Charpy Vnotch

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Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

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Low temperature impact toughness of high strength structural steel T

a,b a,b a,b c d,⁎
Lewei Tong , Lichao Niu , Shuang Jing , Liwen Ai , Xiao-Ling Zhao
State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Ershiye Construction Co.,Ltd, Shanghai, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia


Keywords: Impact toughness properties of four kinds of high strength steel (HSS) were investigated with the nominal yield
High strength steel strength 460, 690, 800 and 960 MPa, respectively. The specialty of impact toughness among base metal, heat
Base metal affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal were also compared and discussed. The correlations between the impact
Weld metal toughness of HSS and their nominal yield strength, plate thicknesses, testing temperature, welding methods were
Heat affected zone (HAZ)
further studied. Combined with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) fracture surface observation, the mi-
Impact toughness
Low temperature
crostructural features and corresponding fracture mechanisms have been analyzed. The results show that the
Ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) impact toughness for HSS base metal deteriorated with the increasing nominal yield strength. The impact
toughness of weld metal for HSS is much lower than that of the corresponding base metal. The impact perfor-
mance of HAZ is discretized due to the welding thermal cycling on the HAZ where significant changes in grain
structure and properties occur. The microcosmic fracture surface of HSS is examined to explain the reduction in
impact performance under low temperature.

1. Introduction specimens, the corresponding impact absorbed energy can be obtained.

For example, Méndez et al. [33] have found a quantitative relationship
Nowadays, the application of high strength steel (HSS) is growing in between impact toughness CVN and fracture toughness KIC for A36 steel
various fields, such as civil, mechanical and ocean engineering [1–5]. (250 MPa), i.e. the CVN value can be proportionally converted to
High strength steel is manufactured aiming for their optimal combi- fracture toughness KIC under certain conditions.
nation of physical and mechanical properties, including strength, duc- Because the research and application of high strength steel are still
tility and toughness performance. The use of HSS may lead to an overall at an early stage [34–43], the study on the impact toughness properties
reduced weight and energy consumption due to light-weight HSS of HSS is still limited. The current research shows that the content of
components. The mechanical properties of HSS are different from the alloying elements and the smelting process have a greater influence on
conventional strength steel because of the different chemical compo- its impact toughness. Shin et al. [34] studied the effect of Copper (Cu)
sition and manufacturing process, and are worth investigating. and Boron (B) elements on the grain size and impact toughness of
In the past large amount of work on HSS was focused on their 600 MPa grade high strength steel. The results showed that element B
chemical composition, melting processes and welding material com- reduced the grain size, improved the impact toughness and reduced the
patibility. In terms of structural performance, studies were recently brittle transition temperature. Tanguy et al. [35] conducted an impact
carried out on basic static performance [6–18], seismic behaviors toughness test on a 600 MPa high strength steel and the results showed
[19–21] and fatigue stability [22–27]. that the increasing content of sulfides reduced the impact properties.
Impact toughness, which is directly related to fracture resistance, is Liu et al. and Wang et al. [38,39] studied the impact toughness of
one of the most important properties for HSS in engineering applica- Q460C (460 MPa) HSS and found its impact toughness was relatively
tions. Generally, as the strength of steels increases, their impact lower than those of conventional strength steel such as Q235 and Q390
toughness may reduce. Therefore, special attention should be paid to (235 MPa, 390 MPa). Maina et al. [40] studied the impact properties of
the impact toughness of high strength steels [28]. 700 MPa high strength steel in two different impact directions (parallel
The impact toughness of conventional strength steels has been and perpendicular to the rolling direction) and the results showed that
widely studied [29–33,54]. Through the impact test on Charpy V-notch the crack path mainly initiated and developed along the intergranular

