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What benefit did Maurya rule bring to Bengal?

Rubaiat Islam
 Before the Mauryan Empire, the Indian subcontinent was divided into hundreds of kingdoms
ruled by powerful regional leaders who used their small armies to engage in war.
 Magadha were successfully seized power by Chandragupta Maurya, the lord of the
Maurya empire. He started out at the outskirts and gradually made his way to the
kingdom 's center. He finally gained control of northwestern India and Bactria — what is
Afghanistan today, which was ruled by the Greeks at that time. Chandragupta Maurya
sought to unify the Indian subcontinent into an empire.
 The Mauryan Army, the longest standing military force of its day, supported the empire's
expansion and defence.
 Centralized government also came in handy when emperors had to deal with trade and
farming. Chandragupta Maurya established a single currency across India, a network of
regional governors and administrators, and a civil service to provide justice and security
for merchants, farmers, and traders.
 During his rule, Ashoka also made his laws clear in central public spaces on rock and
pillar edicts, stone slabs that alerted citizens to the rules that governed them. The
Mauryan Empire was strict in revenue collection, but it also funded numerous public
works projects to enhance productivity. Ashoka sponsored the construction of thousands
of roads, waterways, canals, rest houses, hospitals, and other types of infrastructure.
 The national stability and internal harmony ofthe Maurya Kingdom facilitated trade
expansion in India. Throughout the reign of Ashoka, the government supervised the
development of major roadways, and the Mauryan international trading network grew.
India exported silk, textiles, and spices to countries like Bactria and Persia.


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