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P2000B* Indicator Technical Manual Contents 1. Data 2.Maln Features ~~~ [A Structure 4. Operation Keys Instruction 5. Battery Site ~ 6. Operation 6.1 Preparation ~~ 62. Poweron operation 63.Zeroseting = 64, Dedvting are 65, Accumulation 666. Display converting betwcen gross and net weight = 62. Pring and holding function 68. RS-732C ouput ~~ == == - 69, Unitswitch —— 6.10, Digit input ~ 6.1, Rechargeable batery maining ~ 6.12. Pomersving function 7. Use Guide — 3 Setting and Calibrat 1, Emerng main decores £82. Entering sobirectres 2.3. Calibration = —— 4, low char for seing a 1. Main Data 1.1. Zero signal inp anges On ~ V6 1.2. Zero point empertue dei hee io eanyinanoacons ik 654, Accumulated valu elering You can lar allthesccumalition ves te times andthe weight alist in memory by pressing Mi] fr moe an 5teconds When you poss [More an $ secon Sipe means the operations responded. At his lime he aceunslted values upto wow i leared and the indicating Hight Mis of. Than after ZTE is splayed for 3 secon eum to nom spy sit. 166, Display convening betwen gross weigh te ae! weight ‘Under weighing sae, you can press (GN) wo converte dspay value between 1068 weight and net weigh. Whe the indieator displays the et weight, the LNW" son the Fight “NW.” on, he delaying value is the oss weight 67. Privng and ning Foeton {67.1]Whea Fda the display wl be oeked fer pressing (P| and wil euro sonal fer presi [P] agin When F142, the pining emma in op dai efectve onthe pce ‘harcter on Sst C wil change into “(see character changed om 208 (28H, When F403 itis okt pining mode 68. R8-232C ewtpa ad pining © Seva ou “The D-ype 25-cor ute (Figure 40) o 3-coe meal ole (Figure 4-9) ed fer RS-232C tarvote ners, he oles mounted on bk hosing of the inieatr See the Following dawg er desis (0d20ssd00e0a0) 88eees000aca Faure ta Bere onat Figure tb Score met cate Fie ete fei inlet (The serial data (ASC code ie ranemitedin continua mae by MCS-S1 way every group of data has 17 fame inca | frame of tat ehacter 2), 3 frames of sate mk, 6 frames of data iplaying, 6 frames of ae daa and | fame of entra follows ‘State C: Quip! conto sharacier D706 05 D4 03.2 D1 DO foupeoseniaferresine PD rife © 1 O00 0 0 | Blank, without printing commend mie “OT © 100 0 |e When FI2, and i'you press Pin weighing stat, the command bit“ wil appear in the ouput dt, (@ Every Fame consis of 10 digits The friar bit. The th stop i (One of the thresh is conection bit sd the oer even al dt bls (hom Tow to high the frm isa ellowing: San Bit o_o bs bem Stop Bi STX_StaleA StateB StateC Display value ‘Tare value Enter See eee STX: Sr charcer, 02H State A: Comrol characte (or decimal point (D7 refers to verification bi) D7_D6 DS p4_p3 D2 _DI_DO oi o 1 0 10 o 1 oo fi obo 4 2 quan : o a o1roritto Decimal point potion ‘Withon deinal point Teigitdecinal 00 2g decimal — 0.00 -igicdecimal 1.000 “agit decimal 0.0000 ate B: Comprehensive contro chatter (D7 refers vetifcation bit) Vesfeton bit 0 n gk lelelelelele Dynamic mai D3 big, DSI won nami) [Ould mk bit ——‘DDa, ory D2, rtd Posies piv mak itn, psi nun, Dist ape ante Gs hare weight ma 3 DO, gos weigh Dee weigh ine 5 Frm fom (68.2 Tike printing ouput (© Option af tinier data “This indesor canbe matched to BPSON'TM-U285 mero pine. In order ta be che tothe pine, we shoul et ihe dan of the sorFAn3 and Fis ‘chosen the au ie consistent othe printer. A this mement, if yu pres (P) Koy, priner wll print he ticket ne ket mae as fllowing: ry wee ose craters Ta rosa gsc 0.205 3 ‘ese wan ane eT © Comection betwean the indicator andthe piner IFthere is one cable provided together with printer, connect one end ofthe cable io D-type 25.core pi plug ofthe printer andthe oer end tothe D- ‘pe 25-core hole or Score metal plug ofthe indicator as fllowing: o INDICATOR PRINTER v0 3p | exo save] g 172 | 5 {sono sums suis ows: Gane Map atest pp er ©) Explanation about the printing format 18, The printer will not prot ithe net weight isa negetve value The number varies from 0-59. When i exceed 99 it wll back to 0 utomatially. 