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X.-L. Zhao).
Received 8 June 2018; Received in revised form 29 August 2018; Accepted 3 September 2018
0263-8231/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Nomenclature Q Nominal yield strength symbol in Chinese relevant codes

for structural steels
A1 The lower shelf energy LSE Q690-20 The HSS with the nominal yield strength 690 MPa and the
A2 The upper shelf energy USE plate thickness is 20 mm, same for other HSSs
Akv Charpy impact absorbed energy Q690-20-BM The base metal BM of Q690-20 HSS, same for other
Akv,T Akv at the temperature T HSSs
B Thickness of Charpy impact specimens Q690-20-S(G)-WM The weld metal WM of Q690 HSS in SAW (or
b Length of the remaining ligament at the Charpy specimen GMAW-CO2) process, same for other HSSs
V-notch Q690-20-S(G) -HAZ The heat affected zone HAZ of Q690 HSS in
Dkv,T Relative decline rate of Akv,T for HSS base metal SAW (or GMAW-CO2) process, same for other HSSs
fy,n Nominal yield strength T Testing temperatures in °C
fy,m Measured yield strength T0 The ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT)
fu Tensile strength Yh The shelf energy ratio which is the ratio of A1 and A2
Hl The normalized toughness ratio (1-Yh) The transition shelf energy ratio
K Modified stress concentration factor at the V-notch ΔT The brittle-ductile transition region
L Charpy impact specimen span δ Elongation
NF Normalization factor for subsize Charpy impact specimens

path due to the extension of the grain in the length direction. Mori et al. BM refers to a base metal specimen with a yield strength of 460 MPa
[41] focused on the variation of the impact toughness of the 4340 Steel and thickness of 20 mm. The mechanical properties from tensile tests
(835 MPa) high strength steel subjected to hydrogen treatment, the and chemical compositions from certification documents for the HSSs
change of characteristics in dimple structures under the microscopic base materials are given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
scale were observed and discussed. Prasas and Dwivedi [42] in- Specimens for Charpy impact testing were extracted from the butt
vestigated the basic mechanical properties of HSS joints under sub- welded joints. A schematic representation of the locations from which
merged arc welding (SAW) process. The results showed that the in- specimens were extracted is given in Fig. 1. Standard Charpy impact
crease of heat input leads to the deterioration of impact performance specimens of 55 × 10 × 10 mm3 in size and subsize specimens of a size
with brittle failure. Langenberg [43] presented the relationship be- of 55 × 10 × 7.5 mm3 were fabricated following the standards ASTM
tween the structural safety design and the yield ratios for three high A370 [44] and Chinese code GB/T 229–2007 [45], the V-notch of HAZ
strength steels (up to 890 MPa), and a comparison of their impact impact specimens are located 1 mm (to base metal direction) from the
toughness. fusion line.
The current researches for the impact performance of high strength
steel are limited, the comparison and mechanism analysis for different
2.2. Welding procedure qualification (WPQ)
high strength steels are still lacking. In this study, the impact toughness
properties of four kinds of HSS were measured, with the nominal yield
In order to assess the impact toughness of the weld metal and heat
strength 460, 690, 800 and 960 MPa, respectively. The specialty of
affected zone (HAZ), the HSS welding procedure qualification was
impact toughness among base metal (BM), heat affected zone (HAZ)
employed before the impact tests in accordance with the guidelines
and weld metal (WM) were also investigated. Furthermore, the micro-
given in AWS D1.1 Steel Structural Welding Code [46] and the corre-
structural features and corresponding fracture mechanisms have been
sponding Chinese code [47]. Quenched and tempered HSS plates,
studied using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The ductile-to-
measuring 1000 mm × 400 mm, were machined so that they had
brittle transition process of HSS materials from microvoid coalescence
double-V groove weld preparations to suit both the submerged arc
to cleavage are discussed in detail with the decreasing temperatures.
welding (SAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW-CO2) in the flat
welding 1-G (down hand) position. The filler metals selected are mat-
ched with the base metal, and the details from certification documents
2. HSS materials and charpy impact experimental procedures
are shown in the Tables 3 and 4. The Shanghai Ershiye Construction
Co., Ltd conducted the welding procedure qualification (WPQ) and the
2.1. HSS materials and specimens
WPQ results met the requirements of specifications. Welding para-
meters employed in the SAW and GMAW-CO2 are shown in Table 5.
Four typical high strength steels were selected to evaluate the low
temperature impact toughness with the nominal yield strength 460,
690, 800, 960 MPa, respectively, with different thickness (10 mm, 2.3. Testing procedures of Charpy impact
20 mm and 30 mm). The specimen labels for the base metal are de-
signed in Table 1 where Q stands for nominal yield strength followed by As shown in Fig. 2, a Charpy impact testing machine ZBC2302 has
the value of the yield strength, BM stands for base metal and the been used in the tests, equipped with a pendulum with a capacity of
number in between refers to the plate thickness. For example, Q460-20- 300 J. These impact tests were carried out in the temperature range

