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Nama : Sampang Rotua Simanullang

Nim : 4202421013

Exercise 3.5 Answer these questions in complete sentences.

1. Which is the longest metric unit of measurement?
Answer : The longest metric unit measurement is the kilometers
2. Which is the shorter metric unit of measurement?
Answer : The shortter metric unit measurement is the milimeters
3. Which is the heaviest metal?
Answer : The heaviest metal is the Includelead (Pb)
4. Which is the lightest gas?
Answer : The lightes gas is Helium
5. Which is the simplest atom?
Answer : The simplest atom is Hydrogen
6. Which is the most complicated atom?
Answer : The most complicated atom is Helium
7. Which is the biggest city in the world?
Answer : The biggest city in the world is Tokyo
8. Which is the least expensive metal?
Answer : The least expensive metal is Aluminium
9. Which are the most important oil-producing countries?
Answer : The most important oil-producing countries is United States of America
10. Which subject do you find most difficult and why?
Answer : - Information Technology and Data Literation
Reason : Because this subject covers information all over the world and this subject covers a lot
of tehcnology which i dont easily understand.

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