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Second Day Ungraded Writing Assessment

Transportation has evolved in so many different and unique ways throughout the course

of history. Although there are a plethora of ways to get around nowadays, many do not realize

the several different ways that they are harming the environment and what driving does to a

person’s mental state. Aside from being a healthy exercise option, biking poses several other

positive outcomes. The best form of transportation is biking because it is a cleaner alternative

towards the environment, and does not call for increases in anxiety, stress, and blood pressure


One reason why biking is the best option for transportation is the fact that it is simply a

healthier option towards the environment. It is a known fact that cars, planes, and other vehicles

release hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, causing pollution. The topic of pollution has long

been a big topic of debate as it has proven to cause chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, and

other diseases to humans. By riding a bike, you are simply going at the rate with the amount of

work you put into pedaling, rather than stepping foot on a gas pedal and releasing thousands of

harmful chemicals into the environment. Not only is biking a healthier alternative for the

environment, but it is also a very effective exercise for people to use, as biking has proven to

cause improvements in a person’s heart, lungs, and circulation.

Another reason why bicycling is the best form of transportation is because this form of

exercising reduces stress. Driving vehicles, flying planes, or riding in public transits can be

stressful due to traffic, accidents, and driving regulations. Several studies have shown that

driving vehicles actually increases anxiety, stress, and blood pressure levels. This of course

makes sense because drivers have to pay such close attention to so many different factors, such

as what the car in other lanes will do, and watching for street signals and signs. On the other
hand, it is common knowledge that exercising reduces stress, and biking is the perfect exercise to

get fresh air, get your heart pumping, and even take your mind off of the things that are bothering


All in all, although bicycling doesn't seem like the most ideal way of traveling due to the

length of time it can take to get to certain destinations, it is reasonably the most wholesome way

to travel. I believe that everyone should consider being more eco-conscious, and make the

healthier decision by riding bicycles as frequently as they can as a way of transportation instead

of driving, flying, or riding public transits.

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