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Animal abuse, the voices that nobody hears

Currently, we live in a world in which violence is prevailing, we tend to believe that

problems are fixed with violence, and many times we abuse the power we have to
mistreat beings which don’t have a voice to express what they feel, in this case is
violence toward animals. They don’t deserve any kind of mistreatment because they are
the ones that will always accompany you and love you unconditionally despite the
problems and difficulties. On many occasions, people find it irrelevant to protect the
rights of animals and be a voice for them, causing the mistreatment of them to
normalize and even become a "tradition" such as bullfights or cockfights. Even though,
many people are against this kind of mistreatment; fortunately, there are laws that
undoubtedly protect them.
First, let's talk about bullfights, these manifestations of "art" are known as traditions
by different people; However, these should be banned for the following reasons: the
first is that it’s cruel to raise animals to be a kind of entertainment that causes suffering
and even death; The next reason is that it isn’t a 21st century practice since it’s assumed
that people of this century are more rational, therefore they protect life and the
environment and don’t spend money for this type of show; Another reason is that bulls
are not wild animals by nature as most people think, the wild reaction is caused by a
series of mistreatments they suffer, they do it more as a defense mechanism; and the last
reason is that it causes psychological damage and traumas to children because they tend
to be more sensitive to these types of images and situations, some even become violent
after seeing these types of scenes.
Now we will talk about the mistreatment of domestic animals, this can manifest itself
in different ways, which are direct and indirect. Many people believe that the indirect
way is not so much a type of violence; however, many experts said that it is, even this is
very common in people. The type of indirect abuse is when people don’t offer the
necessary care to their pets such as food, water, a place to sleep or in some of cases they
abandon them. On the other hand, the type of direct abuse manifests itself with hitting,
screaming and even killing animals. I think that people should be more empathic with
animals since as I mentioned before they are the ones who will unconditionally always
be there for you accompanying you in good and bad times, that is why we must respect
their rights and not consider them as pets but rather we must consider them as friends.
In conclusion, it doesn’t make sense to be cruel to innocent beings that only give you
unconditional love and company. The thinking beings of the world are the ones who
must ensure that the environment lives in harmony making everything fair for everyone.

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