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Balaban Cristina

1. Fantastic.
2. One of the figures of speech which is used in the first fragment is personification and this
can be deduced from the moment in which wolves are speaking (giving wolves the ability of

At the end of the second fragment, I identified a comparison through which the author compares
himself with the other officers, who in turn find themselves in the same situation as him: "with
many other officers who were in the same situation as myself".

From the beginning of the third fragment, I observed the irony with which the author is trying to
emphasize the idea that a woman wants to have a husband, just because he is a rich man: "It is a
truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in
want of a wife".

In the fourth fragment are present different figures of speech such as: repetition: "very, very
dreadfully nervous", hyperbole: "I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many
things in hell", antithesis: "heaven and hell/heaven and earth" but also litotes: “The disease had
sharpened my senses – not destroyed – not dulled them”.

Regarding the fifth fragment, here is present allusion as a figure of speech and namely, the
name Grubach represents an allusion of one of the cities of Austria, which denotes the German
nationality of the woman.

In the sixth fragment, it is easy to see the repetition of the word moocow: "...a moocow coming
down along the road and this moocow...", father: "His father told him that story: his father
looked...", mother: "His mother put on the oilsheet...His mother had a nicer smell than his
father", but also the sentence: "His mother had a nicer smell than his father" is a simile.
Moreover, here is an antithesis: warm-cold.

These fragments have something in common and this common point is due to the fact that the
author of each of these texts tried to express their ideas and thoughts by using the literary
devices, regarding to that, these literary tools have to do with highlighting the important concepts
in the text, but also helping readers connect to the themes and characters. Without literary

devices, the author will not be able to assure a close bond between reader and text, but also one
of the fragments will no longer has the same charm.

3. The first fragment begins with visual imagery: " spread out his paws one after the other",
"Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and
the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived", "He was going to spring down
hill when a little shadow with a bushy tail crossed the threshold", auditory imagery: "whined",
"squealing cubs", kinesthetic imagery: “scratched himself, yawned, and spread out his paws”,
“Mother Wolf lay”, “squealing cubs”, and also organic imagery such as: "sleepy feeling".

In the fifth fragment, I chose some types of imagery like: visual: “he was arrested”, “Every
day at eight in the morning he was brought his breakfast by Mrs. Grubach’s cook”, “K. waited a
little while, looked from his pillow at the old woman who lived opposite”, “a man entered”, the
last imagery also can be kinesthetic. Here also is auditory imagery such as: “There was
immediately a knock”, “rang the bell” and organic imagery: “both hungry and disconcerted”.

The sixth fragment is characterized by the richness of imagery and here I identified a lot of
imagery such as: visual: "this moocow that was down along the road met a nicens little boy
named baby tuckoo", "his father looked at him through a glass", "he had a hairy face", "the wild
rose blossoms", "the little green place", " the green wothe botheth", kinesthetic imagery: "a
moocow coming down along the road", "His mother put on the oilsheet", "He danced", auditory
imagery: "His father told him that story", "He sang that song", "She played on the piano the
sailor’s hornpipe 6", olfactory imagery: "That had the queer 5 smell", "His mother had a nicer
smell than his father" and also tactile imagery: "When you wet the bed, first it is warm then it
gets cold”.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that imagery represents an important element in

literature, because it can enrich your imagination and also can create real pictures in your mind.
Moreover, some writers tend to use imagery just to convey a picture without saying directly what
the image is and to give the reader impression that he lives what he reads.

Regarding this fact, some fragments are predominant by the lack of imagery just to offer the
reader possibility to create his own imaginary world, that will not depend on the author's point of

view and also to make things to seem more real. This type of text is hard to decipher, but it also
has its own charm.

4. a. The Hunter

b. Everything Happens For a Reason

c. The Shadow of Truth

d. The Ride to Madness

e. Lie is a Choice/The Ugly Truth

f. Tell Me a Story/When You Sing For Me

5. The semantic field of insanity predominates in the fourth text. Insanity/madness is the
principal key of the text and this fact can see from the very beginning of the fragment: "am! but
why will you say that I am mad?". It is obvious that the character is mad because of the disease,
saying things that cannot be real: "I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many
things in hell". Moreover, his/her condition is bipolar, ranging from: "True! – nervous – very,
very dreadfully nervous I had been and am!" to "How, then, am I mad? Hearken! and observe
how healthily –how calmly I can tell you the whole story" and that is the motif why I chose the
title The Ride to Madness for the text, because the protagonist is on a road, that in this case, has
only one destination: Madness/Insanity.