Table 1
Tensile properties of the base metal of high strength steels in this test.
Specimen label Nominal yield strength fy,n Plate Thickness (mm) Measured yield strength fy,m Tensile strength fu Yield ratio fy,m / Elongation δ (%)
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) fu

Q460-20-BM 460 20 495 623 0.79 35.6

Q690-10-BM 690 10 801 842 0.95 18.8
Q690-20-BM 690 20 771 822 0.94 25.2
Q800-30-BM 800 30 876 920 0.95 22.8
Q960-10-BM 960 10 1033 1071 0.96 14.5

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Table 2
Chemical compositions of the base metal of high strength steels in this test (wt%).
Specimen label C Cr Al Si Mn P S Ni Cu Nb V B

Q460-20-BM 0.14 0.06 0.033 0.28 1.53 0.011 0.0014 0.01 0.01 0.032 0.040 0.0004
Q690-10-BM 0.14 0.21 0.032 0.30 1.23 0.014 0.0006 0.01 0.02 0.013 0.004 0.0019
Q690-20-BM 0.14 0.50 0.034 0.29 1.24 0.014 0.0022 0.02 0.01 0.013 0.005 0.0017
Q800-30-BM 0.14 0.42 0.031 0.27 1.2 0.011 0.0019 0.02 0.02 0.015 0.004 0.0015
Q960-10-BM 0.15 0.20 0.056 0.22 1.2 0.004 0.003 0.02 0.03 0.018 0.04 0.002

from −40 to 20 °C at an interval of 20 °C to obtain the full transition 4.1. Variation features of the impact toughness for HSS base metal
curves. Each test was repeated with three identical specimens. The
specimens were cooled in a conditioning chamber using liquid nitrogen 4.1.1. Effect of the nominal yield strength on impact toughness of HSS base
and ethanol for a period of time so that the interior and surface of the metal
specimens achieved the same temperatures. The transfer of specimen Fig. 4 shows the comparison of Charpy impact absorbed energy Akv
for the impact test was within 5 s which guaranteed the consistency and of HSS base metal with the same thickness and different nominal yield
reduced the loss of temperature to a minimum. strengths. It can be observed that for the same testing temperature, Akv
of Q960-10-BM are lower than that of Q690-10-BM, with a maximum
reduction of 31.5% at 20 °C, and a minimum reduction of 27% at
3. Experimental results −40 °C. Akv of Q690-20-BM is slightly lower than that of Q460-20-BM.
It can be concluded that there is a significant performance de-
All Charpy impact test results are shown in the Table 6 and Fig. 3. gradation of the impact toughness for HSS base metal with the in-
The results of subsize specimens were already converted to values valid creasing nominal yield strength. The higher the yield strength, the
for comparison with those of standard size specimens following the lower the ultimate-to-yield strength ratio. The plastic flow of the defect
recommendations of available research [48], which suggests that the tip is constrained, and the three-dimensional stress field of the crack tip
Charpy impact absorbed energy is in proportion to the specimen increases the yield stress of the material. The stress intensification also
thickness. The expression is given as follows. causes the HSS to be more brittle.

NF = Bb2 / KL (1)
4.1.2. Effect of the plate thickness on impact toughness of HSS base metal
where NF is the normalization factor (the unit of NF is [mm2]), B is the Fig. 5 shows the comparison of Charpy impact absorbed energy of
specimen thickness, b is the length of the remaining ligament at the HSS base metal with the same nominal yield strength but different plate
notch, K is the modified stress concentration factor at the notch (the thicknesses. It can be observed that Akv of Q690-20-BM are higher than
term K has no unit) and L is the specimen span. The CVN impact energy those of Q690-10-BM for the same temperature, increasing by 2.1% (at
for the standard Charpy impact specimens can be obtained by multi- 20 °C),5.5% (at 0 °C), 8.1% (at −20 °C), 5.5% (at −40 °C), respectively.
plying subsize test data of the thinner specimens by a factor of 1.33 (= The impact toughness performance of HSS increases slightly with the
10 / 7.5). plate thickness.

