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Name: ................................................................ 20/11/20


Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, or c in the box.

1 I use my phone, not a , to check the time. a flashlight b watch c mirror b

2 They 22 and they’re from Canada. a are b is c aren’t a

3 Forty in numbers is . a 40 b 14 c 400 a

4 I have lots of games on my . a wallet b tablet c mirror b

5 Burak is Turkish. He’s from . a The Turkey b Turkeys c Turkey c

a Are the students in my class

6 lots of different countries. from b The students in my class b
are from c The students in my
class from are
7 Oh, no! Rain! And no ! a umbrella b mirror c glasses

8 Hi! Polish. And you? a We are from b We is c We’re

9 David is British. He’s from .

a UK b the UK c the U of K

a This is my favorite b My favorite this is

10 sport. c This my favorite is a

11 Katsuko is from Japan. She’s . a Japanes b Japan c Japanese c

a We are in class b In class we are

12 every day. a
c In class are we

13 Look in the mirror. You need a hairbrush or a .

a stamp b key c comb

14 My phones are here. a parent’s b parents c parents’

15 Elena is Spanish. She’s from . a

a Spain b Spanish c Spainish

16 “Is she a teacher?“ “No, .“ a she isn’t b she aren’t c she is

17 I love my city. museums are really interesting. a Their b Her c Its b

18 I’m cold. Where are my ? a tissues b gloves c glasses b

19 We like the English class. teacher is really nice. b

a Her b Our c Its

20 your teacher from the U.S.? b

a Is b Are c Aren’t

A2 1 Personal Best A2 © Richmond

Elementary 2018
21 My is at home. No money! a wallet b key c tablet a

22 his name Dario? c a Am b Are c Is

23 Tommy is from Dublin, in Ireland. He’s . a Irelandish b Irish c Irlandian b

24 glasses are at home. a Annas b Anna’s c Anna b

a very exciting are b exciting very are

25 Our soccer games . c are very exciting c

26 We at home today. a am not b aren’t c isn’t


a I German like b I like German b

27 . It’s an interesting language. c German I like

28 Louis is French. He’s from . a The France b Frence c France b

29 soccer team is really good. She’s a great player. a Its b His c Her c

30 The number 1,000 in words is . a one thousand b one hundred c ten hundreds a
a four thousand and sixty-eight
31 The number 468 in words is . b four hundred and sixty-eight b
c four hundred and seventy-eight

32 “Lilia, is this phone?“ “Yes, it is.“ a yours b your c you b

a wallet b change purse c

33 Your has your name, photo, and date of birth. c identity card

34 Jess is from Australia. She’s .

a Australian b British c Austrian

35 A hundred and one in numbers is . a 110 b 1001 c 101

36 This writing is very small. Here are your . a glasses b photos c sunglasses a

37 Manolo is Argentinian. He’s from . b

a Brazil b Argentina c Argentine

38 My friends Portugal.
a from b are c are from

a a good student are b is a good student c

39 You . c are a good student

40 This is my phone.
a teachers’ b teachers c teacher’s

Score out of 40

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