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Technical university of Cotopaxi

Level: A2 “E” Eglish November 2020 – March 2021

Subject: Discuss the questions. Find out you classmates’ conversation styles.
1. When do you make small talk? What do you talk about?
In a small talk I talk about how the family is and what it has done in this time.
2. Do you think it’s odd when a stranger talk to you?
Sometimes yes, it may be to assault me and sometimes I may not need information.
3. Are you talkative person?
I don't really like to talk a lot.
4. Do you think you talk to much?
When I enter in confidence yes.
5. Are you a good listener?
Yes, I like to listen to other people.
6. Are you usually the “talker” or the “listener” in a conversation?
Actually the listener, I answer only when necessary.
7. What topics do you like to talk about?
I like to talk about sports, especially soccer.
8. What topics do you try to avoid?
Issues that may make the other person uncomfortable.

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