.E. researcher at MIT. His group focuses
efficient and scalable solar desalination
under one sun with a confined 2D water
from the University of Electronic Sci- on understanding and exploiting exci-
path. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113, 13953– ence and Engineering of China in tonic photophysics and molecular
2012. Then, he obtained his M.S. from crystal growth to develop unique thin-
7. Li, X., Lin, R., Ni, G., Xu, N., Hu, X., Zhu, B., Lv, University of Florida in 2015. His cur- film optoelectronic devices. He is
G., Li, J., Zhu, S., and Zhu, J. (2018). Three- rent research focuses on transparent known for his pioneering work on trans-
dimensional artificial transpiration for
efficient solar waste-water treatment. Natl. solar cell synthesis, fabrication, and parent solar cells.
Sci. Rev. 5, 70–77. characterization.
8. Zhou, L., Li, X., Ni, G., Zhu, S., and Zhu, J.
(2019). The revival of thermal utilization from Dianyi Liu obtained his PhD in inorganic Introduction
the sun: interfacial solar vapor generation.
Natl. Sci. Rev. 6, 562–578. chemistry from Lanzhou University in Integrating transparent photovoltaics
2009. He then worked as a postdoc at (TPVs) onto new and existing infrastruc-
9. Shi, F., Li, R., Jin, Y., Zhuo, S., Shi, L., Chang,
J., Hong, S., Ng, K., and Wang, P. (2018). A Peking University, the University of Sas- ture as a power- generating source can
3D photothermal structure toward improved katchewan, and Michigan State Univer- help to realize net-zero-energy build-
energy efficiency in solar steam generation.
Joule 2, 1171–1186. sity. He began as an assistant professor ings, dramatically improve energy utili-
at Westlake University in January 2019. zation efficiency, and supply on-site
10. Jia, C., Li, Y., Yang, Z., Chen, G., Yao,
Y., Jiang, F., Kuang, Y., Pastel, G., Xie,
His research interests include flexible energy demand with minimal compro-
H., Gao, T., et al. (2017). Rich electronics, optoelectronic materials, mise to the functionality and aesthetic
mesostructures derived from natural
woods for solar steam generation. Joule
and devices. quality of architectural and mobile
1, 588–599. surfaces. TPV modules can be conve-
Matthew Bates is a graduate student niently installed onto the facades,
11. Zhang, P., Li, J., Lv, L., Zhao, Y., and Qu, L.
(2017). Vertically Aligned Graphene Sheets in chemical engineering at Michigan windows, and siding of buildings as
Membrane for Highly Efficient Solar Thermal State University working in the Molecu- replacements for conventional build-
Generation of Clean Water. ACS Nano 11,
5087–5093. lar and Organic Excitonic Lab led by ing materials during construction.
Prof. Lunt. He received his B.S. in chem- Alternatively, they can be directly
12. Gao, M., Connor, P., and Ho, G. (2016).
Plasmonic photothermic directed ical engineering from Oregon State retrofit onto existing surfaces after
broadband sunlight harnessing for seawater University in 2016. He is focused on initial construction.1
catalysis and desalination. Energy Environ.
Sci. 9, 3151–3160. developing transparent photovoltaics.
1National Laboratory of Solid State
Emerging TPV technologies have ex-
Microstructures and College of Engineering and Miles Barr is co-founder and Chief hibited tremendous growth in the past
Applied Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing
210093, China
Technology Officer at Ubiquitous En- 6–7 years. Current TPV technologies can
ergy in Redwood City, CA. He earned be categorized into two main groups:
Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Lexington, MA 02421, USA his bachelor’s degree from Vanderbilt non-wavelength-selective and wave-
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, York University and his Ph.D. from the Mas- length-selective, depending on their
University, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada sachusetts Institute of Technology, corresponding absorption spectra. Non-
*Correspondence: both in chemical engineering. He wavelength-selective TPVs have ex- then co-founded Ubiquitous Energy ceeded power conversion efficiency
and has grown the company through (PCE) of 12% with perovskites2 and
pilot manufacturing, serving as both 10% with organic layers with average
COMMENTARY CEO and CTO. His team is currently visible transmittance (AVT) around
working to develop, scale up, and 20%–30% and light utilization efficiency
How to Accurately commercialize transparent solar tech- (LUE = PCE$AVT) of 2–3.3 Wavelength-
Report Transparent nology for a variety of end applica- selective TPVs fabricated with organic
tions. layers have demonstrated PCEs be-
Solar Cells tween 5% and 10% for AVTs between
Chenchen Yang,1,5 Richard R. Lunt is the Johansen Crosby 40% and 55% and LUE of 2.5–4.1,4,5
Dianyi Liu,1,2,5 Matthew Bates,1 Endowed Professor at Michigan State The theoretical Shockley-Queisser
Miles C. Barr,3 University in the Departments of Chem- (SQ) limit of a wavelength-selective sin-
and Richard R. Lunt1,4,* ical Engineering & Materials Science gle-junction TPV with 100% AVT is