In the sixth fragment, the semantic field of music is revealed by terms such as: song: "He
sang that song. That was his song", piano, hornpipe: "She played on the piano the sailor’s
hornpipe 6 for him to dance" and also the term dance brings us to mind the atmosphere of music,
because we tend to dance when our ears catch musical waves and this is the relation with the title
of the text When You Sing For Me: "She played on the piano the sailor’s hornpipe 6 for him to

6. The introduction of the fourth fragment is lacking, the author brings us directly to the main
idea of the text and also ideas are exposed in short sentences, while in the second fragment, ideas
are exposed in long sentences.

In addition, the former has many repetitions: "True! – nervous – very, very dreadfully nervous",
"I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell" and also we can
identify the dashes, which are present in the whole fragment and last but not least, the presence
of the rhetorical question which is used as a tool to persuade or subtly influence the reader. This
question is asked not for answer, but just for the effect and also to emphasize a point: "How,
then, am I mad?"

Moreover, stylistic devices used have to do with the exaggeration of things: "I heard all things
in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell", the hyperbole gives us the
impression that things are not fully true.

The latter, presents an autobiographical content, ideas are clearly expressed and stylistic devices
make things to seem more truthful.

7. In the third fragment, the author used the consultative/formal register, the ideas are expressed
objectively and in a logical way, but also the rules of written grammar are not break. The "truth
universally acknowledged" is not acknowledged by everybody, there always will be someone
who will not supports the same point of view as you, because every one of us sees things from
his angle of view, so I called these kind of people with different visions than others: "shadow",
hence the title of the fragment The Shadow of Truth.

In the sixth fragment, is easy to feel the familiar register, words like: father, boy, mother gives
the text a colloquial language and also the tone is conversational, which can be easily felt during
the reading.

On the one hand, the text is embedded with unknown words for the reader, but it seems that
unknown words are symbolical for this group of people who are forming a family.

On the other hand, ideas are segmented into short sentences, the fact that makes you easily
maintain the narrative thread and the braiding of ideas. The fragment begins like a story: "Once
upon a time and a very good time" and also in the middle of the text is made a reference to father
who is telling a story to his boy: "His father told him that story" and this may be the explanation
why I give this title for the text Tell Me a Story. (You can see the explanation for the second
title of the text at task nr.5)

8. What is familiar/known/customary: “Someone must have been telling lies about Josef K.,
he knew he had done nothing wrong”, “Every day at eight in the morning he was brought his
breakfast by Mrs. Grubach’s cook – Mrs. Grubach was his landlady”.

What happens on a particular day: “one morning, he was arrested”, “Mrs. Grubach was his
landlady – but today she didn’t come. That had never happened before”, “the old woman who
lived opposite and who was watching him with an inquisitiveness quite unusual for her, and
finally, both hungry and disconcerted, rang the bell. There was immediately a knock at the door
and a man entered. He had never seen the man in this house before”.

Other contrast what can be found in the text is the opposition between "the old woman who
lived opposite" and K. living in his house and that may be considered an antithesis of woman-
man. These oppositions give a heavy and tense atmosphere to the text and also it gives us the
idea that things always have two parts, one good and another less good.


text 1 2 3 4 5 6
genre Narrative Narrative Prose Gothic Tragedy, Humor
fiction fiction, fiction, Drama
autobiography Horror
title The Hunter Everything The Shadow of The Ride to Lie is a Tell Me a
Happens For Truth Madness Choice/The Story/When
a Reason Ugly Truth You Sing
For Me
(types of) Auditory, Auditory, Auditory,
imagery visual, organic visual, visual,
and - - - organic and kinesthetic
kinesthetic kinesthetic and

Figurative personification comparison irony Repetition, allusion Antithesis,

language* hyperbole, simile,
litotes, repetition

Semantic field Animal Army Marriage Madness Arrest Music
Punctuation This fragment The ideas are The text is The ideas The Syntax Here are
and syntax provides ideas clearly carefully written, are exposed and some
in a clear and expressed and ideas are braided in short punctuation deviations
synthesized stylistic and logical. sentences rules are from the
way, the devices make Punctuation and and also we respected. rules of
author things to seem syntax are can identify punctuation
respected the more truthful. definitely the dashes. and syntax.
rules of Punctuation respected. Punctuatio
grammar in and syntax are n and
writing. not totally syntax are
Punctuation respected. respected.
and syntax, in
that case,
helps clarify
ideas and
makes text
easier to read.
register formal formal Consultative/forma informal formal familiar
narrator Third person First person Third person First person Third Third
omniscient omniscient person person
omniscient omniscient

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