English 1st Year Kingstol Institute of Sciences

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PAPER English – T1 , (F.Sc.), (SESSION 2014-15)

Name: __________________ Marks: 50 Total Marks Obtained Marks
Roll No. _________________ Time: 1 h 20 min. Obj: 10 Obj: ______
Section: ________________ Date: 10-01-15 Sub: 40 Sub: ______
Total: __________________________________
1. Choose the correct option. 10
Sr# Question A B C D
i. The morning wind was so good to breathe in October August Autumn Winter
ii. While brushing his teeth, Arthur’s eyes Unbolt Start at Appear Diverted
iii. Arthur tore it in half and toss the pieces onto the Remain Pressed Fling Overstated
iv. W.H Davies was born 1900 1871 1870 1920
v. What are wind-bent grasses Gusting airy Airy ponds Tornados
trees pastures
Tick the right synonyms of the underlined words.
vi. I wiped the streams of sweat form my face to Drops Torrent Perspiration Evaporation
keep them from stinging my eyes
vii. It took my thirty years to improve these old worn Jade Slight Expensive Tattered
out acres
viii. The rows of dar stalwart plants loaded with Chubby Slender Frail Sturdy
green tomatoes
ix. Removing the glass dome Structure Plate Arch Stuff
x. And when the sun comes out Travels Emerges Dawn Glance

i. She ________ out of hospital next week Came Will come Comes Shall come
ii. Why have you ________ late today Came Come Comes Coming
iii. The book _________ last year Print Printed Was printed Was print
iv. I __________ to find faults with others Do not like Not like Am not Will be
liking liked
v. A function __________ in our college every Holds Will hold Hold Is held

1 O O O O 6 O O O O
2 O O O O 7 O O O O
3 O O O O 8 O O O O
4 O O O O 9 O O O O
5 O O O O 10 O O O O
PAPER English – T1 , (F.Sc.), (SESSION 2014-15)
Name: __________________ Marks: 50 Total Marks Obtained Marks
Roll No. _________________ Time: 1 h 20 min. Sub: 40 Sub: ______
Section: ________________ Date: 10-01-15 Total: __________________________________

Section I

2. Answer the following short questions. 2 x 12 = 24

i. What is the theme of the story “Button, Button”?

ii. Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
iii. Why did the old man not follow the advice of the doctor?
iv. What is the theme of the poem? (The Rain)
v. what do the birds do when the night mail approaches?
3. Explain the following stanza with reference to context. 5
I hear leaves drinking rain,
I hear rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop after drop;
This a sweet noise to hear
These green leaves drinking near
4. Write a story which illustrates the moral “As you sow so shall you ream.” 10
5. The following pairs in your own words. 2
i. Alter, Alter ii. Admittance, Admission
Q6. Translate the following passage into Urdu. 15
“Twentieth time in my life,” he said, “a doctor has told me to go home and be with my family as long as
I could. Told me not to work. Not to do anything but to live and enjoy the few days I had left with me. If the
doctors have been right,” he said, winking at me, “I have cheated death many times! Now, I’ve reached the
years the Good Book allows to man in his lifetime upon this earth three score years and ten!”
Q7. Punctuate the following lines. 3
if you push the button mr. steward told him somewhere in the world someone you dont know will die

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