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Idiom Meaning

Dead to the world Very fatigue, sleepy or tired

Call it a day Stop doing something
Drop someone a line Write a letter, email to someone
Face the music Receive punishment
Live from hand to mouth Have a very little amount of money
Worth one’s weight in gold Extremely useful or valuable
Shoot the breeze Make relaxed or casual conversation
Tell a white lie Tell a lie to avoid hurting or offending someone
Rain or shine Describe something scheduled regardless the
Drink like a fish Drink a lot of alcohol
Jump all over someone Find fault with someone
A vote of confidence Pleased with someone or his / her work
Make up one's mind Decide what to do
A queer fish A strange person and can sometimes behave in
an unusual way
An egghead A very intelligent person
Bite off more than one can chew To do things for more than one can manage
Fresh as a daisy Feel energetic and lively
Kick the habit Manage to stop doing something that has become
a bad habit
Caught red-handed Get caught in the act of doing something wrong
such as cheating or stealing
Once in a blue moon Happen very rarely
An ivory tower To be in a place that separates one from everyday
life, such as a university
Keep one's fingers crossed Hope for the best
Make a mountain out of a molehill Make a small problem seems to be a much bigger
Down to earth A practical and sensible person
A slap on the wrist Give one a mild punishment for making a mistake
or doing something wrong
Above the law Does not subject to the laws of a society
Water under the bridge Thing/s happened in the past and it/they no longer
affect/s the present
A raw deal An unfair treatment
Bull-headed Stubborn or inflexible person
Catch one's eye Attract one's attention/interest
Hit the hay Go to bed or go to sleep
Jump the gun Say or do something before the right time
Keep an eye out for Watch for
A let down A disappointment

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