Joule 3, 1795–1809, August 21, 2019 ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. 1803

emphasize common measurement
pitfalls, which can lead to inflated per-
formance results. Key parameters to
evaluate the visible transparency and
aesthetic quality of TPV devices are
given along with an overview of the
methods to measure and calculate
them. Finally, we illustrate the photon
balance consistency check for data
acquired from independent measure-
ments, which helps validate the data
and significantly alleviate concerns
over experimental errors.

Photovoltaic Performance
The PCE of TPVs is defined and calcu-
lated exactly the same way as any other
PV technology from current density-
voltage (J-V) characteristics under a
standard illumination:


PCE = ; (Equation 1)
where JSC is the short-circuit current
density, VOC is the open-circuit voltage,
and FF is the fill factor. This equation
applies to all TPVs and luminescent so-
lar concentrators. We note that the
methods for device characterization of
luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs)
and transparent luminescent solar
concentrator (TLSCs) are outlined in
our companion article. The incident so-
Figure 1. Standard Characterization of TPV Device Performance
(A) Schematic showing the bifacial nature of TPVs that leads to a ‘‘double-pass’’ effect in J-V and lar spectrum (P0) should always be the
EQE measurements. A matte black backdrop is necessary to avoid overestimation. AM 1.5G spectrum as the standard
(B) J-V characteristic comparison of the same NIR-selective harvesting TPV device using different input power for both non-wavelength-
backdrop conditions. J-V data are measured under simulated AM 1.5G solar illumination (xenon arc selective and wavelength-selective
lamp with the spectral mismatch factor of 0.97 G 0.03).
TPV devices. Standard protocols for
(C) J SC integrated from the EQE matches the J SC extracted from J-V characteristics with the matte
black backdrop. spatial uniformity of beam illumina-
(D) Schematic showing how to measure the transmittance spectra of TPV devices. Note that no tion,7 light intensity calibration,8 and
reference sample should be utilized in double-beam spectrometers, and the reflectance spectrum spectral mismatch correction of the so-
should be measured separately. lar simulator can be found elsewhere.9

20.6%, while the PCE of a non-wave- which can provide an unbiased compar- Nonetheless, there are still key nuances
length-selective TPV approaches 0% ison among the reported performance that are introduced with TPVs com-
as the AVT increases over 90%. Despite values.6 pared to traditional opaque cells.
the rapid development in TPV research, Additional consideration for J-V and
new characterization challenges have In this work, we use several example external quantum efficiency (EQE) mea-
led to less reliable reporting of perfor- TPVs to comparatively measure all the surements of TPVs is required. For
mance metrics. Thus, it is imperative key performance metrics and consis- example, TPV devices are intrinsically
to adopt standard characterization pro- tency checks to highlight the best TPV bifacial, which allows illumination from
tocols for these new types of devices, characterization protocols. We also both sides, as shown in Figure 1A. A

