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Read the passage and find the meanings of these words.


write out the meaning in Chinese or Malay.

An Unforgettable Experience

Peter is a naughty and lazy boy. He never listens to his parents

and teachers. He does not do his school work and likes to disturb his


On morning, instead of going to school, Peter went for a swim

at the mine nearby. He swam towards the middle of the mine.

Suddenly the water was too deep for him. Soon, he was gasping for

air and frantically screamed for help.

Fortunately, a farmer passed by and saw Peter struggling in the

water. He quickly jumped and saved Peter. Peter had learnt his

lesson the hard way.

Activity 1 : Fill in the blanks with correct words .

1. Peter is a __________________________ boy.

2. He does not do his _____________________.

3. He likes to _____________________ his friends.

4. Peter went for a ____________________ at the mine nearby.

5. He was __________________for air because the water was too deep for him.

6. A ___________________ saved Peter finally.

Activity 2 : Rewrite the sentences using capital letters.

1. he never listens to his parents and teachers.


2. on morning, peter went for a swim at the mine nearby


3. he was gasping for air and frantically screamed for help.


4. a farmer passed by and saw peter struggling in the water and saved him.


5. peter had learnt his lesson the hard way.

Activity 3 : Rearrange the phrases below.

a naughty Peter is and lazy boy.


at the mine nearby. for a swim Peter went


and saved Peter. The farmer quickly jumped


do his He did not school work.


Activity 4 : Find the base form of the verb below.

Verbs Base form

1. went go

2. swam

4. screamed

5. jumped

6. passed

7. saved

8. learnt
Activity 5 : Do you want to have a friend like Peter? Why






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