Astrobiology: A Big Brain Lesson by Khoi and The Majestic Cheese Tart

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A big brain lesson by Khoi and the

majestic Cheese Tart
Origin of life
on Earth
• Life was not born just
overnight, it took many
years for the first life
forms to be born and
many million years more
for advanced life forms
to develop.
• First life forms were
most likely
mophiles – thrive in
extremely hot regions.)(
60 degrees Celsius and
• Back then, there was no oxygen in the
atmosphere. Our atmosphere mostly
consisted of sulphur dioxide and carbon
• The significant change in the atmosphere
was caused by organisms(e.g
Composition cyanobacteria) giving off oxygen during
their metabolic processes.( set of
of Earth's life-sustaining chemical reactions in
organisms, e.g converting food to energy to
atmosphere run cellular processes)
• Cyanobacteria are oxygen intolerant and
thus they were almost extinct due to the
suddden surge in oxygen in the
atmosphere.(oxygen being a by-product of

• The significant change in the atmosphere

was brought about by cyanobacteria, which
used sunlight to create energy via oxygenic
• They eventually die off due to excessive
oxygen, but could have evolved into the
chloroplast we know today. If the
endosymbiosis theory is true, they have
merged with eukaryotic life and create a
more complex structure, plant cells
Abiogenesis theory • Abiogenesis – The process where life rose from inorganic compounds
Abiogenesis theory
• Organic compounds born from the
reactions of inorganic molecules,
which causes organic compounds to
form simple life forms.
• To test the theory an experiment
called the Miller-Urey
experiment(Important stuff to
remember my dudes) was carried
• Aim of the experiment – Simulate
conditions that might have existed
during the Early Earth period.
Contains organic compounds
• Was believed that Earth
consisted of inorganic
compounds – Water, Hydrogen
gas, Ammonia, and Methane.
• Also hypothesized that
lightning(the spark) causes
molecules to gain enough energy
to react.
• Experiment was a failure
• A theory that states that
life on Earth originated
from outer space.
• How? - Miniscule life
forms or molecules
necessary to from
carried on meteorites or
comets, which are
deposited to Earth.
• What is wrong with the
Panspermia theory?

• Brings us to the question

where do these life forms
come from?
• Also deemed not correct
because life forms
cannot survive in
Panspermia theory small and cold comets +
survive impact upon
passing through

• Another possibility that these comets do contain

molecules necessary for formation of life BUT the
idea that the molecules are DNA is not possible
because proteins would denature under the
intense heat(generated by comet entering
• Not many scientists support theory - Little
evidence(das why)
• Some hope - meteorite sample ALH84001 believed
to have crystalized from magma 4.5 billion years
• Meteorite impact on Mars could have sent rock Believed to contain
like this to Earth microscopic life forms

• Organisms that can live in extreme

• Discovery of extremophiles important
because it helps us know that to exist
life need not necessarily have to be in
room temperature and pressure and
even presence of oxygen.
• Opens up more opportunities of where
we can find life.
• Reference - Organisms adapted to living
in concentrated acid are called
acidophiles, likewise organisms adapted
to living in concentrated alkali
called alkaliphiles.
A prime example of an
extremophile – GFAJ-1

• GFAJ – 1 can use arsenic in its metabolism

• Normally most organisms use sulfur, carbon,
nitrogen, oxygen or phosphorous for
• But due to deficit of phosphorous in Mono
lake, the bacteria uses arsenic as a
Messages to space
Messages to
space C
The Drake
Weak anthropic
Shape of the Universe

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