4. Disscussion 4.1.3. Relative decline rate Dkv,T. of impact absorbed energy for HSS base
Fig. 3 shows the change of impact absorbed energy of high strength Taking the impact absorbed energy at 20 °C, namely, the Akv,20, as
steels with the decreasing temperatures. The multiple-factor analysis of the baseline reference, Dkv,T is defined as the relative decline rate of
impact toughness for HSS base metal, weld metal and HAZ are as fol- Akv,T for base metals at temperature T (Eq. (2)). Dkv,T at each tem-
lows. perature are shown in Table 7.

Fig. 1. Schematic locations for Charpy impact specimens.

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Table 3
Chemical compositions of filler metals for welding process in this test (wt%).
Groups Welding methods Code name of welding wire & welding flux Chemical compositions

C S Mn P Si Mo Cu Cr

Q460-20-G GMAW-CO2 THQ-60D 0.09 0.009 1.59 0.010 0.60 0.34 0.13 0.12
Q460-20-S SAW THM-08MnMoA 0.08 0.007 1.49 0.011 0.22 0.41 0.09 0.01
Q690-20-G GMAW-CO2 THQ70-1 0.08 0.014 1.57 0.009 0.60 0.49 0.10 0.19
Q690-20-S SAW Weld-SG80 0.084 0.007 1.70 0.006 0.18 0.51 0.05 0.45
Q800-30-G GMAW-CO2 THQ80-1 0.08 0.013 1.60 0.008 0.59 0.50 0.10 0.18
Q960-10-G GMAW-CO2 ER120S-G 0.07 0.009 1.80 0.008 0.41 0.55 0.09 0.45

Akv,20 − Akv, T Table 5

Dkv, T =
Akv,20 (2) Welding parameters employed in the SAW and GMAW-CO2 process in this test.
Specimen Welding Current (A) Voltage (V) Weld speed
Table 7 shows that, at the same temperature, not only Akv but also
label method (mm/min)
Dkv,T decreases with the increasing nominal yield strength. For steels
with the same nominal yield strength, Dkv,T decreases with increasing Q460-20-S-WM SAW 480–505 30.2–33.6 432
plate thickness. The Dkv,T of Q690-20-BM are 2.6~4.9% lower than Q460-20-G-WM GMAW-CO2 260 ± 10% 28.5–30.6 241
Q690-20-S-WM SAW 463–530 29.5–33.6 403
those of Q690-10-BM, indicating a slightly better impact performance.
Q690-20-G-WM GMAW-CO2 230–257 28.1–28.8 263
Q800-30-G-WM GMAW-CO2 270 ± 10% 28.1–30.0 160
4.2. Variation features of the impact toughness for HSS weld metal and Q960-10-G-WM GMAW-CO2 295 ± 10% 26.5–30.0 203

Q960D-10 HSS is the elastic energy due to its much higher yield
Fig. 6 shows the variation of impact absorbed energy Akv in the weld
strength, and the capacity to resist crack propagation or plastic de-
metal and HAZ, followed with detailed discussion.
formation is limited. With the decrease of the testing temperature, the
decreasing trend of the Akv increases progressively, indicating that the
4.2.1. HSS weld metal impact performance of the weld metal of HSS is more sensitive to low
For all the high strength steels tested in this program, as can be seen temperatures with a significant brittleness.
from Fig. 6, the impact absorbed energy Akv of the weld metal is always Following observations can be made from the above discussion.
less than that of the corresponding base metal. Therefore, it is con-
firmed that the heat input during the welding process deteriorates the
toughness performance of the weld metal and its vicinity, which is the Effect of the nominal yield strength fy of base metal on the impact
weakest link of the welded structures in the fracture-prevention design toughness of weld metal. Similar to the base metal, the impact
at low temperatures. performance Akv of HSS weld metal also decreases with the increasing
For the weld metal of Q460-20 HSS, the impact absorbed energy Akv nominal yield strength of base metal at the same temperature. Q460-20-
of Q460-20-S-WM (SAW) is 24.1~54.5% less than those of the corre- S(G)-WM has the highest Akv, followed with Q690-20-S(G)-WM, Q800-
sponding base metal Q460-20-BM, and Akv of the Q460-20-G-WM 30-G-WM and Q960-10-G-WM. The Akv of Q960-10-G-WM are 49.5%
(GMAW) weld metal decreased by 13.4~62.9% relative to its base less than that of Q460-20-G-WM at −40 °C.
For the weld metal of Q690-20 HSS, the impact absorbed energy Akv
of Q690-20-S-WM (SAW) is 43.7~60.2% less than those of the Q690- Effect of welding methods on the impact toughness of weld
20-BM, and Akv of the Q690-20-G-WM (GMAW) weld metal decreased metal. There appear to be little difference between the impact
by 44.2~64.4% relative to its base metal. absorbed energy Akv of weld metal which are implemented with
For the weld metal of Q800-30 HSS, the impact absorbed energy Akv different welding methods (GMAW or SAW). It can be concluded that
of Q800-30-G-WM (GMAW) are 67.5~80.2% less than those of the welding methods have less influence on the impact toughness of the
Q800-30-BM. The rapid decline of Akv can be attributed to an increase weld metal, compared with the effect of welding heat input. When the
in welding defects and higher heat input caused by increasing plate test temperature is lower, the impact performance of the weld metal
thickness. under SAW process is slightly better than that under GMAW. At the
For the weld metal of Q960-10 HSS, the impact absorbed energy Akv higher test temperatures, the impact toughness of the GMAW is slightly
of Q960-10-G-WM (GMAW) weld metal is 34.2~65.2% less than those better.
of the corresponding base metal Q960-10-BM. The majority of Akv for

