T 030-93 Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate PDF

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Standard Method ef Tes for Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate Score 4 This methed of test covers a pro «hte forthe determination ofthe pat le sie disoibution of fine and coarse “yprepates extracted from bituminows tures, using sieves with square open: 12 The values stated in Si nits are vs be regarded athe standard REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 21 AASHTO Stenderds: M9 Wite-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes M231 Balances Ured in the Testing of Mutenals T 164 Quanttaive Extrace tion of Bitumen from Bituminous Paving Mixtures 22. ASTM Standords C670 Standard Practice for Preparing Precision Statements for Test Methods tor Con- struction Materials SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 3.1. This method is used to determine © grading of agpsegate extracted from vwominous mintores. The results are ed to determine compliance ofthe pa= le site distibution wit) applicable recifieation reguzements, and to pro de necessary dats for control of the reduction of various aggregates to be ‘ed in bituminous mixtnes AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 30-93 4. APPARATUS 4.1. The apparatus shall coosist of the Following 44.1 Balances or scales and stan ‘dard masses meeung the requzements of M 231 shall be provided 3¢ appropriste forthe sample mace 4.12 Sieves—The sieves with square openings shall be mounted ot sbscanial frames eonstructed in a man ner that will prevent loss of material during sieving. Suitable sieve sizes shall bbe selected to furnish the information required by the specifienions covering the material to be tested. The woven ‘wie cloth sieves shall conform to the requirements of M92 for Sieves for “Testing Purposes 5. SAMPLE 51. The sample shall consi of the entre tot or sample of agerepte deter mined according to Section § of 1163 Test for Quantitative Exaction of Bity- men from Bituminows Paving Mixtures {rom which the biuminous material hes been exacted, 6. PROCEDURE 6.1 The sample shall be died unt further drying a 10 = 5*C (230 = °F) doesnot alte the mas 0.1 percent the Drcision of weiphing The total mass ‘of aggregate in the biuminous mixnre being tested isthe rum ofthe ass ofthe dried aggregates and the mineral mates contained in the exacted bitumen. The Jace so be taken the sum ofthe mass fash in the extract and the Sncreace i, mats ofthe filer element as determined in T 164, 62 The test sample after being dled and weighed shall be placed in container and covered with water. Add suficient ont of wetting agent to assure a tor ‘ugh separation of te material finer than he 7S-um sieve fom the coarser pari- cles. The contents of the container shall be aptated vigorously and the wazhosater immediatly poured over 2 nest of two sieves consisung of # 2.00 oF 1.18:mm sieve superimposed on a 75-um sieve, ‘The use of Inge spocn to sand agitate the aggregate in Uhe wath water has been found susstscor. [NOTE 1—Wering agents may into any Aishursig nent eh a8 Caos, oye ther detergent of «soap. which wil promote the ‘panon of foe ate. 63. The apitation shall be suf ently vigorous to result inthe complete separation from the coarse paricles of all particles finer than the 75-pm sieve and bring them into suspension in order that they may be removed by decantation of the washwater. Cae should be taken to avoid. as much as possible, the de cantation of the coarse panicles of the ‘ample. The operation shall be repeated unt the wash water is clear, 64" Allmateril retained on the nested sicves shall be returned to the contine, ‘The washed aperegne in the container shal be died to constant massa temper sure of 10 = SC 30 = SF) and Weighed 10 the neaett 01 percent. 6S The aggregate shall then be sieved over sieves of various sizes re ‘uited by the specification covering the ‘mixture, incioding the 75-pum sieve. Nest he sieves inorder of decreasing size of ‘pening from top to bottom and place the sample on the top sieve. Apitate the sieves by hand or by mechanienl appara us fora sufficient peti, established by ‘ial or checked by measurement on the actual test sample, to meet the erteion at METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 3 4. REPORT hole auntec excep ifthe percentage Refeence Laboratory Reference Sample Juggs TSuon No. 200) seve Is Program, wih eng conducted by te etka To percent shal be reported mebod and ASTM © 136, While hee 44, Depending upon he form of the othe nearest. pseat Bo ileencs in ke minimus as of spussteertocel ae mal ver "3.4 Repatthe Teness maduls, the Wt spl requ or oe! na ener ell clade he fl. when requied. tthe nearest DOL, al axinm sis of aaregat, no di vei feences ened st he esting fe SIT Tou percentage of eatenal the destination of ese petion id ces, The data are based om the analyses pag each seve, oF ‘of mare than 100 paued test results fom ‘12 Toul percentage of materiale 10. PRECISION snd on each sieve. of| 4D to 100 laboratories. The values in the mS" percentage of matedaliaied _«101_The estimates of precision of table are given for diferent anges of seineea consecutive sieves this method ised in Table | are based percentage of aggregate passing one Wo pepo percentages tothe nearest on resus from the AASHTO Matenals sieve and retained onthe cet tisr sieve, F30 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING B TABLED Precion onl Fecenaye Sonia Bove esate Range of Too of Matt Posing Sie TIS) Pace ‘Revehe-sD3Sh rea Sigler <1 95 Ma rosoe oss 0 30 auatorion 3 bs foradequacy of sieving desenibed a Sec- other tan atthe ate of about 150 umes of aggregate in the bituminous mince 90 09. pet minute, fuming he sieve about one- from Secuon 6.1 {6 Limit the quantity of materiaton #4tb of a cevoluton a umervals of about 4 piven sieve 40 that al puticles have 25 stokes, ln detenmiaing suficiency of Spporunity to reach sieve openings a seving tor sizes lager than the 475-7, REPORT umber of times during the sieving oper- sam iNo. 4) sieve, limit the mate on Shon. For sieves with openings sialler che sieve 10 4 single Layer of parbeles. 7,1. The results of the sieve analysis than 4.75-mm (No.1), se ma retained [the sizeof the mouse testing sieves shall be reported as follows: (a) Total fon any seve athe conipletion of the makes the descinbed sieving motion im- percentages passing each sieve. oF (b) Seung open sale cxatd 84) pica abe 207m W ny chanel pronage rene un ach neve wih openings S73 to 3) and Sevag Sto sve fee ope as pectic massa Sg al aot sxced “C8 Tye agyeyte sll en te kikespetiais for the ne of he lie product of 2.5 X (sieve opening in eyed over sieves of the varus sizes Material under test, Perceatages shall be retinas ous eso pears QUE DY the spe

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