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PAPER Chemistry – T1 , (F.Sc.), (SESSION 2014-15)

Name: __________________ Marks: 50 Total Marks Obtained Marks
Roll No. _________________ Time: 1 h 20 min. Obj: 10 Obj: ______
Section: ________________ Date: 10-01-15 Sub: 40 Sub: ______
Total: __________________________________
1. Choose the correct option. 10
Sr# Question A B C D
i. Which is not an example of Diamond Graphite Silicon None of these
macromolecule? Carbide
ii. Ionization energy is s p d f
maximum for….. orbital
iii. Which compound has NaCl CsF KCl MgCl2
maximum Ionic character ?
iv. Molecular geometry of NH3 angular Trigonal planer Tetrahedral None of these
v. Atom having maximum Na Mg Al Rb
ionization energy is
vi. The compound which does PF5 SCl2 BCl3 All of these
not follow octet rule?
vii. Half of the single bond length Atomic radii Ionic radii Covalent radii All of these
between two similar atoms
bonded in a molecule is
viii. The number of lone pair in 0 1 2 3
ix. The number of bonds in One  and one  One  and two  Three  only Two  and one 
Nitrogen molecule is
x. Linear molecule is H2O H2S CO2 BF3

1 O O O O 6 O O O O
2 O O O O 7 O O O O
3 O O O O 8 O O O O
4 O O O O 9 O O O O
5 O O O O 10 O O O O
PAPER Chemistry – T1 , (F.Sc.), (SESSION 2014-15)
Name: __________________ Marks: 50 Total Marks Obtained Marks
Roll No. _________________ Time: 1 h 20 min. Sub: 40 Sub: ______
Section: ________________ Date: 10-01-15 Total: __________________________________

Section I

2. Answer the following short questions. 2 x 12 = 24

i. Radius of an atom can’t be determined precisely. Why?

ii. CCl4 is non-polar compound justify.
iii. Cationic radius of an atom is less than the atomic radius?
iv. Justify this statement ionization energy is an index to the metallic character.
v. Define electronegativity with its unit.
vi. Explain co-ordinate covalent bond in oxonium ion of ethers.
vii. Electron pairs of lone pairs occupy more space than the bond pair. Why?
viii. The bond angle in H2S is 92o. Explain with reason.
ix. Why second ionization energy is greater than the first one?
x. Define ionic radii.
xi. What do you know about compromise distance?
xii. Draw the electronic configuration of F and S.

Section II
Answer the following questions.

3.(a). How VBT deals with the formation f bonds and formation of molecule? 4
3.(b). Which factor effects influence on ionization energy? 4
4.(a). Explain VSEPR theory. Discuss the structure of CH4, NH3 and H2O. 4
4.(b). Write the Lewis structures of the following compounds. 4
i. CS2 ii. H2SO4

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