1804 Joule 3, 1795–1809, August 21, 2019

matte black background should be cells is the comparison of the photocur- spectrometer as a reference to (nearly
placed behind the tested device during rent density extracted from J-V and perfectly) subtract all reflectance and
J-V and EQE measurements to eliminate from the integrated EQE.6 The EQE, arrive at absorbance spectra (Fig-
backside illumination or reflection (‘‘dou- therefore, should be reported for all ure 1D). However, reflections are not
ble-pass’’ effect) from the test environ- TPVs and solar concentrators. This so easily referenced from solid films
ment. In an uncontrolled environment further eliminates concern over photo- due to complex optical interference
where there is a scattering or reflective current overestimation. The convolu- and reflections for the tested device
surface behind the device, significantly tion of the EQE with the AM 1.5G compared to reference pieces of glass.
overestimated J-V data can be obtained photon flux should match the JSC from Thus, no reference sample should be
(see Figure 1B). Additional measure- J-V measurements for the same PV used for TPV (or thin-films) in double-
ments with different surfaces behind the device: beam spectrometers. Reflectance
device (mirrors, scattering layers, etc.) Z spectra should then be measured sepa-
at specified distances can be reported JSC = e$ EQEðlÞ$AM1:5GðlÞdl; rately and reported via direct reflec-
but should supplement (not replace) tance measurements from each fully
(Equation 2)
the standard single-pass measurement. assembled TPV. Reflectance spectra
To illustrate the effect of different back- where e is the elementary charge and l are critical both to the photon balance
drops on J-V measurements, a single is the wavelength. The EQE of the same and as a secondary measure of the CRI
near infrared (NIR)-selective TPV cell NIR-selective TPV used to compare the and color coordinates (detailed de-
with large active area is tested with a influence of the backdrops is shown in scriptions of R(l) measurements are
masked area of 6.45 cm2. Three different Figure 1B, where the integrated JSC described in the Note S2).
backdrop conditions (white paper, matches that from the J-V measure-
broadband reflector, and matte black) ment with the matte black backdrop. We emphasize that when reporting
are used while testing the J-V character- The integrated JSC from the EQE AVT and CRI of any TPV device, the
istics under illumination. All these scans spectrum should be provided as a transmittance and reflectance mea-
are taken in a darkroom to eliminate consistency check for all future TPV per- surements should always be made
contribution from other light sources. formance reports. through the entire device architecture
The results are shown in Figure 1B, and with the beam spot confined within
parameters are summarized in Table S1 Figures of Merit for Visible the device area. If the test beam
(see Note S1). With a white scattering Transparency and Aesthetic Quality spot is bigger than the device active
layer or mirror reflector as the backdrop, To enable adoption in practical applica- area, a portion of the incident light
the measured current densities are tions (e.g., architectural window glass can be directly collected by the detec-
nearly 30% higher than the scans with and mobile surfaces), aesthetics are tor, which can lead to an overesti-
black matte backdrop, which leads to just as important as PCE for TPV de- mated T(l) or an underestimated
an overestimated overall PCE of 47% vices. Aesthetic quality can be quantita- R(l). The best practice is to measure
from additional VOC and FF overestima- tively evaluated from three main figures the AVT and PCE on the same device.
tion. The inflated result originates from of merit: the AVT, color rendering index However, a suitable alternative is to
the ‘‘double-pass’’ effect, which is essen- (CRI), and CIELAB color coordinates test small-area devices for the PCE
tially the same in magnitude for either a (a*, b*). Both the AVT and color coordi- while using unpatterned larger-area
reflective mirror or a scattering back- nates are often the first metrics as- devices for optical measurements, so
drop. For J-V measurements, overesti- sessed for many glass, greenhouse, long as the devices are made side
mation of the photocurrent can stem and electronics (display) industries and by side. As an example, Figures 2A
from a number of other sources, are utilized as go-no-go criteria for and 2C shows transmittance spectra
including mismeasurements of the de- integration (regardless of PCE). The of various compositions of halide
vice area. To alleviate this concern, an calculation of AVT, CRI, and color coor- perovskite active-layer films (1*–4*),10
opaque mask with a single aperture dinates requires the transmittance NIR-selective harvesting active-layer
with well-defined area value should be spectrum of the TPV as input data.1 films (5*–7*), and complete TPV de-
attached to the PV cell being tested to The addition of this measurement has vices (1–4 for perovskite PVs and 5–7
minimize this photocurrent overestima- created substantial confusion and for NIR-selective harvesting PVs). We
tion (whether there is one or more device actually requires reporting of both T(l) emphasize that there is a significant
on a substrate).6–8 and the reflectance spectrum, R(l). difference in the transmittance spectra
Historically, solution-based transmit- between the film and complete PV de-
One of the first and most important tance measurements have utilized sol- vices due to additional reflectance
consistency checks for a traditional PV vent-only cuvettes in double-beam and optical interference.