6.9.Ust converting ae, you can press (UNITS to convert the dpa vit tween “kad To". At the same ime, he eleva ight wll eon Since the unt ndieaing ight als indestoe a weighing sabily the nit indicating ight wil be on Cay when te weighing ieee 6.10. Digit input ‘White caying dough ctraion, you may ned to op the digit ‘The digit inp all led viol —]a08 {+ Yin cooperating [=] eer place shiting Key. tis ued for selecting digit place, an the slected digit wil ash Ahi time you press] se ashing digit wi be hanged ia “0 = | =2 9 ~ oO equorc, For instance: How to input digit 061500" "the previous display conten he nestor is“ 030000" tbe gt inp steps Meas follows: Step 1: PressI~ once to make the indicator 29 elearng ais time the digit at the most right flashes und the indicator displays XD") ‘Step 2: Pres{ =) once the Second dgitat he ast ight ashes and s ” payed ‘Step 3: Press once the hi igi atte seg hes and CDW) dipayed. ‘Sep 4: Press| t | five times the indicus diss and °S* ashes Step S: Press| one the out igi thee ight Passa By Aispaye. ‘Step 6: Pres +] once. the indistrdapays and” 1 Nase ‘Step 7: Press [TARE] t confi. ‘Tash input operation for a roupof digit is sompleted OX" eles leer U or 6.1 Rechargeable btery manisiing ‘5.11.1 The volape ofthe rechargable baer sidestep he bay sy bol onthe poet. The aterysybol has Highs andi al the fghs ze al means the vllage ofthe ater is >6, Vere ison ight efit means the volage is 5.5V. When the fa ight et itmesns he volage is ¢ 53. 6.112 When her is oly 1 Tigh fo the symbol, maybe te upto the ‘chargeable bat is om weak forthe neater o wrk marly this ime esse insert the ower aatr to charge she rechargable Bate The indiator canbe operated wile being charged. 1Tbaery isnot charged athe inetor ‘coats tobe operated, when is voltages les than 5.3V, the scl it will auto matically stop working nT mine 66.113 tte indicator isnot used fr longtime, be ure tht the soragebatiey isin power off ste {6.1141 you find the working tines aher shor forte rechargeable batery that is uly charge, you should conidr changing the batery. You may change iy ‘pening he battery Box cover, pulling op he poe and negative meal pices ‘and removing te batery. While changing ie te be cael ok sure the lecroe ofthe rechargeable batery i comet, 6.12Fower saving neon Inorderto prion the working ie of he eck batey he instars avipped wits power sving faction. Tat means i you Kept nator nb within bat 10 seconds don't ork se Keytou se incor wil sly La Hhitis insea potion, the inser wil spay [—T. a 7. Use Guide “1 Be sre thi he ground ternal of AC powers propery zroded 7.2. Weighing tae ince) en'encesd de sal's Mx, capacity pls (= ‘esto tte vision vale). When the weighing i orth he ee, ten cutordsplays LARC] 173. Never disse bet withov sothoriation, “74 he indistor displays noting ois splay decs'tchange afte power on, cas ry or io nl unt on gai 178.When yout "and "F2" di you may hve nat enough pce ora mistake. you don't intend 0 be amore professional personel ou only eed tomake Fi 2 and F252 dus you my nt conser select he ter a of “PY and "FZ" because at his ine he indicator (cle) wil stomatal see the defiled value of the products leaving he fet, 6. Tum off oer supply and pol otis power pug at es iit sou of ede. Non spectzedmanafecturero non-protein staf can't i it without uthvization you can ona o selng agent in your ae. 177.1 you edt r-aete he indiestore the into ion fr $30 mits order ensures cei in sable woking tate sewn tx arpa