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SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document

Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year

1. Course Name Population Study
2. Course Code KMD104
3. Credits (SKS) 2 (two) SKS
4. Semester / Term I (first)
5. Study Program Bachelor of Public Health
6. Student Learning Achievement At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to understand and explain various theories in population studies
7. Course Learning Achievement 1. Students can explain the concept of population (demographics), pure demographics, and demographic studies
2. Students can explain the concept of Population Census of Population surveys, and Population Registration, and their advantages and
3. Students can explain the composition, distribution and growth of the population according to age, sex, occupation and residence,
compilation and interpretation of the population pyramid
4. Students can explain the composition, distribution and growth of the population according to age, sex, occupation and residence,
compilation and interpretation of the population pyramid
5. Students can explain the various concepts of fertility and the relationships between variables
6. Students can explain various theories and basic concepts of mortality measurement
7. Students can explain the concepts of mobility and migration, types of migration, and their impact on population
8. Students can explain the concepts, determinants and impact of employment
9. Students can explain the theory of Marriage and Divorce (Nuptiality) and family formation
8. Course Description This course discusses 1) Concepts and Definitions of Fertility and Family Planning (KB), 2) Factors Affecting Fertility Determinants, 3)
Supply and Demand of Children, 4) Fertility Regulation and Its Costs, 5) Fertility Decision Making Processes, 6) Nuptiality and Fertility
(Marriage, Divorce and Family), 7) Social Institutions and Fertility, 8) Contraceptive Methods: types and ways of working 9) Side Effects of
Contraception, 10) Contraceptive Management (obtaining correct usage methods, goals and contraceptive targets), 11) Population and
Family Planning Programs (BKB, BKR and BKL, Independent KB)
9. Course Prerequisites (if any) None
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
10. Instructor Yuly Sulistyorini, S.KM., M.Kes
11. Teaching Assistants Nunik Puspitasari, S.KM., M.Kes
Nurul Fitriyah, S.KM., M.PH

Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Students can explain the 1. College contract, Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
concepts of population 2. Introduction to group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
(demographics), pure Population Study class presentations wireless critically, take
demographics, and Lectures: microphone initiative, discuss,
demographic studies a. Explain the s, hold opinions & 0,11,12,1
mechanism of whiteboards respect the 3
lecture and opinions of others
b. Explain lecture accessories,
material props
c. Explain the (models)
evaluation contraceptio
mechanism n, data and
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d. Explain the real cases
importance of for case
Population studies
Study subjects
for prospective
Bachelor of
Public Health
2 Students can explain the Concept of Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
concept of population Population Science: group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
science a. Definition and wireless critically, take
understanding of
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
demographics, s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
pure whiteboards respect the
demographics and opinions of others
and demographic accessories,
studies props
b. History and (models)
scope of contraceptio
n, data and
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
population real cases
studies for case
c. Relationship of studies
population and
d. Population
growth theory
e. An illustration of
Indonesia's and
world population
f. Law on
Population and
3 Students can explain the Demographic Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
history of demographic Transition Theory: group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
transition theory, vital a. The concept and wireless critically, take
transitions, and the stages of understanding of
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
demographic s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the transition process and transition and whiteboards respect the
influencing factors vital transition and opinions of others
b. Determinant and accessories,
demographic props
transition process (models)
c. Fertility contraceptio
transitions, n, data and
mortality real cases
transitions, for case
mobility studies
transitions, and
d. Demographic
Transition in
Indonesia and
other countries
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 Students can explain the Source of Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
concept of population Population Data: group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
census, a. Understanding wireless critically, take
Population Survey, and and benefits of
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
Population Registration, the Census, s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
and their advantages and Surveys and whiteboards respect the
disadvantages Registration and opinions of others
b. Data collection accessories,
mechanism props
c. Differences, (models)
strengths and contraceptio
weaknesses of the n, data and
Census, Surveys real cases
and Registration for case
d. Census, Survey studies
and Registration
in Indonesia and
the world
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 Students can explain the Population Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
composition, distribution Composition, group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
and growth of the Distribution, wireless critically, take
population according to age, Growth and
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
sex, occupation and Pyramid: s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
residence, compilation and a. Population whiteboards respect the
interpretation of the composition and opinions of others
population pyramid according to age, accessories,
sex, geography, props
socioeconomic (models)
status in contraceptio
Indonesia and the n, data and
world real cases
b. Distribution of for case
population studies
according to
geography and
administration in
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Indonesia and the
c. Definition,
method of
preparation and
benefits of the
d. Types and
characteristics of
the Population
6 Students can explain the Theory and measure Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
various concepts of fertility of fertility: group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
and the relationships a. Understanding wireless critically, take
between variables Fertility Theory
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
b. Definition of s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
Fertility, Birth, whiteboards respect the
Fecundity, Life and opinions of others
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Birth and Still accessories,
Birth props
n, data and
real cases
for case
7 Students are able to explain The concept of basic Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
the basic concept of fertility fertility measures: group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
a. Determinant wireless critically, take
Fertility of various
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
fertility concepts s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
Freedman, et al whiteboards respect the
b. Concept Variable and opinions of others
Between Kingsley accessories,
Davis and Yudith props
Blake (models)
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n, data and
real cases
for case
8 Students can explain Theories and Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
various concepts of measures of group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
mortality and the Mortality: wireless critically, take
relationship between a. Understanding
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
variables in it Mortality Theory s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
b. Determinant whiteboards respect the
Mortality from and opinions of others
the Mosley-Chen accessories,
concept props
c. Determinant (models)
Mortality from contraceptio
the Mahadevan n, data and
concept real cases
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
for case
9 Students can explain the 1. Mobility theory Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
theory of mobility and 2. The concept of group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
migration, types of mobility wireless critically, take
migration, and their impact 3. The concept of
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
on population geographical s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
mobility whiteboards respect the
(migration), and opinions of others
transmigration, accessories,
urbanization, props
villages, cities (models)
n, data and
real cases
for case
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 Students can explain the a. The concept of Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
concepts of mobility and mobility group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
migration, types of b. The concept of wireless critically, take
migration, and their impact geographical
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
on population mobility s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
(migration), whiteboards respect the
transmigration, and opinions of others
urbanization, accessories,
villages, cities props
c. Determinant (models)
migration contraceptio
d. Impact of n, data and
migration on real cases
population and for case
public health studies
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 Students can explain the Theory and measure Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
concepts, determinants and of Employment: group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
impact of employment a. Understanding wireless critically, take
labor, labor force,
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
unemployment, s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
unemployment is whiteboards respect the
not obvious and and opinions of others
the ratio of accessories,
dependency props
b. Labor (models)
determinants contraceptio
c. The impact of n, data and
labor on real cases
population for case
d. Labor policies in studies
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12 Students can explain the Theory and measure Lectures, discussions, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
concepts, determinants and of Employment: group assignments, and LCDs, minutes questions, think 1,2,3,4,5,
impact of employment a. Understanding wireless critically, take
labor, labor force,
class presentations
microphone initiative, discuss,
unemployment, s, hold opinions & ,11,12,13
unemployment is whiteboards respect the
not obvious and and opinions of others
the ratio of accessories,
dependency props
b. Labor (models)
determinants contraceptio
c. The impact of n, data and
labor on real cases
population for case
d. Labor policies in studies
13. Students can explain the Marriage and Lectures, Laptops, 2x50 Able to listen, ask Book
theory of Marriage and Divorce Theory discussions, group LCDs, minutes questions, think
wireless critically, take
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Divorce (Nuptiality) as well (Nuptiality) and assignments, and microphone initiative, discuss, 1,2,3,4,5,
as family formation family formation: class presentations s, hold opinions & 6,7,8,9,10
a. Understanding the whiteboards respect the
concept of and opinions of others
marriage accessories,
b. Determinants of props
Marriage and (models)
Divorce and contraceptio
family formation n, data and
c. Implications of real cases
Marriage and for case
Divorce on studies
child value
problems, and
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (number)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
other population
d. Marriage Law and
Child Protection


1. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), 2011. Hasil Sensus Penduduk Tahun 2010. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)
2. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), 2011. Kabupaten dan Kota di Jawa Timur Dalam Angka. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)
3. Bulatao, Rodolfo A. Ronald D. Lee. 1983. Determinants of Fertility in Developing Countries. Vol.1 Supply and Demand for Children. Academic Press,
4. Bulatao, Rodolfo A. Ronald D. Lee. 1983. Determinants of Fertility in Developing Countries. Vol.2 Fertility Regulation and Institutional Influences.
Academic Press, USA.
5. Ida Bagus Mantra, 2003. Demografi Umum. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta.
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department) 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Universitas Airlangga

Revision -
January 1st, 2019 Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., Dr. Santi Martini,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
6. Siegel, Jacob S and David A. Swanson. 2004. The Method and Material of Demography. Second Edition. Elsevier Academic Press, USA.
7. LDUI, 2004. Dasar-Dasar Kependudukan. LDUI dan Lembaga Penerbit FEUI.
8. Mahadevan, K., 1986. Fertility and Mortality, Theory, Methodology, and Empirical Issues. Sage Publication India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.
9. Mosley, W. Henry and Lincoln C. Chen. 1984. Child Survival Strategies for Research. The Population Council, Inc., USA.
10. Palmore JA and Gardner RW, 1983. Measuring Mortality, Fertility, and Natural Increase. The East-West Cen-ter. Honolulu, USA.
11. Winikoff, Beverly, 1997. The Whole Truth About Contraception, A Guide to Safe and Effective Choices. Joseph Henry Press, Washington D.C.
12. World Health Organisation (WHO), 2006. Reproductive Health Indicators, Guidelines for Their Generation, Interpretation and Analysis for Global
Monitoring. World Health Organisation (WHO).
13. World Health Organisation (WHO), 2007. Gender and Rights in Reproductive and Maternal Health, Manual for a Learning Workshop. World Health
Organisation (WHO).

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