Joule 3, 1795–1809, August 21, 2019 1805

Figure 2. Transmittance Spectra and Average Visible Transmittance
(A) Transmittance spectra of various UV and blue-absorbing perovskite active-layer films with different composition (1*–4*) and complete perovskite
TPV devices (1–4). Inset: photograph of the corresponding films or devices.
(B) AM 1.5G photon flux, transmitted photon fluxes through PV devices 1–8, and photopic response function V(l). We note that photon flux should be
utilized for the AVT calculation.
(C) Transmittance spectra of various NIR-red-absorbing active-layer films (5*–7*; 8* is the glass substrate) and devices (5–7 are complete devices, and
8 does not have an active layer). Device 8 is fabricated to show the impact on the TPV transmittance from carrier transport layers and electrodes. Inset:
images of the corresponding films and devices photographed in transmission mode.

AVT (also commonly referred to as harvesting active-layer films, and the In addition to the AVT, two key figures
visible transmittance, ‘‘VT,’’ or visible corresponding TPVs are also shown in of merit for TPV aesthetics that should
light transmittance, ‘‘VLT’’) is indepen- the inset of Figures 2A and 2C. An be reported are the CRI and CIELAB
dent of any defined visible wavelength important metric that should be re- color space parameter set (a*, b*),
range and relies solely on the photopic ported is the LUE, which is the product which quantify the rendered color fi-
response of the human eye. Examples of AVT and PCE. The LUE provides delity of objects from a test light
of AVT calculations are provided in a metric for comparing TPVs with source and indicate relative color
Note S3. This is also the definition different overall levels of AVT on the with respect to a reference illumina-
long utilized by the window industry same scale. The LUE limits are 20.6% tion source. However, in applying this
and recently introduced into the PV and 36.6% for single-junction and analysis to TPVs, there are nuances
community.11 The transmitted photon multijunction TPVs with 100% AVT, that need to be noted. In particular,
flux (AM 1.5G$T(l)) and V(l) are plotted respectively.11 Reporting LUE enables it is a combination of both color coor-
in Figure 2B for both perovskite and a fair performance comparison be- dinates and CRI that define the
NIR-selective PVs and illustrate that tween different TPV technologies and acceptable range of optical properties
both the shape and absolute value of theoretical limits, which can be used for window applications. Detailed
T(l) can affect how the incident photon as a metric to evaluate the ability of a descriptions of CRI calculations can
flux is attenuated (especially for wave- TPV technology to simultaneously opti- be found in Note S4. AM 1.5G has
lengths where V(l) is largest) and thus mize both visible transparency and po- been used as the test standard for
impacts the AVT. Photographs of wer conversion, track the best utiliza- incident power since the 1970s, and
various compositions of halide perov- tion of light, and assess progress in it is therefore the AM 1.5G energy
skite active-layer films, different NIR the field.1 flux that should always be the

