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Conditions for Equilibrium - Force Table.

To experimentally determine forces in equilibrium and compare these results to values you determine when
calculating a vector sum.

Introduction: If an object is not accelerated, that is, if it is either at rest or moving in a straight line at a
fixed speed, relative to a proper coordinate system, the body is said to be in equilibrium. If the body is acted
upon only by concurrent forces (i.e., forces whose lines of action intersect at a point) a single condition is
necessary and sufficient for equilibrium. This condition is that the vector sum of the concurrent forces must
be zero. The purpose of the experiment is to see if this condition holds for a simple set of coplanar forces
acting on a body in apparent equilibrium. If the vector sum of all concurrent coplanar forces is zero, then it
follows that the algebraic sum of the x-components of all the forces must be zero and that the algebraic sum
of the y-components of all the forces must be zero, for any given choice of x and y axes. (Coplanar forces
are forces whose lines of action lie in the same plane.)
Stated analytically, F1 + F2 + F3 + . . . = 0 or ΣF = 0 . Stated another but fully equivalent way, the
sum of the x-components of all the forces acting on the object must be zero, (F1x + F2x + F3x + . . . = 0),
and independently the sum of the y-components must be zero, (F1y + F2y + F3y + . . . = 0). Note that
the condition on the components is an algebraic sum, so that some of the components must be positive and
some negative such that their sum equals zero. You should be familiar with the concepts of vector addition
and vector components from your work in class. The diagram below illustrates how the components relative
to a given choice of x and y-axes are found for a vector F.

F = Fx + Fy (vector sum)

Fy Fx = Fcosθ

Fy = Fsinθ


Note: cos θ is used for the x component since θ is measured with respect to the +x-axis.
One kind of force is the weight of an object. This is simply the gravitational attractive force on the mass
of the object produced by the mass of the Earth. The magnitude is just the object’s mass, m, times the
gravitational acceleration, g, and the direction of this force (weight) is downward. If the object is supported
at rest by a light string, then the tension in the string must equal the weight of the object in order to balance
it. The tension in the string can thus be adjusted by hanging more or less mass from it. The string will then
pull with this tension on whatever the other end of the string is tied to. In this lab, the string will run over
a pulley (which is assumed to be frictionless) and tied to a ring. A diagram of the apparatus (force table)
used in this experiment is shown below in the figure. It consists of a large elevated horizontal disk whose
outer rim is graduated in degrees. A metal ring is held approximately at the center of this table by means
of a pin, and strings, to which weights may be attached, pass from the ring over the pulleys mounted at the
edge of the disk. The angular positions around the disk of these pulleys may be adjusted.
When the ring is centered around the pin such that it is not in contact with the pin, then the only forces
acting on it are the tensions from the strings. These are concurrent forces which must add to zero if the ring
is at rest. It will be your task in this lab to adjust the positions of the pulleys and the masses hanging from
the strings (as described below) in order to center the ring on the pin.
The weight and mass of an object are different properties and a clear distinction must be made between
them. The mass of the weights used in this experiment is stamped on the weight. The relationship W = mg
is used to convert the mass units to force units, where m is the mass in kg and g = 9.81 sm2 .
Physics 141
Forces and Vector -- 2

There is a set of equipment for studying the THE FORCE TABLE

ector nature of forces consisting of a framework on
hich two spring balances and a pulley are mounted as
hown in Fig. 2. This setup will be used for parts II, II
nd IV. The position of the pulley can be adjusted up
r down to change the configuration of the system, and
e position of the suspended mass can be adjusted by
oving the binder clip. The angles � and � can be
ound by measuring Ax , Ay , Bx , and By.

. First, test the system without any suspended

ass or mass hanger.

ii. What relationship do you expect between the

readings of the two spring balances in this
arrangement? Change the position of the
pulley and test your hypothesis.

