7th Grade Recovery 2

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The suffix –ful has most of the times a positive meaning and – Complete these sentences with adjectives

tives given in
less a negative meaning but not always: the adjectives awful brackets endings –ful or –less.
or dreadful have negative meanings (= frightening) and
priceless has a positive meaning (= valuable).
1. What a lovely present! That was very
We can make adverbs from these adjectives with -fully or – ____thinkful____________ of you. (think)
lessly: carefully and carelessly. 2. He's told me __countful______________ times
about how good he is at football. (count)
Here you are some of the most common examples: 3. My best friend is a rich,
____powerless_____________ lawyer. (power)
4. You must remember to recharge your phone.
Noun Verb Adjective
Without its batteries, it's ___useless__________.
care care careful / careless
5. Although everybody knows that cigarettes are
color color colorful / colorless
_____harmful__________ to our health, many
fear fear fearful / fearless
people still smoke. (harm)
harm harm harmful / harmless 6. The new sales assistant was really
help help (un)helpful / helpless ___helpless_____________ and rude. (help)
hope hope hopeful / hopeless 7. Look at the newborn baby. He’s completely
meaning mean meaningful / meaningless __helpless____________. (help)
pain pain painful / painless 8. Don't worry, John - this injection will be
power power powerful / powerless completely ____painless____________. (pain)
sleep sleep sleepful / sleepless 9. Thieves broke into the museum and stole a
thought think thoughtful / thoughtless ___priceful___________ painting by Van Gogh.
taste taste tasteful / tasteless (price)
use use useful / useless 10. She's really rich, but her clothes are always very
___tasteful_____________ and elegant. (taste)
11. I bought some shares in the company 5 years ago.
These adjectives take -ful or -less, but not both.
Nevertheless now they are
Noun Verb Adjective _____worthless__________. (worth)
12. How could you be so ____careless___________ as
awe awe awful / awesome to lose your wallet? (care)
brain - brainless (unintelligent) 13. I’m going to give some clothes to the
count count countless / countable _____homeless___________. (home)
dread dread dreadful 14. I spent a __sleepless____________ night worrying
end end endless about you! Where have you been? (sleep)
home - homeless 15. That little boy is absolutely
____fearless___________. He’s not afraid of
peace - peaceful
anything! (fear)
play play playful
16. Despite he has lost some points, he’s
price price priceless
____hopeful_________ they can win the game.
success succeed (un)successful
time - timeless
wire wire wireless
worth worth worthless (without value)


Tuck in – drop in - hang up - give away - tear off – look into –- turn around

Cut out - turn in - break off

Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Teens like ---------cut outt------------their favorite film star’s photos and putting them in albums.
2. After having bought stamps. I ----drop-----------the letters ---in---the mailbox.
3. Sometimes we have to make up an excuse in order to ----hang up -----------the phone. Some people don’t
realize how long-winded they are.
4. Stop eating cake; you have already-----------tuck in -------4 pieces.
5. Do not --------turn aroud ---------------the subject, go directly to the point.
6. Don’t ----give away -----------------the books, your brother can use them next year.
7. ---look into -------------------my eyes and tell me the truth.
8. After years of discussions and fights, the Hamilton ----break off --------------------.
9. When I open a chocolate bar I always –tear off---------------the paper.
10. It is not nice to--------turn in --------------a classmate when he did something wrong

a. Little children like being ----tucked in -----------bed

b. A real friend can ------drop in --------------any time and ask for help.
c. The couples are-----turning aroud -------------------dancing a valse.
d. Don’t --------break------the bread------of---, cut it.
e. __tear off_________ that wet T-shirt or else you’ll catch a cold.
f. I have worked enough. I think I ---------turn in --------.
g. This actor is ----cut out --------------for the role in the soap opera as a strange scientist.
h. Have you already made your tax declaration? – No, I’m going to-----hang into---------------------the
problem after dinner.
i. Please take your coat of and ---hang---------it---up---in the closet.
j. I wanted to see a film with suspense, but it was impossible. My daughter-----give-----------the
Key: 1 cut out
2 drop in a tucked in
3 hang up b drop in
4 tuck in c turning around
5 turn around d break off
6 give away e tear off
7 look into f turn in
8 break off g cut out
9 tear off h look into
10 turn in i hang up
j gave away
1. They grow coffee in Brazil 1. He found the child in the park.
in Brazil they grow coffee in the park I found the boy

2. He examines patients on the second floor 2. They broke the glasses with a stone.
on the second floor they examine patients with a stone they broke the glasses

3. She feeds the animal twice a day. 3. She saw the mouse in the kitchen.
the animal is fed twice a day by her in the kitchen he saw the mouse

4. They deliver the newspaper in the 4. I polished the furniture in the afternoon.
morning. in the afternoon I polished the furniture
in the morning they deliver the newspaper
5. He made the dress.
5. We lend books only to students. the dress was made by me
only students lend them books
6. Somebody pushed Mary into the water.
6. They serve lunch at 12.00 Someone pushed her into the water
at 12:00 they serve lunch_
7. People from all over the world visited the

1. He doesn’t spend money on magazines 1. He didn’t grow tomatoes in his garden.

2. I don’t make lunch on Sundays.
2. They didn’t fly the planes in the morning.
3. They don’t pay salaries during the _________________________________
3. She didn’t sing the song after the
4. She doesn’t teach French in all schools. _________________________________

4. Some readers didn’t like the book.

5. We don’t keep coins in the cash. _________________________________

5. We didn’t translate the book into English.

6. They don’t make watches in South Africa. __________________________________
6. The guards didn’t lock the back door.
7. People don’t speak Spanish in Italy __________________________________
7. I didn’t take the photographs at the
1. _______Drove Mark teh car ____________?
The car was driven by Mark

2. ______ the plane flew over the airfield___________?

The plane was flown over the airfield

3. _____ how many bottles of coca do you drink per day_____________?

Two bottles of coke are drunk by him every day

4. ____ the secretary picked the flowers_______?

No, flowers aren’t picked by secretaries.

5. _sang Madona material girls ______________?

Yes, “Material Girl” was sung by Madonna.

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