1806 Joule 3, 1795–1809, August 21, 2019

reference spectrum for CRI calculation
in TPV applications (additional spec-
trum, e.g. the spectra of a backlit
display, can also be utilized in these
calculations as a supplement for
display mounted TPVs). The AM 1.5G
and transmitted energy fluxes (AM
1.5G$T(l)) for various PVs (devices
1–8) are plotted in Figure 3A as the
‘‘reference source’’ and ‘‘test sources’’
power spectra.

A comparison of objects illuminated

with low and high CRI light sources is
shown in Figure 3C (left). We note that
CRI is not a function of AVT but rather
the shape of the spectrum through the
visible (i.e., it is possible to have an
AVT of 10% and a CRI of 100 if the trans-
mittance spectrum is flat through the
visible). Transmittance and reflectance
spectra of several commercial tinted
glass samples are plotted in Figure 3D
and the (a*, b*) values are tabulated in
Table S2 (Note S5). In the window in-
dustry, CRI is applied to evaluate the
ability of portraying a variety of colors
of the transmitted daylight through
glazing compared to those observed
directly under daylight without the
glazing. Threshold values for the CRI
in the window industry actually depend
on the position of the color coordinates
described below.

The CIELAB color space coordinates (a*,

b*) (Figure 3C [right]) are typically the first
metric utilized to assess acceptable
ranges of color tinting for mass-market
architectural glass products. While u
and v are used to calculate CRI, we

Figure 3. Color Rendering and Photon Balance

(A) AM 1.5G energy flux and transmitted energy fluxes of PV devices 1–8. We note that it is energy flux that should be utilized for CRI calculations based on the
construction of the CRI formalism. Note that as the UV absorption cutoff increases beyond 430 nm or the NIR absorption peaks decreases below 675 nm, the
CRI drops quickly, as outlined in Table S2, resulting in strongly tinted films and devices.2 On the UV side, this leads to positive values of (b* or a*), while on the NIR
side, this leads to negative values (b* or a*), where modestly negative values of a* and b* are more acceptable to the window industry.
(B) CIE1960 color space used to calculate CRI with test color samples (TCS01–TCS08) and PV devices 1–8. AM 1.5G is also included as the ‘‘reference
light source.’’
(C) Comparison of objects illuminated by high and low CRI light source (left): under low CRI conditions; for example, blueberries look like blackberries.
CIELAB color space (right): the dashed box illustrates the region of acceptable tinting for many mass-market architectural glass products. Note: PV
devices 3 and 4 are strongly tinted in visible and their corresponding (a*, b*) coordinates are outside of the shown scale.
(D) T and R spectra of commercial tinted glass sheets: bronze (1), blue (2), grey (3), and green (4). A summary of CRI and a* b* values are provided in Table
S2. Inset: photographs of the transmitted and reflected color of C1–C4 glass samples.
(E) Photon balance check for a UV-selective harvesting (left) and NIR-selective harvesting TPVs (right). Inset: photographs of the corresponding TPV devices.

