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Supplimental Activities/ Performance Tast in English


A concrete noun is something you can detect with your five senses-you can
smell, see, touch, taste, or hear it. An abstract noun, such as “bravery”,
cannot be detected with your senses.
Activity A.
Direction: Read the sentences below, and decide if the boldface word’s is
an abstract or a concrete noun. Write an A in the blank for abstract and a C
for concrete.
_____ 1. Raul read an article about people who had lost their homes during a
_____ 2. The article described how the tornado forced them to hide in their
_____ 3. Raul read about the suffering of young people like himself.
_____ 4. He felt compassion for these teens and wanted to help them.
_____ 5. He decided to raise money to buy new books for them.
_____ 6. He knew that reading would provide them with both education and
_____ 7. Soon, his friends joined the effort; they collected funds at school, in
their neighborhood, and at the mall.
_____ 8. They were surprised by people’s generosity.
_____ 9. The group raised enough money to buy 1,000 books.
_____10. Raul and his friends felt very satisfied with their success and their
ability to help others.

Activity B. Now try writing your own paragraph using concrete and abstract
nouns. After you finish, underline the concrete nouns and circle the abstract
ones. Use at least three of each.
The verb to be is a very important verb in the
English language because it helps us explain the
condition or characteristics of people and things.
In the study of grammar, we say that this verb shows state of being. This verb is usually
seen as a linking verb, linking the subject of a sentence to an adjective or a noun. It is also
used with gerunds to show action happening right now. This verb is very irregular. It is
important to know its correct forms in the past, present, and future tenses. Let’s take a

Complete each sentence by writing the correct form of the verb to be.

1. Our teacher, Mrs. Walker, ______________________ absent last


2. Uncle Bob _______________________ not feeling well today.

3. Scott and Matt ___________________________ playing soccer


4. I ______________________ happy today.

5. You ______________ my best friend!

6. Last year you ___________________ in the hospital for an operation.

7. The weather _________________ rainy today.

8. We _______________ eating dinner last night when the doorbell


10. They __________________________ visiting their grandma next


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