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Kevin M.

Grade 12-STEM2

The subject of Entrepreneurship helps me as a student because this subject guide us to

know how to build a business. There are too many things that we didn’t know about how to be a
better entrepreneur in the future. Entrepreneurship does not only focuses on how to build a
business, it also teaches us to manage your future business. This subject also helps students to be
more aware in the field of business. From planning your business to manage your sales, it
enhanced your skills in creating your own business. As of today, the market will grow bigger
until there is competition behind it. Student like me must know how to compete in the market
because someday there is a time that I will rely on this. And also Entrepreneurship is important
as it has ability to improve standards of living and create wealth, not only for the entrepreneurs,
but also for related businesses. Being an entrepreneur help drive change with innovation, where
new and improved products enable new markets to be developed.
In the past lessons of Entrepreneurship, I learned a lot about the “12 Rs of Opportunity
Screening. Opportunity screening is the process of evaluating which market offers the greatest
opportunity. Opportunity must be aligned with what you have as your personal vision, mission,
and objectives for the enterprise you want to set up that is why we have the 12 Rs of opportunity
screening which is the relevance, resonance, reinforcement of entrepreneurial interests, revenues,
responsiveness, reach, range, revolutionary impact, returns, relative ease of implementation,
resources required, and risks. Those are things that helps you to do the opportunity screening.
Our proven opportunity screening technique helps companies identify low-hanging fruits based
on pro-active approach and provides significant return on investment. With small investment, our
approach helps companies identify next leg for growth.

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