Joule 3, 1795–1809, August 21, 2019 1807

recommend reporting a* and b* to char- since it is difficult to directly measure devices and the target metrics for
acterize position in the color space, which A(l), and EQEðlÞ%AðlÞ; we can take widespread adoption has created sub-
is the standard in the window industry. On the limit of internal quantum efficiency stantial confusion in the literature. In
this scale, a* and b* at the origin (0, 0) is IQEðlÞ%1 (unless multiple exciton gen- this work, standard protocols of TPV
colorless. The color coordinate box that eration [MEG] exists) so that the characterization are clearly outlined
defines the region of acceptable tinting following relation should be satisfied and common pitfalls are described.
for many mass-market architectural glass at every wavelength with independent While the PCE for TPVs should be
products is 5 < a* < 1 and 5 < b* < measurements of EQE(l), T(l), and measured in similar fashion to the
5.12 Tinted glass with values near the R(l):1 opaque counterparts, there are addi-
origin (neutral or gray) or negative values tional nuances to their measurement.
EQEðlÞ + RðlÞ + TðlÞ%1: (Equation 4)
of a* (greenish) and negative b* (bluish) Further, we discuss the additional mea-
are found to be more visually acceptable In the case that MEG is present, the surements required for characterizing
for modern window deployment than EQE term in Equation 4 must be re- TPV devices. AVT, CRI, and a*, b* are
positive values of a* (reddish) and placed with EQE per IQE, where IQE critical figures of merit that are as
positive b* (yellowish). CRI is inter- is the internal quantum efficiency. In important as PCE and EQE, if not
dependent with a* and b*, as all the case of multijunction devices, the more so. We describe how to accurately
parameters are defined by the same IQE is reduced in exchange for an in- measure and report AVT, CRI, and (a*,
transmission spectrum; therefore, the crease in output voltage (multiple b*) metrics, outline key targets for these
CRI threshold requirements for one absorbed photons generate one properties in the window industry, and
corner of the acceptable color coordinate electron-hole pair to obtain higher po- show these calculations for a number
box will differ from the CRI requirements tential) so that the EQE in Equation 4 of TPV materials and devices. In addi-
in other regions. For example, blue-tinted should be replaced by the summation tion, the photon balance is used as a
coatings (i.e., negative a* and b*) only of the EQE spectrum of all sub-cells. tool to validate independent spectral
require CRI > 90 because the color of Thus, the photon balance consistency measurements of EQE, transmittance,
the tint is more acceptable, whereas the check should be applied to every type and reflectance. This work outlines
less desirable yellow- or red-tinted of TPV. Two examples of this simple necessary approaches for character-
coating (e.g., a* or b* close to 0 or posi- consistency check are shown for both izing and reporting TPVs, which are an
tive) requires higher CRI > 95 to remain UV- and NIR-selective harvesting TPVs exciting new paradigm for PV research
in an acceptable color range. For this in Figure 3E. We note that this balance that can enable new opportunities
reason, it is imperative that both values can also be used to estimate the IQE and new applications for solar energy
are reported. Similar considerations can (replacing EQE in Equation 4 with EQE harvesting.
also be applied to reflected color, and per IQE) in the same report, provided
both transmission and reflection effects Equation 4 is still shown to be met. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION
should be taken into account to compose We also encourage reporting of para- Supplemental Information can be found
representative photographs for publica- sitic losses (e.g., parasitic absorption online at
tion (see Note S6). To aid in the assess- losses from transport layers and elec- 2019.06.005.
ment of AVT, CRI, and (a*, b*), we provide trodes), as outlined in Xia et al.,13 when-
a spreadsheet in the Supplemental Infor- ever possible. At a minimum, all reports ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mation that calculates these parameters on TPVs should provide independent The authors gratefully acknowledge sup-
based on an input T or R spectra. Thus, EQE(l), T(l), and R(l) measurements port from the National Science Founda-
these parameters should also be pro- and provide such validation checks for tion under grant CBET-1702591.
vided in all TPV reports. each emphasized device to minimize
potential experimental errors. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS
Measurement Validation M.C.B. and R.R.L. are cofounders of
In addition to the integrated JSC Conclusion Ubiquitous Energy Inc., a company
consistency check described above, Various emerging TPV technologies working to commercialize transparent
the photon balance (at every wave- provide a compliment to traditional photovoltaics.
length) should be used to check all key PVs to help meet the growing energy
TPV devices: demand of the world. A rapid increase
in TPV reports indicates excitement for 1. Traverse, C.J., Pandey, R., Barr, M.C., and
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highly transparent photovoltaics for
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