voetom 7 8, Data Setting and Calibrating Fit, you must open the indicator and find theceuitshvter I to mae it shoct- ‘contested as indicated in Figure 8. ‘Tae india (scale 3 main drcteres on te parameter interface so that the users ean converiely amend te faetions aod measurement da ofthe nd Calor Scale} The felling ar the mame and content of 3 min directories Fi: Function management 2; Cireumstance factor adjusting 3: Calibration ‘You should isconneet the crit shorter J after exiting fom seing and airang soe a indicated in Figure 9: S- ~ Ea Ft chet escitoner ——FgneSiemen tect stoner 84. enn main acre ‘Under ovens pes VO} fs wmf anu Rong, When inde sliicng "press UD eee: yoo mustops etl se selecting coed he deter ee SETUP], At this time if you press (~ 0 =], the indicator wil display]. {Taisn aff sae yo shold paved te eration ented oe er aitamed nor 3m. Wien oo pres tendrils a F1—F2~ Fr eae ‘Wien ous ENTER) se fer wit emerany ey ere mn dete ‘When you press. th indicator wl tem to the mui ietoy fom he sibietory oro retum slf-checing sate from the main decry se sec 82. Rnlering subdirectories and selecting ‘When the indicator plays “F1"or°F2" oF", you can mae tener subiectres by pressing [ENTER], And you can make choles inthe options of subatrectores by pressing (+, While pressing [EXIT you ean make the ini ‘ator withdeaw from he subdirectories. ‘82.1Subalrectory FL Ft: Ualt selecting, with 4 options FL=1 nly far choosing “wit I.Je2 “eg and" unit chootng and conversing, Knit is automaticly afer ured on and ten be eased only under “ke" tit. Fi.ts3. "kg" and "Tb" unit choosing and converting. Ite unit ie sutmaticaly “ib and itca be calibrated only under 1b" ui. FL.1n4 only fr chosing“ on 1.2: Calibration made selecting, with 3 options PFL.2et fied point cllratng and only internal pre-set Mos capaci selecting rating an only ieceral pre-set Max capacity esting 1.23 bitary pin calling a pbitrory Mix, capacity seeing AN cml 38k hin ican EV 3 [P13 Baud rate selecting, with otal Saptons FL3el_ levy B60 relevancy 851200 setevamly 2400 relearly Bea800 relevarly B8400 Las Output mode, with 2 options Fe without comand chursterin cup de sates Cis 208 chen) nd [Pky has the hong feetion Fle2 with command character ut dat, ie. sate mack Ce 26H (es) Fed Seria euput iting signal LS Beep seleting, wlth 2 options FISD beep switch off F152} beep switch on 14.6: Selecting for setup val from FLA 10 FS, with 2 options FL. selection of stp value of the users FL6:2 selection of deeulted value whea the product eave the facory, se the following table forthe daa ‘tues Fa z aa Fa Fis 1 3 L L "ne: Aer t pnFtF ieps EATER i id Wisp «ov emcee! nds od wa me es ‘Soo 22. Subdirvetory F2 2: Turn-on era range selecting, wih $opdons F220 caneling alo trt-o zero fnetion F215. powenon zero range 5% PS F2IeID poweron 220 msgs 108 FS F2.[020 power-on zr ange 2086 oS 1722: Auto zero trucking range selecting, with S options 72.2402 aut vero uackng range 022° 72.2605 co tro tacking range 0S 72.2610 aw zero wacking ange Le 2220 ano era racking range 20° F220 aso er racking range 302 2.3: Digit wavesiterig coetient, wth 3 options F231 low-degie wave-ierng: Suitable forthe conditions with weak air Now or tle amospherc pressure charge F232 medivmdegre wave-fiering:Sitsble or general ocasion F233 high-degree wavering: Suitable forthe siustions with suong airflow corlargestmeapberle pressure change 2: Extended dsplay mode (Le. minor counts display), with 2 options F240 probibitng extends display F261 allowing extended display shee: “ne pe ‘weit ait vw her os 1 nen estonia. cane i eho [FR Sleting for stup value from F2.1 to F24, with 2 optons F25e1 selon of up vale of te users F252 seleton af defied value when he products eave the tory, eee folowing tbl forthe dats, “et FAL a