Table 4
Mechanical properties of filler metals for welding process in this test.
Groups Welding Code name of welding wire Mechanical properties
methods & welding flux
Measured yield strength Measured tensile strength Elongation δ (%) Charpy impact absorbed
fy,m (MPa) fy,m (MPa) energy (J) at − 40 °

Q460-20-G GMAW-CO2 THQ-60D 483 571 24 78

Q460-20-S SAW THM-08MnMoA 536 621 27 59
Q690-20-G GMAW-CO2 THQ70-1 640 750 22 75
Q690-20-S SAW Weld-SG80 710 820 20 86
Q800-30-G GMAW-CO2 THQ80-1 736 868 19.5 98
Q960-10-G GMAW-CO2 ER120S-G 940 1005 14 40

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Fig. 2. Charpy impact machine and part of the specimens after tests.

Table 6
Charpy impact absorbed energy Akv of high strength steels (Unit: J).
Groups Specimen label Temperatures

20 °C 0 °C -20 °C − 40 °C

Base metal Q460-20-BM 261 239 204 200

Q690-10-BM 235 219 198 181
Q690-20-BM 240 231 214 191
Q800-30-BM 240 238 227 208
Q960-10-BM 161 155 143 132
Weld metal Q460-20-S-WM 178 182 149 91
Q460-20-G-WM 226 203 141 74
Q690-20-S-WM 122 130 115 76
Q690-20-G-WM 134 122 97 68
Q800-30-G-WM 78 60 45 38
Q960-10-G-WM 106 77 70 46
HAZ Q460-20-S-HAZ 250 247 249 229
Q460-20-G-HAZ 251 240 260 220
Q690-20-S-HAZ 246 232 203 193 Fig. 4. Comparison of impact absorbed energy Akv of HSS base metal with the
Q690-20-G-HAZ 237 231 222 212 same thickness but different nominal yield strength.
Q800-30-G-HAZ 233 236 213 205
Q960-10-G-HAZ 169 166 146 131

Fig. 5. Comparison of impact absorbed energy Akv of HSS base metal with the
same nominal yield strength but different thicknesses.

temperature goes down to −40 °C, for the HAZ of Q460-20 HSS, the
impact absorbed energy Akv of Q460-20-S-HAZ (both SAW and GMAW)
Fig. 3. Charpy impact absorbed energy for the HSS base metal, weld metal and is about 22–27% higher than that of the base metal Q460-20-BM. For
HAZ at different temperatures. higher steel grade (Q690, Q800 and Q960), the impact absorbed energy
Akv is very close to that of the corresponding base metal even at −40 °C.
Following observations can be made from the above discussion.
4.2.2. HSS HAZ part
For all the HSS investigated, as can be seen from Fig. 6, the impact Effect of the nominal yield strength fy of base metal on the impact
absorbed energy Akv of the HAZ is always close to that of the corre-
toughness of HAZ. Similar to the base metal, the impact performance Akv
sponding base metal when the temperature is above 0 °C. When the
of HAZ also decreases with the increasing nominal yield strength of

