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Multimedia Presentation

Multimedia Presentation

Charles Smith

Student ID: 001526701

Program Mentor: Ginny Huckaba

Assessment Code:  TDT1 Task 3

November 18, 2020

Multimedia Presentation

Video Creation

One of the issues my students face during the CPR Infant skill test is the manikin is not

properly assembled. This video was created to demonstrate the proper way to insert the lung bag

into the baby manikin we use in class. The goal of the video is for the students to be able to

properly assemble the manikin for use.

To create this video, I used the Movie Maker app on my computer. The video was

recorded using the built-in webcam and microphone on the computer. The Movie Maker app

was very easy to use. First you open the app and select webcam video. Your webcam will turn

on and you will see yourself in the video window. All you need to do is press the red record

button to start recording and press it again to stop recording. You will need to save the finished

product after you have edited it.

After I finished the video, I uploaded it to YouTube. Again, a very easy process. Once

you are logged into your account simply click the button that looks like a video camera with a +

in it. You can then select a file using the find button or simply drag and drop your file into the

window. I did have one issue with my upload. The original file format was not compatible with

YouTube, so I needed to resave my file with a different format. To do this I opened my original

file, clicked on the File Menu in the upper left of the screen. Then selected Save Movie and

clicked Recommended For This Project. I was then able to select .wmv as the file type. The

.wmv file was accepted by YouTube.

Multimedia Presentation

Conceptual Framework

1) Materials needed for video

a. Baby Buddy CPR manikin.

b. Lung bag for Baby Buddy CPR manikin.

c. Lung inserting stick for Baby Buddy CPR manikin.

2) Process for inserting lungs

a. Remove chest plate.

b. Insert stick into lung bag.

c. Fold end of lung bag over stick.

d. Lift chin of manikin and insert stick into mouth.

e. Pull sick from under chin until top of lung bag is tight to face of manikin.

f. Hold end of lung bag and remove stick.

g. Replace chest plate.

h. Open top of lung bag and attempt breaths making sure the chest raises.

Discussion of Conceptual Framework

As stated, proper insertion of the lung bag into the Baby Buddy manikin is essential for

success on the infant CPR skill test my safety students take. Since most of them struggle with

these steps I decided to use a list of the steps as my conceptual framework for the instructional

video. I had a copy of the steps off camera next to me as I made the video. The list of steps

outlined what needed to be done during each step of the process. It was very useful as a

reference and a loose script to follow.

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