Domestic Violence

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Domestic violence

Domestic violence is a type of aggression which occurs between members of a

family, it constitutes a great social problem since it directly affects many families,
negatively impacting different aspects such as physical and mental health.
According to the world health organization (WHO) 35% of women in the world
have suffered some type of domestic violence. Domestic violence greatly affects
An important cause of domestic violence is people's intolerance, since when
people are not educated in a way that they can be tolerant of others, domestic
violence is triggered along with violence. The second cause is the lack of control of
emotions, since when people don’t control their emotions they are more likely to be
violent and want to impose their ideas on others. The third cause is the inability to
solve problems because when someone doesn’t know how to behave in the face of
problems and reacts aggressively, it’s a sign that they may commit domestic
violence; likewise, if a person tries to solve a problem in a way in which their rights
are not respected, they tend to be the victim. Another type of causes are the
excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, since these being toxic to the human
body cause people to behave incorrectly in different situations.
Among these causes there are also serious consequences if there isn’t an adequate
control of people's impulses.
The first consequence is the physical and psychological damage that occurs to the
victims who suffer that. The second consequence is the victims are unable to
maintain relationships with other people and tend to suffer self-esteem problems
due to the damage they receive, if they don’t receive timely help, all this can lead to
death. The third consequence is the people who suffer it tend to be more distant
from others, some of them even completely change their personality due to the
trauma they experienced.
In conclusion, it is necessary to create a culture in which violence is eradicated so
that people can lead a peaceful life. Likewise, the aggressors must learn to control
their emotions, their impulses and their intolerance, the victims need to seek help so
that they can overcome the consequences and so that in the future they can develop
a normal life. Domestic violence cannot be normalized since it is an evil that affects
the entire society.

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