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Table 7
Dkv,T. for each HSS base metal at various temperatures.
Specimen label Temperatures

20 °C 0 °C -20 °C -40 °C

Q460-20-BM 0% 8.4% 21.8% 23.4%

Q690-10-BM 0% 6.8% 15.7% 23.0%
Q690-20-BM 0% 3.8% 10.8% 20.4%
Q800-30-BM 0% 0.8% 5.4% 13.3%
Q960-10-BM 0% 3.7% 11.2% 18.0%

base metal at the same temperature. Q460-20-S(G)-HAZ has the highest

Akv, followed with Q690-20-S(G)-HAZ, Q800-30-G-HAZ and Q960-10-
G-HAZ. The Akv of Q960-10-G-HAZ is 42.8% less than that of Q460-20-
S-HAZ at −40 °C.
Fig. 7. Trend line of Akv among base metal (BM), weld metal (WM) and heat- Effect of welding methods on the impact toughness of HAZ. There affected-zone (HAZ).
is little difference between the Akv of HAZ under different welding
methods (GMAW or SAW). The difference is less than 4.5% between gave a good regression fitting results in describing the relationship
Q460-20-G-HAZ and Q460-20-S-HAZ, whereas the difference is less between impact absorbed energy Akv and the testing temperature T
than 10% between Q690-20-G-HAZ and Q690-20-S-HAZ. with small residual and a reasonable correlation. The Boltzmann
A schematic view of the trend for Akv among base metal, weld metal Function can be expressed as:
and HAZ is shown in Fig. 7.
A1 − A2
Akv = + A2
1 + e(T − T0)/ ΔT (3)
5. Boltzmann function fitting for the ductile-brittle transition
curve where Akv is the Charpy absorbed energy, A1 is the lower shelf energy
(LSE), A2 is the upper shelf energy (USE), and T is the testing tem-
Confirmed by numerous experiments [49], the Boltzmann Function perature in °C. The term T0 is the ductile-brittle transition temperature

Fig. 6. Comparison of the impact toughness among base metal, weld zone and HAZ for each high strength steel.

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Fig. 8. Typical Boltzmann curve (Q460-20-BM) . Fig. 9. Comparison of impact toughness results of HSS.

(DBTT) which corresponds to the average energy value (i.e. (USE +

LSE) / 2), and ΔT is the range of the brittle-ductile transition region.
When the environmental temperature is lower than the transition
temperature T0, structures are more likely to have a brittle fracture.
A typical Boltzmann curve for Q460-20-BM is shown in Fig. 8 where
the impact absorbed energy can be divided into the upper shelf region,
lower shelf region and ductile-brittle transition region. The impact
absorbed energy decreases sharply in the ductile-brittle transition re-
gion when the temperature decreases. The brittle transition tempera-
ture T0 is generally required to be lower than the environmental tem-
perature. The ductile-brittle transition temperature DBTT is an
important indicator to evaluate the toughness of materials. The higher
the DBTT is, the easier the material changes to brittle fracture at low
Table 8 show the Boltzmann fitting curves and parameters for the
impact toughness of HSS base metal. In order to compare the ductile-
brittle transition process and its sensitivity, Hl and Yh are defined to
focus on the relative change of impact toughness to temperatures. The
normalization excludes the difference among the absolute values of Akv
for different HSSs. The expressions for Yh and Hl are given in Eqs. (4)
and (5).
Yh = A1 / A2 (4)

Hl = (1 − Yh)/ ΔT (5)

The smaller the Hl is, the slower the ductile-brittle transition process
is. It can be seen from Table 8 that Hl decreases with the increasing
nominal yield strength. Hl of Q460-20-BM is significantly higher (2
times at least) than those of Q690-10-BM, Q690-20-BM, Q800D-30-BM
and Q960-10-BM. Therefore, the HSS with a higher nominal yield
strength has a lower Hl, leading to a relatively less pronounced down-
trend in the transition zone.
Table 8 also shows the variation of upper shelf energy USE, lower
shelf energy LSE, DBTT T0 and transition zone ΔT. Discussions for each Fig. 10. Two kinds of microcosmic fracture modes, (a) Microvoid coalescence
fitting parameter are shown below. MVC, (b) Transgranular fracture and Intergranular fracture.
USE A2 of the HSS base metal decreased with the increase of the
nominal yield strength, e.g. the USE of Q960-10-BM decreases by
37.6% with respect to that of Q460-20-BM. Similar trend is found for

