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Lahore Garrison University

Name: Muhammad Faisal Bashir
Course: BSCS
Subject: Technical & Business Writing
Section: K
Roll no: 490
Teacher’s name: Miss Kalsoom Jahan
Due date: 26th Oct, 2020
My Apartment
I think home is where one can find peace, joy, and most importantly, where one can feel safe. I
live in an apartment, which is located in Lahore Medical Dental College (LMDC). It consists of
three bedrooms, one living room, one dining room and a kitchen. Therefore, it consists five
different rooms, which is an ideal apartment for a family.

Our living room is big in size. My mother decorated and furnished living room. There are many
portraits on the wall. The floor of the living room is wooden. During the day, living room is
filled with lights, so I do not need to turn on any lights. It has a large window, so that is the
reason of the lights.

The next room is our dining room. In this room, we eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Awkward about this room is sometimes our family meetings are held in this room. This room has
only one tiny window. There are many family photos in our dining room. These family photos
remind us our sweet memories.

Our kitchen is decent in size. The stove and the refrigerator are beside sink. There is a chimney
up on the stove. Chimney helps to reduce the emitted smoke during cooking. On the ceiling there
is fan which helps to keep kitchen cold during hot seasons.

We have three bedrooms. All the bedrooms are moderate in size. Our master bed is the biggest of
all three bedrooms. My room is the smallest one but it is filled with light. I love lighting very
much so that is my favorite thing about my room. My mother has decorated all the rooms. Each
room has separate bathrooms. All the bathrooms are well in size and they are well decorated.

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