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Alzheimer Disease.

Alzheimer disease (AD) was originally an uncommon disease among human race but with time

has become the most common of dementia across the globe affecting millions and millions of

people across the globe. The diagnosis of this diseases is founded on assessments for

neuropsychological, clinical and neuroimaging conditions. The disease is depicted by a gradual

advance in extent of dementia. Alzheimer has three stages of development; the early phase, the

mild and moderate phase and the severe stage also known as the late phase. There has been

attempts by scientist around the world to propose and come up with quality treatment measures

for this disease. Researchers have recommended therapies to cure Alzheimer. These therapies

include neuroimaging methods such as pathology, neuroanatomy and physiological chemistry. In

addition to these methods, other forms of diagnosis have been suggested and currently under

investigation which shows promise. Scientist have also shown through experiment, analysis and

study of patients that Alzheimer disease cause severe alterations to victim brains. These changes

include disabilities such memory loss. The brain is composed of billions of neurons that are

linked together communication through signals. The neurons are able to communicate to one

another and to the organs muscles they control. The process of communication for a healthy

human being should be free and undisrupted and takes place via chemical and electrical signals.

Alzheimer however, throws into confusion these processes leading to cell death in the brain.

These conditions worsen over time but displays different results from one individual to another.

Some people experience severe effects while others seem normal until late stages of the diseases.

The quality of life of every society depends on the quality of their healthcare, to ensure quality

life for our societies, finding proper treatment for Alzheimer will greatly aid in improving the

nature of life of Alzheimer’s patients worldwide.

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