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Three Arguments against Mathematical

This paper deals with the concept of quantitative infinity in the light of the thought of Rene Guenon
as expressed in his book “ The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus”. The paper starts
by an analysis of the concept of infinity itself, differentiating it from ‘indefinite’, then proceeds to
show that how, according to Guenon, it cannot be applied to any ‘determined’ realm like quantity. I
would then examine the two kinds that we are familiar with, namely; the arithmetic (discrete
quantity) and the geometric (continuous quantity). Arguments would be given for both of these
kinds as to why they cannot be infinite. Later on a third case would be dealt which gives rise to
certain appearance of perpetuity or infinity due to the imposition of the discrete numbers for the
analysis of the continuous geometric figures.

What is the Infinite?

According to Guenon, the true and only infinite cannot be limited in any way whatsoever. Thus it can
be nothing less than the universal All, the all encompassing absolute which contains all possibilities.
Thus any idea or concept which is talking about a specific kind of reality will be ruled out a priori by
Guenon as the possible candidate for the post of infinity. Thus numbers being a particular kind of
quantity is immediately ruled out. Thus for him the only true infinite is the metaphysical one
because that would be the most unspecified and general sense of being that is possible.

The Infinite vs the Indefinite

Here an important distinction that needs to be spelt out is the distinction between infinite and
indefinite. For Guenon, the infinite can only be the universal All in its metaphysical sense, whereas
the indefinite is the one which goes on continuing using a general principle. For example, the
number series can be extended indefinitely by adding the unit (+1) to the preceding number. This
indefinite is what the mathematicians have started calling the infinite and representing it with the
symbol ∞. Now the symbol itself is problematic for Guenon as it is actually not representing infinity
in any sense rather it is representing the closed loop. It is by definition not unlimited but rather as
the figure shows a closed figure which by necessity is finite.

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