Ba Pa 2 1 z w 82.3Subdirectory FS "FS" is used for carving out calibration Function, 3. Calibration 183.1. When the indicator displays [AT] , press [ENTER] 1o make the indiaoe (scale) enter eaibratin fonction. Atthistime the indicator displays Titan [ae] imam yn aarwaieaer NNT er xhing We ing clan ine You shuld comet S 6 me] andthe digit tthe ight plac is Min, display valu. There are 3.0p- "ons Torte Min. pay vale, an the vale i respectively 1, 2and 6 32. Air youselet Min pyle in 1 J and pes [ENTER] coins Ihe ion suber is es than REV 24, jou shold use the dg input ‘mtd to np the Mas. capi, teproedare fas follows: 4. Ales he Min pay vl scoined te indcurdipsys and “A.AAA,A.” refer oth lst ng vale in sorge Ifyou change he ale you should pest earth apa. make inde ‘or aplay ad this tine the din! poin wl ope. np the Mas eat ou eed asoing tthe meio in er 6.0 «Pes [IO] and [ENTER successively o make decimal point apes on second rlaeatrihsie. [TRESES, J. and” B8,9,8,0," 18 the new va input Press {—11o make decimal pit move tote neded place tte umber equals mae aa REV 20, you can se the preset Max capac. Under this ease tn ndcato pays (—E]12 under“ se)-The ale siplayed represents Max, weighing capa and hee se 13 options for Mex cama, ep 6g (1215), 15k (3012), 30k (60D). GORE (12010), 150K (3001), 30 (Gone) 6g (12001), t000Kg (20015), 100K (3000), 2000 (oom). 300085 (toa), sco0k (000), 10000ke (20000) Yousan cet Mox. weighing cepsely you aad by prising {1 ] ‘Noi Tete inns hl went tin he my rah te ga nei An pcan go cng sah rer 15-80 For nstance: hen he in. pay vale stot 1 andthe Max capaci selected is kg, {he graduton number be seceped is 00 ihe 600 nor 62000. Ad whe {he Min. ipa vlan the Ms. epi you selects especively and 1100 the gradation number be sep is 00D, neler 1000 nor 10000 4133. you press [ENTER] to confi the Max. capacity, the indiewordis- ays and cary through countdown, ths ine it sutomaially coi reposition. 83.4. After inching he countdown, the indicator espa Aut time fer you press (ENTER the espa ofthe isiewor as? possibile Ta joi oda eT iran imma aceananees ” 2: When FL2=1, it mean the eae you seet sted pin cllratin. A his time the indeworeisplys a weight dat. Se he Following able forthe ‘elation between the weight ts and the Ma, capaci ‘einen igh nd ea xp, ‘kes Ti] 6] YO] a] SO om | ea oes RW [a |S rae 1k fe en [tn fo fo tee [rion] so | oo | mo | rom | nem |2om [Ais moment yo en place the standard weighs (or substi) eel othe splayed woiht on the patform and than press (ENTER), At this ime ge indica ‘oral spay is fnshed, de whol ealibration i nished, the indicator displays ‘rssing (EXIT) yo con witha fom eben 1 When F202 11.23, means the ce you sls a calration Atti time he atctr displays (AES ] anda is ste, you can load he weighs cn the platform nd gene he weight onde shoul be more tan 530% of Ms. capaci 0a grey ince he erty degree. Pes ]10 tke te nde ply da tive he desma pis resented at coesponing place and thems ih aes. Ten pat ‘he dn eqal tenon weg bypresng | 1 Jand{~]ineoopeming scoring othe rth i 6.10 pres [ENTER] conti ‘The indicator displays [R005 Jand cary through countdown, afer the cntdown ise, be wine ealtation is ished, and at hi tie the ince splays [EP] and then disconect be cat sorter res {EXT (spate 1 ke te ag rein o se checking After sel-checking, tender nes normal ply ander weighing tae na, acm FR 84. Plow chart for setting and calibrating 1 0.00 seitcheck] FL aa}H-@ OnE Fil Fi2_1 Fi 2 @-« remit tinsaty omsnnny “Note:You mast connec be eeu shorter bene calibrating. and disconnect when exiting, 2 @ P{ ET] aim i200 @) m=} x—® SCL] cowesenn Seifcheck T [Nosnal dispay] Novie:You must comer the ici shorter J before ‘elirating, nd dconmest i when esting 2

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