Oscillating Universe Theory-The Oscillating Universe Theory Is A Cosmological Model That Combines

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Direction: Read carefully the following questions and answer it in essay form not more than 10



1. Aside from the theories discussed in this lesson, what other theories can you suggest to explain the
origin of the universe? You may use the internet to search for other theories. (5 points)

Oscillating Universe Theory- The Oscillating Universe Theory is a cosmological model that combines
both the Big Bang and the Big Crunch as part of a cyclical event. Variant of the ‘Big Bang’ theory in which
it is suggested that the universe passes through successive cycles of expansion and contraction (or
collapse). At the end of the collapse phase, with the universe packed into a small volume of great
density, it is possible that a ‘bounce’ would occur. The universe would thus oscillate between Big Bang
and ‘Big Crunch’ episodes, and so be infinite in age. That is, if this theory holds true, then the Universe in
which we live in exists between a Big Bang and a Big Crunch. In other words, our universe can be the first
of a possible series of universes or it can be the nth universe in the series.

Pulsating Universe Theory- According to this theory, the universe is supposed to be

expanding and contracting alternately i.e. pulsating. At present, the

universe is expanding. According to pulsating theory, it is possible that

at a certain time, the expansion of the universe may be ‘topped by the

gravitational pull and the may contract again. After it has been

contracted to a certain size, explosion again occurs and the universe will

start expanding. The alternate expansion and contraction of the

universe give rise to pulsating universe.

The Creationist Theory

The Creationist Theory suggests that God created the whole universe in seven days which is stated and
supported in the bible. On the first day God divided light from the dark, on the second day he created
the sky and divided the waters, on the third day he created the dry land, grass and trees, on the fourth
day he created the sun, moon and stars, on the fifth day he created the sea creatures and birds, on the
sixth day he created land animals and mankind. And on the Seventh day he rested after all the good
creations he had made.

2.Choose one of the theories about the origin of the universe. Create a concept map illustrating the
events that happen in the universe as explained by that theory. (10 points)
What do you think?

3.Do you think the universe has a beginning or has it always existed? Explain your answer? (3points)

4.Based on the theories about the origin of the solar system, compare the events that happened in its
formation. (5 points)

5. After learning about the theories explaining the origin of the solar system, What theory do you believe
the most? Explain your answer. (2 points)

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