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Republic of the Philippines

Poblacion, Antipas, Cotabato
Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Year/ strand/section:____________________
Teacher:___________________________________________________________________ Score: _______________________________
A. Direction: Read the questions/statements carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices. Write the letter of
your answer on the left side of the number.
1. The core of the Earth is believed to be made up mainly of
A. iron and nickel minerals. C. iron and magnesium
B. iron and magnesium oxide silicate minerals
minerals. D. carbonates
2. Venus is sometimes referred to as Earth's twin. Why?
A. They have similar mass and C. Both have a single natural
size. satellite.
B. Both have similar temperatures. D. Venus orbited Earth at one
3. A large amount of the ultraviolet light from the Sun is prevented from striking the Earth's surface due to
A. the ozone layer in the C. the Earth's magnetic field.
stratosphere. D. gravity.
B. atmospheric water vapor.
4. The atmospheres of Venus and Mars are similar in which way?
A. They are mostly carbon C. They have the same
dioxide. temperature.
B. They have the same D. There are sulfuric acid
pressure. droplets in the clouds.
5. The most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere is
A. hydrogen. C. nitrogen.
B. oxygen. D. water vapor.
6. As a group, the terrestrial planets are _____________________ than the jovian planets.
A. more massive, larger, and C. more massive, larger, and
less dense denser
B. less massive, smaller, and D. less massive, smaller, and
denser denser
7. The order of the layers from the inside of the Earth outwards is:
A. inner core, outer core, mantle, C. inner core, outer core, crust,
crust. mantle.
B. outer core, inner core, mantle, D. mantle, inner core, outer core,
crust. crust.
8. Which of the following statements best describes how the planets of the solar system formed?
A. They are condensed rings of C. They formed from a nebular
matter thrown off by the cloud of dust and gas.
young Sun. D. The Sun captured them from
B. They are the remains of an smaller, older nearby stars.
exploded star once paired
with the Sun.
9. Fusion is a form of nuclear reaction resulting in an enormous release of heat energy. The fusion of hydrogen to helium is a
reaction that commonly occurs in
A. a comet’s tail of ionized gases C. Earth’s outer core of molten
B. the ionosphere and iron.
thermosphere. D. the Sun and other typical stars.
10. The process by which sediment becomes a sedimentary rock is known as:
A. petrification C. lithification
B. carbonizaton D. compaction
11. What describes the entire solid earth realm and is composed of mineral matter?
A. Lithosphere C. Atmosphere
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere

12. What percentage of the earth's atmosphere does O2 comprise?

A. 75% C. 32%
B. 50% D. 21%
13. In the illustration below, which of the three models depicts an “isolated system?”

A. Model C C. Model A
B. Model B

14. Through the process of condensation and accretion, the formation of Earth and other
planetary bodies was essentially complete ____ years ago.
A. 13.6 billion years ago C. 5.6 billion years ago
B. 4.6 billion years ago D. 4.6 million years ago

15. Crustal processes that form new rock, modify it, transport it and break it down is referred to as the _____ cycle.
A. water cycle C. rock cycle
B. stone cycle D. hydrologic cylce
1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4.
5. 5. 5.
B. Complete the table below. Choose your answer from the table.
Coal Diorite Granite
Chert Breccia Gneiss
Slate Gabbro Hornfels
Siltstone Schist Shale
Dacite Marble Andesite
Direction: Choose your answer from the table below. Write it on the space provided.
1. “ordinary” matter consisting of protons, electrons, and neutrons: atoms, planets, stars, galaxies,
Hydrogen Big bangand
nebulae, Theory
other bodies Baryonic matter Dark matter
Nitrogen Aphelion Edwin Hubble Encounter Theory
Sedimentary Rock 2. He discovered
Oxygen that the universe is expanding.
James Hutton Igneous Rock
Contact 3. Metamorphic
Formed from rock
the slow cooling of lava. Intrusive Extrusive
Nebular Theory Red shift Dark energy Perihelion
4. A force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand.
5. It is a phenomenon where in a planet is away from the sun.
6. Matter that has gravity but does not emit light
7. The major factor of this metamorphism is heat.
8-9. The chemical composition of the universe is dominated by ________________ and
10. It is an indication that the galaxy is moving away from us or it is expanding.
12. Theory about sun-star that sent matter to form planet
13. Formed due to heat and pressure.
14. Formed from cooling and solidification of magma and lava
15. Formed from the compaction and cementation of sediments.
Large Scale Feature of the Solar 1.
system. (2) 2.
Small Scale of the Solar System. (2)
F ail with honor than succeed by fraud .

Characteristics of Terrestrial Planets. ------Sophocles-------

(3) Bonus Points (5 points):
7. God loves you and so do I.
8. Make/write a “knock-knock” using
-Maam Kristell
Characteristics of Jovian Planets. (3)
10. TERMINOLOGIES. Write it in the box
11. below.
Mineral Resources (5) 13.

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