Table 8
Parameters of Boltzmann fitting curves for HSS impact performance.
Specimen label USEA2 (J) LSE A1 ( J) DBTTT0 (℃) ∆T (℃ ) (1-Yh) Hl (°C−1)

Q460-20-BM 263 200 −3 6.4 0.24 0.0375

Q690-10-BM 249 166 − 11 19.3 0.33 0.0171
Q690-20-BM 247 149 − 34 20.6 0.40 0.0194
Q800-30-BM 240 200 − 27 9.5 0.17 0.0179
Q960-10-BM 164 125 − 18 14.4 0.24 0.0167

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Fig. 11. Macro-feature of specimens of Q460-20-BM.

temperatures [52,53]. When the testing temperature is higher, the

fracture occurs mainly in a ductile fracture manner (microvoid coa-
lescence MVC) with a higher absorbed energy. The MVC fracture pro-
ceeds in four stages: nucleation, growth, coalescence and propagation
of microvoids, final failure. The schematic diagram is shown in
Fig. 10(a).
When the testing temperature is lower, the brittle mechanism
dominates the fracture mode with a lower absorbed energy. Brittle
fracture (transgranular fracture) shows rapid crack propagation along
cleavage planes of structural weakness, results in a fairly smoother
Fig. 12. Fracture features of impact specimens of Q460-20-BM in 20 °C. surface with less sharp edges. Under certain conditions, the fracture
grows along the grain boundaries and results in a fairly jagged looking
fracture with straight edges of the grain and shiny surface (inter-
LSE A1 when comparing Q960-10-BM and Q460-20-BM. Q460-20-BM
granular fracture), as shown in Fig. 10(b).
steel has a higher and unfavorable transition temperature T0 of −3 °C,
while the T0 of Q690-10-BS, Q690-20-BS, Q800-30-BS and Q960-10-BS
brittle transition temperature are −11 °C, −34 °C,-27 °C, −18 °C, re- 6.2. Macrofeatures of the fracture surface of HSS impact specimens
spectively. A lower transition temperature is conducive to maintain
better low temperature toughness. Most Charpy impact fracture surface consists of a combination of
The impact toughness results of HSS of the current study are com- brittle fracture and ductile fracture. Fig. 11 shows that the fracture
pared in Fig. 9 with those from previous research on HSS and normal features changed from ductile to brittle with the temperature de-
strength steels [36,39,50,51]. Because of the difference in chemical creasing.
composition especially the addition of alloying elements and manu- Taking specimen of the Q460-20-BM at the temperature of 20 °C as
facturing process, the impact toughness of HSS are mostly higher than an example, as shown in Fig. 12, the optical fracture surface can be
those of normal strength steels. In the comparison of toughness, it is divided into four parts: (a) Prefabricate V-Notch, (b) Fibrous zone, (c)
necessary to separate HSSs and normal strength steels, and compare Radial zone, (d) Shear lip of the final fracture. Each part is corre-
each respectively. The comparison for HSSs are mostly consistent with sponding to different fracture features.
our previous analysis. It can be seen that the results of S960 (8 mm The fracture initiated from the fibrous zone in the vicinity of the
thick) [50] and S690 (12 mm thick) [36] are very closer to those of prefabricated V-notch. The crack of this region propagates slowly under
Q960-10 and Q690-10 in this paper. The curve of Q960-14 [51] seems triaxial state of stress with equiaxial microvoid coalescence, the surface
much lower than those of Q960-10 (this paper) and S960-8 [50]. This is is featured with fibrous pattern.
most likely due to the fact that the HSS was manufactured by different The radial zone is located in the middle of the fracture surface with
companies with different chemical compositions, manufacturing pro- a significant granular structure. This region is a mixture of microvoid
cess and different thickness. coalescence and cleavage fracture. The cracks propagate faster and
smoother in this region. When the testing temperature is higher, the
6. Fracture mechanism examination of the impact toughness for radial zone is dominated by ductile fracture. While the testing tem-
HSS perature decreases, the fracture mechanism changes into a brittle
cleavage with bright and reflective facets. The shear lip zone also tends
After the Charpy impact tests, fracture surfaces of the specimens to gradually shrink.
were examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM) to identify The shear lips zone is the final rupture part and induced by the
the fracture mechanisms. shearing stress in the sliding plane.