I. Forces in a Vertical Plane Figure 3 The force table.

ry several (3) different masses on the system for each
Note: You must include the weight of the hanger also as part of the force.
f the following three configurations of the suspension
oint for the mass: The remainder of this experiment will be done
1. Point below the bottom of the pulley. using a force table, see Fig. 3. This is an elevated
Laboratory Procedure metal disk about 40 cm in diameter. Angles in degrees
2. Point above the bottom of the pulley.
3. Point at same
I as the bottomDirect
- Taking are ruled near the rim of the disk and pulleys can be
of the Measurements
pulley. attached to the rim. Masses are suspended by strings
that run over pulley and thus exerts a force on the
Configuration I center ring. If the center ring (while not touching the
ind each individual forces at the point where the mass
suspended ( at the binder clip) and compare to the ◦
center pin) is stationary then the sum of these forces
1. Set one pulley at 0 and
fromplace a total of
the suspended 200 grams
masses is zero. (including the holder) on the string (call this
xpected values.
F1 ). Set a second pulley at 120◦ and place 100 grams on that string (call this F2 ).
2. Experimentally determine � the The magnitude
amount of thethat
of mass forcemust
be addedwith ato two additional strings with
V. ◦ suspended mass
◦ is its
A Different Set of Axes pulleys placed at 180 (F3 ) and at 270 (F4 ) in order to balance weight ( NOT the length
the system. Be sure that when
he obvious choice of axes, when the working of the string).
in a is in equilibrium, each string leads directly to the center of the table.
ertical plane is for the x-axis to be horizontal (left and � The direction of this force on the center ring
3. Record these masses in your isnotebook’s
outward from data
the table.
center toward the pulley
ght) and the y-axis to be vertical ( up and down).
4. Determine
here are cases such as problems dealing with inclinethe uncertainty inand can
your be read
masses from
δm the adding
by protractor scale
and on
subtracting small amounts of mass
anes where this choice may complicate the
to see how much can be the
added edge
or of the
subtractedforce table.
while still keeping the system in equilibrium. Only
athematical operations rather than dosimplify
this forthem.
your experimental values not the given values.
onsider the following configuration on the
5. Determine the fractional uncertainty
NOTE: In (δm/m) for this measurement and record this in your data
the following
amework. One string is about 30° from the
orizontal and the other string is at a right angle to the procedures, each force is written as
rst. Set this up. Use the corner 6. of a piece
From paper or mass valuesancalculate
allofhanging angle andthean added
force in mass. This
book as guide to setting the right angle. mass must be added to the mass of
Configuration II the mass hanger before calculating
Experimentally this resolves the force the force.
1. Now
ssociated with the suspended mass into remove
two the masses from the pulleys at 180◦ and 270◦ . Experimentally determine what single
erpendicular components. Identify amount
the newofaxes.
mass, and at what angle it must be placed in order to balance the system (call this
F30 ). the calculated
ompare the experimental results with
alues for a few suspended masses. Relate this V. 1-D Equilibrium ( do very quickly)
2. Record thisnew
mass and angle First,
in your notebook’s
test the data
general idea that table.
two equalYou
but do not need to determine the
hoice of axis to the inclined planeuncertainty
problem, the in the angle.
ormal force and the force down the plane. opposite forces cancel each other and leave the system
3. Determine the uncertainty in your mass δm by adding and subtracting small amounts of mass to
see how much can be added or subtracted while still keeping the system in equilibrium. Only do
this for your experimental value not the given values.
4. Determine the fractional uncertainty (δm/m) for this measurement and record this in your data
5. From all hanging mass values calculate the force in Newtons.
Configuration III
1. Set one pulley at 150◦ and place a total of 300 grams (including the holder) on the string (call
this FA ). Set a second pulley at 233◦ and place a total of 200 grams (including the holder) on the
string (call this FB ). Place a third pulley at 300◦ and place a total of 250 grams (including the
holder) on the string (call this FC ).
2. Experimentally determine what single amount of mass, and at what angle it must be placed in
order to balance the system (call this FD ).
3. Record this mass and angle in your notebook’s data table. You do not need to determine the
uncertainty in the angle.
4. Determine the uncertainty in your mass δm by adding and subtracting small amounts of mass to
see how much can be added or subtracted while still keeping the system in equilibrium. Only do
this for your experimental value not the given values.
5. Determine the fractional uncertainty (δm/m) for this measurement and record this in your data
6. From all hanging mass values calculate the force in Newtons.

Part II - Calculating Theoretical Values

Calculate the theoretical values for each configuration with which to compare our experimental results.

1. Configuration I - Given: F1 = 1.96N at 0 ◦ and F2 = .980N at 120 ◦ find the magnitude of two forces, F3
and F4 that will bring the system into equilibrium given F3 is at 180 ◦ and F4 is at 270 ◦ . Remember,
if the system is in equilibrium, the sum of the x-components and the sum of the y-components must
add up to zero. For example, F3 only has a component in the negative x-direction, thus -F3 is entered
for the x-component of F3 and 0 for the y-component of F3 .
2. Configuration II - Given: F1 = 1.96N at 0 ◦ and F2 = .980N at 120 ◦ find the magnitude and direction
of a force, F30 that will bring the system into equilibrium. Make sure you clearly define the axis and
your reference angle for the direction of F30 .

3. Configuration III - Given: FA = 2.94N at 150 ◦ , FB = 1.96N at 233 ◦ and FC = 2.45 at 300 ◦ , find the
magnitude and direction of a force FD , that will bring the system into equilibrium.

Part III - Determining Uncertainties in Your Final Values

In the results section of your notebook, state the results of all three parts of your experiment in the form
F i ±δF i . Note, δF i should be equal to the largest fractional uncertainty from your table of mass fractional
uncertainties multiplied by your value of F i . Also state the results from all three parts of your theoretical
calculations. There is no uncertainty in your theoretical values.

You should also address the following questions:

1. Include a free body diagram for the ring for each configuration, indicating which values were given and
which values were experimentally determined. Use 0◦ as the +x axis and 90◦ as the +y axis.
2. Compare the experimental and theoretical values (calculated in part II) for each configuration clearly
stating the quantitative values you are comparing. Do your results for the forces you are comparing
agree within their uncertainties? IF NOT, what might be some possible reasons? Be sure to back up
your claims with quantitative estimates. You should ”run some numbers” and state whether or not
you think your scenario(s) are reasonable, and why.

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