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Dear Sirs:

Since I was a child I have wanted to devote myself professionally to the classical guitar. I have always
been very clear that I wanted to give concerts and share my emotions with other people. The guitar
and music in general form a big part of me, and that is why I want to continue my master's studies.

I would love to study with Zoran Dukic or Pavel Steteidl because they have always been my favourite
guitarists and I share that passion for playing that characterises them. I think they are wonderful
guitarists, but also, great musicians.

I love all periods of classical music, but especially the Spanish 20th century and contemporary music. I
also love flamenco, jazz and improvisation. And I think it's very important for the guitarist to know how
to move in all these fields, because the guitar is a very versatile instrument with different roots.

On the other hand, I am very interested in researching guitar sources and comparing them in order to
be able to approach the most faithful and correct interpretation.

To have the opportunity to receive classes from one of the most prestigious and well-known guitarists
and to know another musical education system; what would help me greatly improve my career as an

I could meet and enrich myself from a new country and culture, both professionally and personally, and
discover the country's musical movement.
In addition, it would be a great opportunity to perfect such an essential language in a musician as in
English, which complements my academic training in an extraordinary way.
Having the opportunity to study in a foreign country and leave your "comfort zone" makes you grow,
learn and enrich yourself in an incredible way.

For all these reasons, I can clearly say that this seems like an exceptional opportunity to advance with
great steps in my career as a guitarist and individually; resulting in a great preparation and experience
that will help me professionally and intellectually in the future.
I would like to take advantage of the years of the master to finish my musical training and become the
guitarist I have always wanted to be.

I would take advantage of this to travel and participate in various contests and festivals of music and
guitar in Europe. I would also love to be part of a chamber music group and carry out various projects.

When I finish my master's degree, I would like to be able to get a place as a guitar teacher in a
school, conservatory or university; and at the same time, continue playing as a concert guitarist, both
as a soloist and as a chamber musician.

Eva Calvo López

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