Summary - Chapter 1: Victor Cazaceanu

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Victor Cazaceanu

Summary - Chapter 1

After the sunset, Doctor Duraid Al Simma and his wife, Doctor Royan Al
Simma, begun to work in their house located not far from Cairo. They were
Egyptologists. Royan took out a scroll made of papyrus. It’s named “The
seventh scroll”, and it is almost 4000 years old. It was written by a slave called
Taita. In that, the slave of Lostris, a Queen of Egypt, describes where they built
the tomb of Pharaoh Mamose, the husband of Lostris. The place where the tomb
is located is not exactly given by Taita, so the two doctors try to find it.
The Al Simma doctors believed that the tomb of the Pharaoh was located
somewhere in Ethiopia, because the people of Lostris were exiled from Egypt
after the Hyksos invaded the land. They were led in the land of Cush, where
now are located the countries of Sudan and Ethiopia. The only limit of them
were the financial resources. Because the only proof they had was the scroll of
Taita, very few Egyptologists believed that the tomb can be in the land of the
Cush, and so did museums which could pay for the research.
Duraid Al Simma heard some dogs near the house and realized that someone
is outside. He picked up an oil lamp and started to investigate. A man came out
of the darkness and stabbed a knife into Duraid’s chest. He dropped the lamp
and all the house, including the research document burnt. The only thing that
Duraid could say to his wife was ‘Run!’. Royan saw two more strangers who
were coming to kill her and started to run. She ran until the men did not search
for her. After several minutes, Royan Al Simma heard a car. The people from
the nearest village came to help after seeing the fire, but the house was
destroyed and Dr. Duraid Al Simma was already dead.

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