6.1. Typical types of impact fracture mechanism 6.3. Microstructure SEM examination of the fracture surface of HSS impact
The body-centered cubic (BCC) of HSS materials present a sig-
nificant transformation of fracture modes with the decreasing The micro-fracture mechanism analysis has been carried out using

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Fig. 13. SEM micrographs at 1000x magnification showing impact fractured surfaces of Q690-10-BM, the lines indicate the dimples or river pattern: (a) 20 °, (b) 0 °,
(c) −20 °, (d)− 40°.

Nova Nano scanning electron microscope SEM450C. The scanning re- 7. Conclusions
gion is around radial zone near the central part of fracture surface.
There are remarkable changes of microscopic morphology with the Impact toughness properties of four kinds of HSS were investigated
decreasing temperatures. The SEM details with a 1000x magnification with the nominal yield strength of 460, 690, 800 and 960 MPa, re-
are shown in Figs. 13 and 14 for Q690-10-BM and Q960-10-BM, re- spectively. The specialty of impact toughness among base metal, HAZ
spectively. and weld metal were also measured and compared. Combined with the
Fig. 13(a) shows that the fracture surface of Q690-10-BM in 20 °C SEM microstructure analysis, the fracture mechanism has been ex-
consisting of much more and uniform dimple structures, which is the amined. The following conclusions can be made:
characteristic of ductile fracture. The crack initiation sites for micro-
voids nucleation started and propagated in three dimension scale (1) For the HSS base metal, there is a significant degradation in the
around the initiation sites. The dimple cavities are enlarged during impact toughness with the increasing HSS nominal yield strength.
further yielding and the materials between them are necked and As the testing temperature reduces, the downtrend in impact energy
sheared leading to a failure eventually, as observed experimentally. The of HSS narrows. The impact toughness performance of HSS in-
depth of these dimples can be considered as a measure of the ductility. creases slightly with the increase in plate thickness.
Namely, the ductile dimpled fractures dominated the fracture region for (2) For the weld metal of all HSS studied, the impact toughness is al-
the Q690D-10-BM at ambient temperature (20 °C). ways less than that of the corresponding base metal. It is confirmed
Fig. 13(d) shows the fracture surface of Q690-10-BM at −40 °C. The that the heat input during the welding process deteriorates the
dimple is replaced by much more significant tongues or river patterns toughness performance of the weld metal which becomes the
and distinct brittle cleavage steps in the microstructure, which divided weakest part in welded structures in terms of fracture-prevention
the fracture surface into several large areas. These areas are much design at low temperatures. Akv of the weld metal also decreases
smoother and flatter with little roughness indicating rapid and with the increasing nominal yield strength of base metal at the same
smoother crack propagation. The fracture mode is the brittle cleavage temperature.
mechanism for Q690-10-BM in a relative lower temperature of −40 °C. (3) For the HAZ of all HSS studied, the impact toughness is always close
The fracture mechanism of specimens for Q690-10-BM at 0 °C and to that of the corresponding base metal, although slightly lower to
−20 °C is a combination or transition of the two fracture types men- some extent. The impact performance of HAZ is discretized due to
tioned above. significant changes in grain structure as a result of welding thermal
The plastic characteristics of Q960-10-BM microstructures, as cycling. The Akv of HAZ also decreases with the increasing nominal
shown in Fig. 14, contains more dimples than that of Q690-10-BM, yield strength of base metal at the same temperature.
which resulted in a lower transition temperature for Q960-10-BM (i.e. (4) Different welding methods (GMAW-CO2 or SAW) appear to have
−18 °C as listed in Table 8) than for Q690-10-BM (-11 °C). little influence on the impact toughness of the weld metal and HAZ.
(5) The microcosmic fracture surface of HSS at ambient temperature

L. Tong et al. Thin-Walled Structures 132 (2018) 410–420

Fig. 14. SEM micrographs at 1000x magnification showing impact fractured surfaces of Q960-10-BM, the lines indicate the dimples or river pattern: (a) 20°, (b) 0°,
(c) −20°, (d)-40°.

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